Power limits

Recently, In my LD’s my powers have increased dramatically. I have no idea why, they just have. One thing that I couldn’t do though was destroy a house. I tried to “force push” it over, but my powers were too weak.

Does anyone have any techniques to increase their power?

There are no standard techniques for better flying, increased powers and such. It’s all in YOUR mind, so you have to find out.

If you believe you can’t push the house over, you can’t push it over. It’s that simple. Maybe some technique works for somebody, but that won’t guarantee that it will work for you.

Just make something up and believe in it. I guess that’s the only standard technique that works :wink:

Good luck!

In last night’s LD I tried to “use the force” to move objects around. I tried and tried but wasn’t able to move anything, after that I just thought of something else and just waved my fingers and what you know, I was able to move objects in air and rotate them, just like in Star Wars. At least for me it looks like I shouldn’t pay too much attention. Just let it happen.

although i haven’t been able to test my power to the fullest extent, i’ve been pretty much been able to do what i want with ease. the other night i had an ld where i walked out of my house and immediately thought of flying. just the thought sent me rocketing into the air.
the only time i couldn’t do this one thing is when i tried to bring two 2 dimensional characters into my dimension in my dreamscape (calvin and hobbes). i really need longer lds :silent:

Just like Hypnodude and others have said. You have to fully believe.

I remember flying in my dreams since I was a small child. So now in my LDs flying is just as simple as walking. I expect to fly when I go to fly. And expecting is fully believing. So when you want to push over a house, expect results.

I’ve never thought of trying telekinsis until I read some discussions about it on this forum. Now I have been practicing that. My first try was a little “bumpy” and I didn’t feel comfortable with the objects I levitated. They would grow a mind of their own and go flying off. But now I’m getting better. :wink:

Keep trying and believe…maybe also do something like make a drink apear and drink it and thinki that this drink will “recharge” your powers…I dont know…just a thought

I would say, try again. Test different concentrations.
And this is a perfect example how the subcounsiosness is mantaining the sourroundings in your dream. Just try to “convince” the subconsiosness that you can destroy things.
The dream is just about exepations. If you dont expect that the house, or whatever will do what you want, it will not happen. But if you expect something, it will happen. like flying. Everyone have dreamt or LDed that they have flewn in a 747 right? it isnt that possible, due to we KNOW that 747 flies. But ourselves? we must first convince our subconsiusness that we can do theese things. :smile:

I’m fully aware of this. I was expecting to blow the house over, and was actually surprised when it didn’t. I guess I should visualise what it would look like.

ok, I would say you need to be somewhat reasonable in what you expect. I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “blow the house over.” Did you want it to crumble like a "Jenga"© :wink: tower, or were you huffing and puffing like the 3 little pigs? Or maybe you wanted to flip it over like Fred Flintstones car? If so, you answered your own question with “I should visualise what it would look like.”

LDs allow you do the impossible, but only what your mind can comprehend. We can imagine flying, morphing, telekinsis, or walking through walls. Because our brains can imagine or visualize what those things would be like. Some of our TV shows have even provided our brains with visuals of what these things would be like. But, how about “throwing a mountain”, “swallowing the ocean”, or “pushing over a house.” Those things just seem hard to visualize, therefore more difficult for the brain to create or imagine. Not impossible, just difficult.

So I would say start small. Heh, Maybe push over Smurf house. but not Daisey’s ofcourse. :wink: :happy: Also, the ol’ saying “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” applies to LDs too. So if one side of the house doesn’t want to be “pushed” over, try the other side.

My .02¢

PS and OT: I seem to be holding a cartoon and fairytale theme throughout this post. :confused: Where did that come from. :wink:

I know. I meant blow it over, similar to hurricane footage that i’ve seen :smile: .

If I remember I’ll try it again tonight.

One day i was talking to someone about the possibilities of what you can do in your Ldreams. We came up with things like telepathy, telekanesis, morphing things into other things, transporting yourself, making things appear out of thin air, making things disapear.

anyway the next ld after that i was able to transport myself, make a tv and 2 very cool cars appear in my front yard, make my sister disappear because she was annoying me and morph a piece of paper into a plate of fish and chips. (i didn’t eat them, but now i wish i did)

My advice is simple-picture in your mind you doing it then do it, don’t think you’ll try to do it just think you’ll do it . just like walking, you don’t think i’ll try to walk now, you just do!


My advice is simple-picture in your mind you doing it then do it, don’t >think you’ll try to do it just think you’ll do it .

Ok Yoda,may the force be with you :tongue:

sorry,had to say this gg


I like yoda-maybe next time i will turn myself into him!

:tongue: <-- Yoda

(I wasn’t accutally thinking of Yoda at the time- but yes it is a good comparison to make)

P.S. You must see Star Wars Episode II if you haven’t already.

I suggest you do this:

Use the Word application and make a Scroll of [your spell here] and print it and bend it as a scroll.

Incubate it to your dream (by holding it while you sleep) and then use it. Since it has the spell effects imbued in your dreams, it will work. :smile: