Using writing to get lucid

This was originally part of the following topic I have a technique, how do I control when I LD?. The origional thread was about controlling when you lucid dream, this one is for discussing the technique the person used to get lucid. Moved to Pathways from Quest. :dragon:

I am not selfish, i am in need of money right now.

And no its not mild or wild.

I was thinking and im going to give out this technique. I am not sure if it will work for anyone, so please try it and tell me if it works.


get a piece of paper and a pencil.

Write “I will have a lucid dream tonight” 50 times.

Try this and see if it will work. At first it gave me weak lucidity but every night i started on writing it i get stronger lucidity.

plz experiment with this and tell me how it goes.

Yea its a variation of MILD.
Falling asleep with the intent of having a lucid dream.
Thats all you did.
Its the same as writing ‘I will have a lucid dream tonight’ and signing your name at the bottom.
Just more time consuming.

First thing that came to my mind: why not. But OK, I’ll try it, might work… maybe because I’m writing but not tinking, it somewhat avoids conscoius brain, and by some unknown force I’ll have absoulute lucidicy tonight… :gni:

‘writing lines’ seems sorta like learning by forced suggestion rather than autosuggestion.

KragonV I find it funny you want to make money off a LD technique which you managed to explain in few lines…

I’m going to try this because i’m desperate for a LD so I can persue my goal of staying in the dream! I MUST have control of my dream at least once darnit!!!11243

same here neomarine craving for LD’s but i came across this technique never tried it… anyone else have any expeirience with this technique?

Anyone else a teeny weeny bit skeptical, or is it just me?

aye thats why i asked if anyone knew the technique

I will try it :content:
I think it could work.
Last evening I was studying my maths. I was really focussed on it. That night I dreamed about my math test. Ik think that this technique is the same. I will be really focussed on LD’s so I will dream about it.

(Should I always write I and not i?)

Yes, the word I is always capitalized, another silly thing about this language.

I kinda did something similar to this once, but I was only writing “Reality Check” hoping that I would see it in my dreams or something and do a RC. Maybe this will work a bit better.

LOL, english is such a wierd language. Half of the “rules” u are taught in school dont even work but for a few words and most of english is influenced by about 50 languages. I only learned that we had nouns and verbs and stuff when I learned french and German.

so…can anyone verify that this method works as well as is claimed? ill try it tonight and report back, but im quite skeptical about it being a sure way to attain lucidity. and whats this talk about selling it? i hope you know that would never work.

As long as you believe it will work, then the chances are it would.

Just give it a try. But i must warn you, if it does work you will be having many lucid dreams, and you will get bored of it and will want a night sleep without any lucidity.

I don’t really see how this is more than another form of MILD. It’s still just convincing yourself that you will have lucid dreams- it’s just making them happen because you beleive they can happen, unless i’m missing something…

Will somebody more motivated than me just try it?? I wan’t to know if it produces any effects before I go on my mission.

shoul’nt you write like “wake up, your dreaming!” so you remember that in your dream?

tried it last night didn’t work :bored: but how could you get bored of lucid dreaming.
Basically your saying your bored of your imagination you must not have one

Well, I tried this last night and it didn’t work, I guess I’m just LD-proof :expressionless:

I’ll try this technique and tell everyone if it works. Then again, I usually get LD’s anyway…

Well, I’ll ask two of my friends to try it too. :smile:

Why don’t I?