how does temperature,time,etc effect LD?

Yes Insanegoth lower temp then 21 degrees celcius would increase lds
(not decrease) more then higher temps indeed.

Mm the bad thing about taking melatonin is that your brain adepts because in the capsules or tablets is way more melatonin then what your body produce.
A French scientist found out that older ppl only need 0.3 mg of melatonin to have a normal melatonin level again.


Actually, according to this information lower temperatures would increase your likeliness of having a lucid dream - since in temps above 21 your Melatonin productions takes a dive.

This is interesting. I actually have a rather severe reaction to cold, and anything below 20 usually has me curled up fantasizing about wandering the luxuriously warm corridors of Hell. Maybe I’m affecting my progress negatively by using whatever means available to increase the temp in my room to something a little less unbearable. I’m happy at about 28 degrees.

Lol Atheist are you sure your not a very above average intelligent crocodile dressed as a human?

Lol or a Boatheist or Pythoneist?


oopsie - no wonder i’m confused.

I could have swarn that said below when i read it before hehe. (4am here getting fuzzy ignore me lol)

i am always cold and i dont go lucid all the time lol,maybe its not the temp but it is what ur body is used to. Cause i know a few people whole live in hot countrys who go lucid a lot :smile:



I normally sleep at 24 degrees… using an air conditioner when it’s very hot (which it usually is these times).

Perhaps I should decrease by a degree… I wouldn’t like to decrease to 20 because it will be somewhat cold and uncomfortable!

I read somewhere that cold temperatures cause you to have nightmares… I assumed this wasn’t true 100% of the time, but does anyone have any ideas on whether or not that is correct?

That’s why eskimos don’t like to sleep. :smile:

Well your melatonin production is higher at lower temperatures, but nightmares hmmm no idea.
Maybe time to disguise as a steak and sleep in my freezer and find out lol

Lol Daysong iam a cool guy but i wont try sleeping that cool unless indeed iam invited by eskimo’s :happy:
So i probably never will find out :sad:



I’ve got good results with

a) an open window
b) Sleeping/Napping in the morning/afternoon time
c) having a noise source somewhere in the room
d) the cold and ‘lukewarm’ months (fall, winter, spring)

some explanations:

to a)
An open window lowers the temperature and floods the room with fresh air, which I think makes the brain a little more active. And, according to Jeff, it even highers the melatonin level.

to b)
Sleeping/napping in the morning and/or the afternoon is very good for LD’s because, firstly you are more aware, and secondly your REM cycles are longer (and even might kick in right away)

to c)
Well, I noticed that when I have a noise source in my room, I get more dreams/remember more dreams. I dunno why, but according to the others, the distraction could make your brain more aware (awake). My computer runs all night long, and it’s quite loud.

to d)
Well, that’s mainly because of the temperature. I can simply sleep better if it’s not hot.

In my dorm room the thermostat is broken, and so the only setting is “extremely hot”. I am forced to keep my window cracked a bit, which makes an unsilenceable loud whistle noise. Maybe this could be killing three birds with one stone, by having a noise source in the room, lowering the temperature, and providing fresh air. Just an idea for other people out there that have hot rooms and noisy windows :bored:

Whoa I didn’t know being cool would increase your chances of a LD. I always turn the heat up and wake up sweating but I had a lucid dream. Actually I don’t wake up sweating unless its a lucid dream.

Me too. Every single time I wake up from a lucid dream I’m sweating a lot more than what is normal to me, and I feel very warm.

Also, as far as I can remember I wake up on my back after most of my LDs.

I find 15c a comfortable room temperature for sleeping…

Well Metal Head thats relative because with heat u sleep less deep so that also will influence your dreams, so also lucidity :smile:
But its true in cold your melatonin productions is at its highest.


turns on the air

night time :dream:

Also, does time of day affect it? For instance, when I go to bed around 1 or 2 AM, I have MUCH more vivid dreams than when I go to bed at a more ‘reasonable’ hour, like 11PM. Any thoughts?

I usually remember more dreams if it’s cold since i keep waking up all the time.

Yes Epik it does! Strongly even because we have a biorythm based on melatonin. The melatonin production is not the same all fo the day.


I’ve experimented with both the amount of light and temperature.

I’ve found with no light(zero, no alarm clock, no door crack, nothing) sleep became very deep and dream recall was drastically reduced.

When the temperature was hot 24-26C once again sleep was deep and dream recall was reduced.

When the temperature was 20-22C dream recall was excellent and the tendancy to wake up more during the night washroom breaks and to record dreams was increased.

I’ve been monitoring these two factores since I began my LD research and I believe they play an important role. The actual temperature or amount of light is not important but finding the “sweet” spot is. Hence recording temperature and light quantity in your dream journal could help you find the “Sweet” spot and clues to a reliable technique.