wake up tips

Hi everyone,

Does anyone of you have tips to wake yourself up, BUT not waking your partner up at the same time?

I used to wake up naturally at around 5 AM or got waked by my cat scratching at the door. Unfortunately my cat aint doing it no more :sad:
I was able to get out of bed and back in without waking my partner and then do my thing with LD.

I tried setting alarm on my phone with only vibration, but that doesnt wake me up.

Hope for some tips :happy:


Why not using one of the usually most annoying thing at night : natural needs! :smile:
You could for example try to drink one or two glasses of water before going to bed or a tisane. You should naturally wake up at some times.

Otherwise I know you could also try to set up a “mind alarm clock” with auto-hypnosis which is basically auto-suggestion. I’ve been trying and it actually worked quite well but depending on each person it can took more a less try before it works.

Where did you place your phone?

Have you tried to attach it to your hand?

You could use simple autosuggestion/visualisation method. Before falling asleep, simply visualize clock in your head pointing to 5 AM and tell yourself that you will wake up at the desired time. Repeat several times so it will get this in your head. For me it works surprisingly well in my case. I could wake at the exact desired time or few minutes before, quite refreshed.


thats a good idea. i will try the autosuggestion method.
probably need some practice, but i have fate in it.

thanks for the help :smile:

For Tggtt: i had the phone lying next to my head, right under my pillow. I tried it before sleeping and could feel the vibration, but guess it wasnt enough to wake me.

I move a lot during my sleep, so i was afraid i might break it if i put it somewhere else.

I must agree with the above autosuggestion methods further enhanced with a very strong visualization tech: Silva mind control.
It is a very simple method-system, with the permanent use of a private workshop and two trusted helpers, all imaginary or real, dead or living, past or present.
This visualization effect is very-very strong and works repeatedly bulls eye.
I have used it for a period in my house, enhanced with a tricky visualization request: Not to wake up at a definite time, but to be up two minutes before the return of my wife from work. About a certain time, but never the same!
Bingo! Double goal repeatedly. As if the all knowing universal mind deliberately helps me all the time…
never disappointed
Worth giving it a try but read first the basic Silva mind control.

Sorry for the late respons.
Was enjoying my vacation :blush:

Thanks for the tip about this silva mind control.
Never heard of it but it sounds very interesting