what exactley is a lucid dream like?

So I have been thinking and, I have never had a lucid dream, at least I dont think. And You know how in normal dreams its like a flahback, well the way you see stuff is like a flashback. It’s in bits and pieces. Well in lucid dreams is it like waking life where you see real good and it isnt just flash backs,. And also, in a lucid dream, you concious of having the dream, so you are in the present interacting with the dream, so it isnt just like a memory thing where you remember you dream kinda, cause your in it and you know you are so your expieriencing it? So what I mean is, you dont wake up and your like, I just was lucid right? You are in the dream and you know it so you ydont just remember it you do it?

This is a tricky question to answer,
It’s extremely hard to explain, and seems to be different for every person.
You can remember what you were thinking at the time more than in normal dreams, and usually they are much more vivid than normal dreams. Your memory of a lucid dream is more like your memory of what you did yesterday than a flashback. Things don’t look the same as real life, depending on how lucid you are, it can sometimes look more vivid than real life. Which is very cool.
You do know you’re haveing a lucid dream as it’s happening, you don’t just figure it out later. It’s a very strange feeling, especially at first, knowing that you are dreaming. A surreal experience to say the least.

I don’t think that helped much, it’s too hard to describe the feeling, but it is worth it.

I would like to add here that you also feel, smell and taste in lucid dreams. Best LD’s feels 100% real and you can act just like in real life.
So the experience is much stronger than in normal dream, but if you stay lucid for long enough, I’d say 20 minutes or more, you just can’t remember every single detail you have done in that dream, but quite much anyway.
I usually wake up after LD, and of course I know I had LD. But one time I was lazy and continued sleeping after LD and had normal dream. Luckily I remembered hours after waking up that I experinced LD in that night, that normal dream had overwritten my LD, but luckily not all of it. :smile:

I’m new to this lucid dream thing too and am wondering how detailed a lucid dream is. For example if I was in a lucid dream and decided to concentrate on a bookshelf with books on it, would it be detailed enough to where I could see the title of every different book? Also what is the feeling like? Is it just like real life or does your body create different textures that are only present in dreams?


If you stared at a bookshelf for a little while in real life, I don’t think you’d remember all the books on it, and it’s similar with lucid dreams. Also, in dreams words and letters seem to never stay the same. But the detail is the same as real life.

Tactile sense, for me at least, is much greater in an LD, and textures feel ‘ultra-real’. I can remember these much easier than things I’ve just seen in a dream.

For me, the environments and senses are intensly realistic, often more so than real life (if that even makes sense), while the situations are very surreal.


I want to add,a LD don´t HAS to be more intense and vivid.Most people say there LDs are,but my own ones are very much like the “normal” dreams.Ok,sometimes they are more vivid,but sometimes they are blurry and “foggy”.
Still,i just love lucid dreaming :smile:

You really experience them the moment you go lucid.Often i feel how my dreams slips and i wake up,there is no “empty space” between this.You are standing in the dreamworld,then you recognize that everything seems unstable and you begin to feel your body.It is like being awake an dreaming at the same time,then your perception changes again and you feel that you have left dreamworld…

Ok,it is impossible to really describe it.Of course,now my lucid dreams are just memories.But i think i know what you want to ask,and the answer is:
Yes,lucid dreams are more than memories


as everyone said its hard to describe. I remember when I first had my LD and thought…“WOW…everything feels like as if Im awake”. Infact the only thing different in my dream was the fact that my dream room was alot cleaner then my real room.

Ive also enjoyed going to bed more now. I look forward to it and cant wait to wake up and write them down. For some reason my stress level has also gone down (dont ask me why). The training and waiting for a Lucid Dream my be annoying but its well worth it.

Sometimes when I was lucid I just stopped for a while and stared intensely to nearby bushes or trees or grass just to see all the details. And it was just like looking at bushes in the physical world. Exactly the same. I can’t say the amount of details is high or low, I can only say it’s just AS IN REAL LIFE.

Unfortunately as a side effect of staring I got deconcentrated which led to loss of lucidity shortly afterwards… :sad:

But I did see what I wanted to see.

There are different levels of lucidity… in my experience anyway. The three or four lucid experiences that I had were relatively low level. I became aware that I was dreaming and things seemed sharper and more vivid (not quite as vivid as the waking world however) for a short while but I kept feeling myslef slipping back into a regular dream state… a curious feeling. I would have to fight it and concentrate to stay lucid.

I look forward to a full-on, high level lucid dream.

For me, WILD’s are the most incredible experiences. Because you become ‘conscious’ so soon after falling asleep, you experience things VERY vividly… I mean the vibrations, the feeling of leaving your body etc are 100% ‘realistic’.

Once you’re in a dream, it depends… if you become highly lucid, do the ‘spinning’ technique and manage to hold on to high lucidity, then there is no comparison to normal dreams. The feeling of actually BEING there in the dreamworld is just… indescribable. :grin:

I suppose this comes under ‘how does it feel?’
In my second lucid dream i actually felt 2 bodies, my dream body and my real life body in the bed sleeping- although i could only control my dream body. It was a very weird experience.

Also i think i should mention here that some people have a lucid dream and they get very frightened of it-enough to give up lucid dreaming.

In my first LD i was uncontrollably scared (more scared then i have ever been in real life) but as soon as it ended i wanted to go back into it!

This is such a great question; what does it feel like?

Here’s a “real life” example. You’re walking down the street thinking about the movie you just saw. Suddenly a bird flys in front of you. You kind of “wake up” and follow the bird, try to see what kind of bird, etc. That “waking up” is lucidity.

Now, do it in a dream.

In an LD I usually feel like I’m doing a balancing act, the thing I’m balancing is my attention. I have to keep a little tiny part of self-awareness, but keep the majority of my attention on my surroundings. If I think too much (too much self-awareness) it becomes a normal dream. But if I put all my attention on my surroundings, the same thing happens. Weird, but that’s how it works for me.

Think about roller-coaster rides, sky diving, looking around from the top of a mountain. However that feels to you, that’s how an LD feels. In most cases the first one is very short and you wake up almost immediately. But there won’t be any doubt that you have just had an LD.

Makes me wish I could experience my first one over again.

Dream Well