Random Stoned Thought Number 1:

The dinosaurs were eliminated because they were clearly not going to solve the mystery of existance.

Contradiction: What about todays animals? I dont think that a beaver is ever going to solve the mystery of existance. So ha!

We mammals havent been given long enough in charge to be disqualified yet

Damn, a beaver is a rodent! Is it? Anyway, I don’t give beavers long.

I’ll leave it to someone else to do a beaver joke.

Im very interested in beavers and i hope to spend all my life among them.I just hope they will live at least as long as me:)

Heh that will do nicely Jack.

Yeah sorry about this thread, I kind of forgot about it in the haze.

Excellent. Very well put, Thought Provoking. I give it a 10!

  • feed_my_BRAIN