Advanced Lucid Dreaming

Your abilities are really astonishing Jeff! :happy: Amazing story!!
I’m wondering… this NDE world below deep sleep… could it have been some kind of projection into higher spiritual levels, above the astral? You probably know that yogi know of 7 spiritual levels/energy bodies. The astral plane is the third one. So perhaps you visited the higher mental or buddhic planes? Somewhere I read about people who visited these higher planes where they felt an overwhelming love and they heard truly incredible music and saw the most beautiful nature you could ever imagine. Some even encountered higher spiritual entities. But when they came back to our ordinary world, they could never find the correct words to describe it all. The higher the level, the more abstract and unifying/transforming everything will be.
You’re véry gifted Jeff! Good luck with your next adventures! :happy:

Does NDE include a bright light and tunnel?

I saw on a discovery channel show that NDE’s are just a release of a chemical can’t remember why it was released but anyway, this chemical was released or mimiced with ketemine as well which people who are on it also tend to see bright light and tunnel refered to as K hole by users and people who have experienced both K and NDE say they are very similar and extroadinary.

Jeff, that’s quite amazing but I gotta ask, how dangerous is this?

So… what would happen if while in the NDE stage, you “let go” again? Is there a level of consciousness beyond that? And has anyone gone through the tunnel?

jeff, i’d really appreciate it if you would elaborate some more on your technique “mix of self hypnosis, meditation, chackra meditation”… could you describe the steps you take? and on what chackra do you meditate? all of them? only the 3rd eye? and what do you do, open, close, breathe colors, etc…

so you do selfhypnosis in a LD, that’s a cool idea, never thought of that :cool: - you do that the same as IRL - that is you lie down, relax etc? interesting! can you also give maybe an example dream of this? Or DM7?

Yes i will answer tonight Pasquale…i have to give several answers here to ppl still…so tonight ill answer them all :wink:

Now of to a date with a nice ehm rl girl lol :grin:


No its not worrying me Raging_Canadian because of my talent and because I always listen to my instincts and intuition!
So when they say stop I stop…i dont listen to ego here…that would be quite foolish and dumb and unpractical.

So I go as far as I have control…meaning iam not raging into it as some Canadians might do :grin: But always let me guide by my instinct and intuition.


Yes Mystic!
After experiencing this I cant believe in the idea that dead is dead.
When you experience consciousness from waking to a NDE and also all levels that are in between those, you never can believe that again.
How ever I must say that ppl make to much fuzz about it…because either way you still are bound to live your life as always, just from here and now! :wink:


So, you’re saying that the experience of your brain preparing for death in it’s documented flurry of activity and associated feelings, visions, etc has caused you to believe there is ‘life’ after death? I’d like to hear more about your reasons for concluding this.

If I’ve learned anything from my time with lucid dreaming, it’s that you can’t underestimate your subconscious. It can provide you with experiences that blow away everything you’ve witnessed before – and the best part is, the more we look, the less we require supernatural explanations to account for it.

I HAVE to agree with Jeff. After you see that, your persective of death is totally changed. When I experienced that earlier when I was younger (not on purpose though)… I never really liked to use that word, “death” anymore. For me, it’s just a transforming experience. Something to “graduate” from, but not as an ending experience. A lot of ppl seems to think that death means that’s it. It’s the end. Void. Blank. No consciousness. Everything is lost. But you have to experience it first to see what I mean though. I totally agree with Jeff.

Anyways, sweet dreams. :biggrin:

Morphius you see the white light like 10.000 watts of white neon spots aimed at you…at first its blinding…yes also the tunnel…the last time i was there i saw at the end of the tunnel a landscape of beautiful nature. I can now move closer to the end of the tunnel still I always listen to my instincts and intuition.

Ketamine is an old anaesthetic…these days they use it still at polar bears…to tag them.
Its not true that ketamine always gives this experience!
That listens to the dosage you take from it…if you take a very strong dosage…and then i mean at least as much as ppl did get for surgery in the old days…prob more even…indeed you go through the same experience.
That is not so weird, because take even a little more ketamine and yes! You are really dead then! Died…zip!
That ketamine NDE experience is not hallucinating close to death…it is close to death!
I have tried it because of this…took first small dosages…then lol its just as being drunk…no joke…well close to it at least. but i never to more because you cant feel if you suffocate if you have something in your throat and i have cystic fybrosis and my coughing and mucus could kill me then.
So i found it to risky to take more…especially because you cant move your arms or leggs or body…your really paralysed then. So i didnt go all the way with this, to risky in my case…Iam brave but not dumb!

But it aint a hallucination nde with ketamine…because its an anaesthetic u really can die from it and the ketamine nde is close to real death.

That’s exactly my point - have you experienced death? Has Jeff experienced death? Of course not, the only people who have aren’t here to tell of it. Let’s not confuse the erratic brain activity that indicates impending death (NDE) with the end result itself, after which time your mind is no longer capable of producing the aforementioned effects, nor perceiving or acknowledging them.

That is, of course, only the case if you trust your brain to be the sole carrier of your existence. Just providing my personal view. :tongue:

Your brain waves go almost COMPLETELY FLAT when you have a NDE. So how can you prove that I am “dreaming” it when it happened?

Perhaps you have some explainations for that, but I have a strong belief in this. I can’t deny it.

Learjet it is dangerous for me because i have cystic fybrosis, i have had several times at sleep that i suddenly get a lung bleeding…when that would happen when iam in such an experience the blood would suffocate me without noticing it! So i would not wake up from it…so thats where the real danger lies for me…understand?


So you can’t kill yourself while trying this, only if someone or something external kills you, right? Because it would really suck if I stopped my heart while doing this.

Fear :help:

Jeff, it is possible that if you, whilst inducing the NDE, go too low and deep and hence die?


If you let go you go through the tunnel totally Sage.
Yes Sage may ppl had Nde while in hospital under the influence of a anaesthetic while under surgery. somewhat like 75% had beautiful experiences of a beautifull world and 25% had a sort of hell experience and are very afraid of death, sort of trauma.
Yogi of the far east call this a reaL obe.
They say there are seven sleep stages and deep sleep in only number 4
and at the end of deep sleep between fourth and fifth level is the real obe level. So far all they told i really must admit i experienced also in those sleep levels…some details u cant know if u havent been there yourself…because there is a detail i never told here…sort of check when i talk to ppl to see if they know what they are talking about.
But all the yogi said of the far east i really experienced so far.


The operative word there is “almost.” It would seem that just a few brain waves are capable of generating quite an experience. I like to believe there is -something- after death, but I don’t think we’ll ever have any evidence. :neutral:

Jeff, you’ve got me interested in these 7 levels. I have to go and find out what you’re talking about. :smile:

I’ve read too many books written by professionals not to be open minded about NDE’s.

I guess my “dangerous” comment was more like what Infection0 and Ceavou are saying.

I mean if you get to the end of the tunnel and it looks so good on the other side that you don’t want to come back - that sort of risk. Though I have read of people being “sent back” so maybe it’s not entirely up to the person having the NDE.

These 7 sleep levels… are they related to the 7 spiritual bodies from yogi and sufi tradition?? It seems like there’s a relationship.