Avatars, what does yours mean

I made mine myself from a collage of man playing a drum, street scene at night and a candle. It is supposed to represent my first and only experience with OBE.
I like to make original avatars for myself and occasionally make them for other people too.

I like to see and know most of these avatars, makes me laugh and funny to say that i am intrested how you got it. I think Zaerus was really great and RealityFailure just really creative, and the Van Gogh is really cool i like the one with screaming heads, not sure whats the name.(very odd and disturbing… I think its from the same artist)I think about your avatars and i would never know what they mean untill i asked. Keep sending your avatars, and tell me how you got them. I like this subject, its good to look back on. :happy:

“The Scream” … that’s one of my brother’s favorite pictures. He has a neon poster of that painting.

I think it is by “Edvard Munch”, but I’m sure the title is “the scream” … how original. :smile:

…Yup. A quick search on Google shows that it is Edvard Munch. Here is an URL to a description and image of The Scream. Thanks for making me look that up, interesting stuff! :content:

My avatar shows a neuron, and it suits my nickname in this forum, BrainHacker. Lucid Dreaming, for me, is hacking my own brain. The search for the magical key to awakening in dreams continues, including the dream of “waking reality” (which is not a dream in its surfacial features - you cannot jump from a building and fly into space there, even if you have seen too much Matrix - but it is still made of the same stuff as nightly dreams, the mind).

Mine doesn’t really represent anything else than my name. Before this i had a blue smiley with sunglasses. :smile:

Um, I just picked mine from one of the set you can choose from, so it doesn’t really mean much. But, Its me hiding in the shadows, I like looking evil… :devil: . hehe…

mine is supposted to be a forest, but the camra angle is too close up. it sorta goes w/ my sn, Palmetto. ok, for those of you who htink out your screen name, i noticed that there are alot of them now, Palmetto is a tree, sorta like a palm tree. i dont really know if it is the tree of dreams, but hey, it sounds cool :content:


I’ve decided I need an avitar, so here it is.
This’s what my hand usually looks like in when I’m lucid.

Pretty Cool!

Hah hah… duzz I didn’t realize that your hand had six fingers until I looked a few times… Yet again, I need to work on LL…

My avatar is whatever you want it to be. It is open to interpretation. Well, that’s my excuse for not having one.

Looks like reality is trying to come into focus like a TV.

Spooky Duzz.

Thats kinda what my hand looked like in my 1st LD, but I’m quite sure I only had the blurryness/double vision thing happening. Not the extra digit.

LoL … very appropriate for this forum.

It’s my alien alter ego, made by a friend of mine.

More information upon request. :content:

(Yes, I haven’t been around much)

Looks kinda of scary, please do give details…Thats the point of the post.

Okay, then. :cool:

When I rewrite the movies/tv shows/etc. I like, or write fanfiction, I put myself in them. I didn’t want to be human. I made myself an alien. My avatar is my alien story alter ego, hereby known as AG (Alien Giggles).

AG looks just like me, except she has powers, wings, and a better life than I have. You can head to my Guest Art page for drawings my friends did of her for me, since I can’t seem to draw her correctly. ^^

i guess its simple without additional comment:)
It represents my mission here on earth.In my next life im moving to another planets so use me while you can:):):)Girls are encouraged to apply:)

Mine means…Sod All

I just thought the hoobs were funny and cool

Why are you all looking at me like that?

this is kind of off topic…but i would just like to say 1 thing to ReaLitty.FaiLuRe : “your avatar is AWESOME! u must be really talented to make that !”

mines a picture i took of the clock radio next to my bed, i have edited it so that it looks like how it does in my dreams.