i just had an idea about creating dream friends

when you become lucid in a dream, do you think there is anyway to create a friend who you can create every time you have a lucid dream… like the next time u have a lucid dream he comes back and is like “good job you had another ld, what do you wanna do now?”

any thoughts?

Other question: wouldn’t it be possible to make a friend in your lucid dream and ask him/her to come back as soon as you have a NORMAL dream and then MAKE YOU LUCID??? Would be great if someone has done this before; if it really works, then we would have a cool LILD-technique!

LILD = Lucid dream-initiated Lucid Dream, influencing the dreamworld in a lucid dream so that dream world helps you to become lucid in a normal dream (a new one for the dictionary :wink: ).

I’ve read about how to create friends in your dreams, but BrainHackers idea is awesome! I wonder if it would work?

I’ll post about how to make a friend later. I have it in a book.

Great idea!

That would be the psychological equivalent of the string around your finger as memory aid. Creating your own dreamsigns consiously! Interesting and certainly worth a try! :smile:

that is a cool idea! never thought of that

This’s only slightly related to this topic, but I hate starting new ones :content:

When I first started all this dreaming stuff, I had an idea to tell my dog “when you see me in a dream, tell me I’m dreaming” (really talking to my subconcious)
Theoritically if this worked, it should work well. I’d know it’s the truth because dogs don’t talk, and I couldn’t do the same thing with a person anyway, cause they’d think i’m crazy asking such a strange question.

But strangely my dog has never appeared in any dreams I’ve had.

This is a really cool idea! Will have to try it out as soon as I can.

Well i must say that this is one of the best dream related idea i’ve heard, to create your own lucidity alarm clock inside you, a person that will tell you that it is just a dream. But wouldn’t that mean that this person/dreamsign would have to have a mind of it’s own, or would you just program him to do just this? If it would have a mind of it’s own, wouldn’t there be a little risk of your mind having two personalities? You create another personality inside your own, and you would never know what it is thinking? And this of course could lead to this personality taking over your body in real life! :devil: Now that would be a good movie… maybe i’m just overthinking this, anyway good idea. :smile:

LOL, that would be a great movie, an LD-variant of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde :smile:) . But I don’t think this could happen IRL, the human mind is far too complicated… actually there are zillions of UNCONSCIOUS “thought”-processes active in “your” brain RIGHT NOW without you being aware of it :devil: . Our consciousness receives only a fraction of the total information processing because our brain engages in an ENORMOUS filtering operation.

Anyway, I didn’t try the method yet because I’m in a dry period :silent: . You already have to reach high-lucidity if you want to do something like this… But I believe in this method, you could also try to “program” your dreams in self-hypnosis when you’re awake but here is a method of influencing your subconsciousness while you have direct access to it! I think LD’s are the ultimate state of consciousness for hypnosis, because in this state you have superb visualization skills (and that’s an understatement), the right brainwaves (theta and alpha) AND direct access to subconsiousness. Maybe this could be a solution for the people who are not susceptible to hypnosis when they’re awake? I’m going to make this “string-around-your-finger”-method a top priority for my next high-lucid dream, I hope I won’t forget this…

Not only is this “string-around-your-finger”-method possibly good to obtain future LDs, but it may help you remain lucid throughout that LD. I love the idea of this LILD technique.

PS: the dictionary was updated today with LILD and several others, with more to come. :smile:

You ask if one could create and program an LD friend to use as a type of “lucid alarm clock?” I say, yes , you can :cool: . You see, I have made not just a friend, but an entire alterinate reality in my dreamscape. A world with people , culture , civilizations , and events that occur naturally. My comic MadWorld is what I’m talking about.Yes, I actually made a comic book about the dreams I have. All the characters in my comic are in my dreams, and they all stay true to the personalities I gave them. Only thing is, I don’t use them as an LD alarm clock, just for my entertainment. Heh, this sound far-fetched :nervous: but it’s true. So yes. It can be done. All of you try this it’s great.

You already have to be a good LD’er to try this, but if it works it could be THE technique for staying lucid whole nights! I am still too busy with reaching the LD-state on a regular basis, but I hope to try the LILD-technique very soon. Anyone who is able to reach a highly lucid state very regularly, please try this, maybe we have found a technique which could make you a lucid dream-machine :cool:

Glad I could help. Try making a dream comic maybe like me…

I was thinking about the word “create” and guess there might be easier way.It is not new idea,i remember similar one somwhere between old post.
As creating in lds is annoyingly difficult you could use a simple trick.Just once you lucid get into the taxi and tell the driver:to my dream guide castle please":)Or the shopkeeper for a newest magazine"dream guides directory":slight_smile:

Hehe i know it might sound funny if not crazy…but wont hurt to try:)

ps.i know it requres an ld first…but once you find your guide it should be much easier for next ld:)

Hmmm, sorry if I sound… ahem… too mellow here, but another good way to do this is to find in the dream someone you really really like, someone you really trust, and ask him/her to come back in a non-lucid dream and make you lucid. I think this would be the best “dream guide” like Jack calls it. Don’t forget we are doing some kind of hypnosis here, we are walking in our subconsciousness and influencing the future of our dreams. Let’s choose someone we are emotionally attached to in a positive way, because this will influence your sunconsciousness much more deeply than just creating a person… I’m sure everybody dreams regularly about someone he/she likes (or not :eh: ?), make meeting this person and asking the question the most important objective of your LD’s. Repetition is very important in waking life hypnosis, so it could be important not to give up after one try and repeat the method in the following LD’s.

Well BrainHacker you’re right. But the characters I made in my dreamscape ARE important to me. I’ve had them so long I’ve become quite emotionally attached to them. I trust them more so than I do reality people. So nyah :razz: . Try doing that, making a dreamscape character that important to you. :wink:

My last lucid dream wasn’t very high level (yet highest that I have had) but I did manage to create a girl by expecting her to be there when I turned around. I found that this is much easier to do than to just say let there be someone there and poof.
For instance, you could expect there to be a powerful Oneiromancer or Dream of the Endless standing behind you and when you turn around and he’s there, ask him to cast a spell on you to increase your lucidity or your ability to dream lucidly. I dunno… something like that. Programming your own dream cue… nice idea.
Anyone who goes lucid should be able to do this provided they could remember amidst the excitement of becoming lucid that they wish to do so. Thats my problem… so many things I want to do and I get so excited that I can’t choose a starting place.

Be interested in hearing someone’s experiences with this technique though. Someone try it and report back.