Competition Rankings for February

Seems to be a very good month for me :grin: . Another two tonight.

Forgive my ignorance, but what is a “prelucid” dream? Just a normal dream, I presume?

A prelucid dream is when you suspect you are dreaming but you don’t know for sure. There should be a thread about lucid levels. Try using the search button.

I’ve past last month’s record and I wasn’t trying anywhere near as hard as last time! Last time was fraaaaaaaaaaantic. So I must be improving :grin:

1 more

1 more for me. In the end of it I awoke myself because I got scared :sad: . I knew I was in a LD and all, but there were 3 strange DC’s hunting me, and they were not like other DC’s I’ve met before. So I got scared. Stupid sub-consciousness. :grrr:

1 very small one for me.

That’s the same situation I am experiencing. In January I was trying very hard to get as many LDs as possible, and in February I’m just going with whatever happens, and yet I broke last month’s record, which at the time seemed like a really huge number of LDs!

I still do MILD almost every night of course, VILD every few nights, and a few RCs during each day. But nothing like last month.


I just had 2 LD’s in 1 nights sleep! first time ever!

I will explain them in my dream journal later :smile:

So thats a total of 3 for me this month!


3 more plz

Two small here, so 11 in total.

one more… :smile:

84 now.

0 for me this month, last month one very short. Well the only way from here is up. At least ive slowly gotten my dream recall back to way it used to be. Lucidity here i come!

And one final LD for the month, which scared me a bit as my favourite DC told me she had cancer and may die…
[Edited] Looking at my watch it came as a bit of a surpirise that it’s March 2nd today which leads to this actually being next months LD… damn 29 days of Febuary cutting me short…

just realised I should have put 5

Don’t forget, it’s now 1st of March by GMT. :wink:

lol yes gmt time of writing not of dreaming :happy: add me one more to feb if u deem it other wise dont put any on for match i aint taking part this month i need to to get my dream recall better, it was so bad this month i have forgotten so many of my ld that i have had (dw i didnt include these on the comp thing :cool: ) So yer looks like i head abck to the newbies area to go and get some dreaming recall tips lol


Had 2 last night. That puts me at 84 for last month. I’m not taking part the competition for March.
