Can you bring back objects from your dreams?

No prob :smile:

It’s very good that you look at these stories from different angles. But Alexandra David-Neel was a highly respected mystic, not some ordinary wannabe-spiritual person. Some even called her “the most astonishing woman of our time”. She lived with shamans, hermits and other wise people, who learned her the secret teachings of Tibet (which include for instance materialization techniques, OBEing, telepathy and even tantric sex :wink: ). She was even the first woman to become a Tibetan lama, which says quite a lot I guess.
Here’s a short description of her life:

The description of God as described in the Bible is indeed full of contradictions and such. This has probably to do with some major influences on the Bible’s authors (especially the ones of the first few books) by other civilizations and their Gods. More specifically, there are many Babylonian and Sumerian influences to be found in the first five books of the Bible, simply because those parts were written during the Babylonian Captivity. Thus you get a mixture of aspects of different Gods, now placed in a whole new culture, the Hebrew one. The original “man-like” Gods became alienated from their true origins, and after many centuries, only a picture of one single abstract God is all that remains left.
Yes you can argue about all this, but quite frankly this isn’t the point. As someone else already said, the existence of God, no matter how He is depicted, doesn’t rely on the Bible. Those are just books filled with words. If you truly want to know about God, you have to search for Him yourself. Search deep inside yourself and follow your intuition. Only your own experience is what really matters. Those holy books (and religious practices) such as the Bible are only guides. They can help you to understand some fundamental principles about humanity, but it’s always you who have to walk the Path in search for God, if you know what I mean.

Now, back on the topic. Bringing back objects from a dream is really not so different as psychokinesis for instance: in both cases you use your thoughts, concentration and perhaps visualization to inflict a physical effect. I think psychokinesis is a lower level of materialization: your thoughts influence the behaviour of air molecules in such way that they’re able to influence certain objects. Materialization is a further condensation of atoms in a certain way, given by your thoughts, thus resulting in an actually visible object. Lately there’s been some studies which show some slight evidence that psychokinesis might exist after all. IF this phenomenon should indeed exist, then the idea of bringing back objects from dreams doesn’t seem so fantastic anymore. It’s just psychokinesis on a stronger level and from a different perspective.

“It’s just psychokinesis on a stronger level and from a different angle.”

Just!Lol…what an optimistic point of view:)

Hehe forget about the “just” then :wink: But I guess you get the idea right?

And let’s not forget about the whole StarGate project where the US millitary used to get remote viewers to give them intel on installations in Russia amongst other countries.

Or the guy that help the Police find a bomb in a building while not being near it.

Or the guy that gave a detailed map of a russian millitary installation yet has never left the country. (possibly part of stargate)

you can read about loads of documented evidence on Google if you search there’s even TV documentaries.

Hi all, thanks all again for your many posts, you wrote so much and i read so slow and i not understand every word becouse my english is not so good, but i will try to reply for your questions.

Again as i said earlier i can’t photo myself bringing the objectcs from my dreams becouse it’s very dark in my room and also i’m cover with a blanket, so camera is not very good idea, Infra-red camera will not help becouse it’s see only hot objects like animals and people, it cannot see a cold object in the dark and also under my blanket. I know for sure, more than a milion percents that the objects are from my dreams not only becouse i know for abselutly 100% that we never had them at home but also becouse i remember SO GOOD that i was holding them in my hands INSIDE THE DREAM (a lucid dream) and a few seconds later without loosing my consciousness at all i was awake in my bed holding in my hands THE SAME object exactly from my dream, it’s not that i was waking and just find it in my hands, i first holded it in the dream and i remember that as i remember what i was doing this morning.

My goal from the first place was not to come here and try to prove you that i’m telling the true, my aim is only to get your help and advice, maybe now that you know about this ability you can try it yourself and i hope that some of you will succeed also with bringing an object from her or his dream, that would be great! again i’m not trying to prove anything here, if someone not believing me it’s really OK i would think the same thing if i was here 3-4 years ago, i don’t blaming you even for bit.

As i said i don’t have digital camera and i don’t know of anyone who have and can give it to me, also i’m not sure that i want to take pictures of the objects and show it here on the forum, maybe it’s better to keep them for myself at this time, showing them to the all world would not be something smart step for me to do, i’m not sure that i want to do that even if i was having a digital camera, my aim is not prove anything, but i just to get help and ideas.

Thanks really very much for helping, i will continue reading you.


I’m sorry Dark Matter but I don’t think that remote viewing has anything at all to do with creating physical objects using your mind.

I came up with one other solution to the problem which is still slightly far-fetched maybe but it’s worth noting…

We take in serious amounts of information from the outside world (or the real world) while we are dreaming. A lot of what is in RL is incorporated directly into our dreams. Perhaps someone like a brother or sister is placing these items in her hand and they are somehow being incorporated into her dreams. I know this is a long shot, plus why would they do it, how would they know to do it and stuff. But still, it’s a possibilty. It’s also a possibility that she can really do it.

I wonder if such objects can have some mysterious abilities.Like maybe holding them while sleeping could cause one to ld more often?or help in vividness?in precognitions?dont know but i know id love to have such a thing just for a minute in my hands.
take care

neither do i pedro whats your point?

Not far fetched at all, Pedro. Very good.
A prank, perhaps, but Anna is the victim.

Wow that is the most sarcasm I ever heard in one go lol!

But Anna’s right, everyone here is talking about themselves and in my opinion being very egocentric. Stop talking about your viewpoints. There has been debates about what you guys have been arguing about for centuries now, and between far more intellegent people then any of us here. You really think you can settle the issue in a thread of a internet forum? Everyone should keep their viewpoints to themselves and not tear this forum apart with polemical issues like the existance of god. Remember what this thread was created for.

But back to my point, Anna, my question to you is what is your goal of posting here. Are you afraid to continue doing what you been doing [if you are telling the truth] and want help to stop it? Or are you curious and want others to confirm your experiences?

EDIT: Oh and good theory Pedro, very sensible.

I agree - we are not here to do polemics or fight.
I must also note that we have one thing in common - we are interested in
lucid dreaming. So this topic is extremely of interest, however it turns out.

Actually, I was only referring to those views based upon the Bible. But, yeah, God as a perfect, omnipotent, benevolent creator just doesn’t fit with the current state of the world. Read a philosophy book. No, read a legitimate philosphy book.

As far as a god existing, some creator, yeah. I could believe that. I don’t believe it, but I don’t disbelieve it. But yeah. It could be.

And the 2000 years was a reference to that point in time in the Bible. The Bible claims the universe was created in 6 days, not 2000 years, and Creationists preach (not teach. It’s not a science.) that the earth is 6000 years old.

See? And you thought I didn’t know my stuff…

Alright. I’m freakin’ tired of this thread. I said in the beginning that I believe Anna is lying or crazy. (I also believe clarkkent is lying or crazy).

I’m sick of this religious debate, so I’m going to say a few more things, then never post in this thread again.

Many take the Bible as a literal historical document. It’s not. That’s all for that.

If you don’t take it as a literal historical document, kudos to you. When I say that I don’t believe in God, I don’t mean I don’t believe in a god, just not Jehovah, Yahweh, GOD, The Lord, etc. I said in my post that God is not what the Bible claims he is. You people even quoted me and then proceeded to yell at me for saying there was no god because of the Bible. But moving on…

Just because you read something in a book doesn’t make it true. People wrote these books. Often, of course not always, people who just want to make money off of other people who they feel are inferior and easy targets. Just watch out for these folks.

I maintain that ESP is bunk. Some psychic somewhere in the world would want the money. It’s that simple. For a million dollars, you could do a few tests. This is America, and they can’t force you to stay or use you like a lab rat. You take the test, claim your prize, and go home.

This should go without saying, but I realize that these are my opinions and not hard facts, but for the most part my opinions are based on hard facts. I won’t say something as if it’s concrete unless all the evidence I’ve seen points that way. In some other post I said, “I’ve heard not dreaming can make you crazy, but I haven’t seen any data.” I was pretty damn sure that was true, but I haven’t seen any numbers, so I said I was unsure.

Ok. Freakin’ done. And I refuse to discuss religion on this board again (which will make some of you happier anyway). I’ll just point to when you say something ludicrous.

Oh yeah, I just gotta call Squall on this…

Haha! Remember that’s the whole point of a message board, to compare your opinions with other people and discuss so as to arrive at some place better than where you started. If we didn’t talk about our opinions, we’d probably just post what books and hyperlinks people should check out. That’s what Google and Amazon are for. And these questions of existence and the boundaries of the human mind aren’t dead. Just because they’re old doesn’t mean they’re exhausted.

And if this thread gets locked because a few of us are disagreeing, seriously, I weep for its users. If we can’t disagree on something without being silenced, then this little community isn’t something I want to be a part of anyway.

And I’m out. :sleep:

Nerdcore. I have noticed that in a lot of your posts in this firum you play angery a lot. takea look at the profanity one. I do not belive that not posting here is the right thing to do, as it is running from a problem, i think that a change of attuide might help you.

Well Anna Now that all this fighting is over ( i seriously hope) i might try and do what you ask. I will try it as well, to bring back objects from the dream. Pedro i kno that you are trying this, how goes?

Anna might you inform us on the how. or the way that you do it, just holding is one thing but there must be more to it then that.

Well i will try it and if i cant do it then i cant, but that doesnt mean that you cant. I cant run 100m in under ten seconds, doesnt mean someone else cant.

So i will see what i can do :happy:

Pedro posted in his diary that he didn’t manage to bring anything.

That wasn’t clear from your post but I strongly disagree with your thinking that the only evidence for God comes from the bible. There aren’t contradictions in the generic view of God, unless if you get into the God of the gaps, religion, man-made interpretations like perfection, etc. If you know some strong arguments against the basic view of God I would be willing to consider it, I have yet to see any. Most philosophical arguments against God seem to be attacking religious interpretation of it. Do you think the only legitimate philosophical material is from a materialistic view? Or what philosophy are you trying to support?

My mistake I don’t know why I put 2000. Before I thought they claimed 10000 but it’s extremely unlikely with what science has discovered about the universe. From what I’ve seen about NDEs the information brought back is also in contradiction with the literalist view of creation. Here is a page about NDEs and the problems in the literal creationist view, it also references the skeptics annotated bible:

I don’t think that I just don’t agree with most of your opinions on this subject.

r3mot thanx for that :happy: i didnt know taht he had posted that cheers


I once had a short LD where I sort of tried to bring something back but it didn’t work at all. I was at a dinner table mentally controlling others conversations while holding a wine glass. I could tell I was losing the dream but I held onto the glass, next my vision was gone. I could still feel the glass in my hand and I tried to keep it as long as possible even though I had no vision. Then there was a brief loss of consciousness where I lost it and woke up.

Hey nerdcore and everyone, you know there is a topic designated purely for god talks? Lets try to keep this on topic.
From the skeptic point of view: I think that prank theory is the most likely right now, other then the whole “she’s lying” theory.
From the believer point of view (Which I am forced to take :grrr: ): Anna, you obviously have a huge gift. Try to do something great with it, bring back a cure for AIDs, or cancer or something.

P.S. I don’t see why everyones yelling at nerdcore for being atheist, since alot of people here are. I think its more the way he says it ratheer then what hes saying.

First of all, this thread isn’t a Christian God debate. If anyone wants to run around in that circle, do it somewhere else.

Anna asked for some advice, and I haven’t seen much given. If I were in your shoes, I think I would have done exactly what you’ve done. Get input from an open-minded community of anonymous people. Seeing the reactions you’ve gotten here, I would not advise you to “go public” with your abilities. Your parents would want you to get professional help. And doctors or psychologists would call you crazy and pump you full of drugs. So I think you did good to come here. Didn’t someone’s parents here even forbid them from LDing b/c they thought it was crazy? Something like this could really worry parents.

It seems like you have an ability that you haven’t had to spend years and years developing. Perhaps just as some people LD naturally, you are able to do this naturally. Right now it is at random, but perhaps it could be developed? My advice would be to keep your ability to yourself, you could share your progress with us if you wanted. And see if you can get to the point of doing it at will. Experiment with different objects. As long as you aren’t observing any negative consequences (I don’t see how there could be), there’s no reason not to develop your talent. You may need to improve your LDing skills, I don’t know.

In “Conversations WIth God” and other books of similiar philosophy, they talk about ‘matter’ being lots of ‘energy’ congealed together. They then say that ‘energy’ is lots of ‘thought’ congealed together. We are a long way from understanding how the universe works, but perhaps this is an example of how lots of strong thought can ulitmately become matter, much as the tulpas example. If thought could produce matter somehow, that would explain not only Anna’s ability but the ‘miracles’ done by Jesus and other Masters.

Like others here, I have no reason to either believe or disbelieve Anna. It is definitely possible, as we understand so little of reality. Trying to argue that it’s impossible or that she’s crazy or a liar isn’t helping anyone. She’s asked for some advice, so lets help her out. :smile: