The BIG WILD Topic - Part X

Seems like you’re already well on the way ^^ Don’t give up! Just use the relaxation techniques and/or WBTB (whatever works for you) and practice on staying conscious whilst your body falls asleep.

Also, you might want to try sleeping somewhere where you’re not disturbed… it’d be a shame if you were really close to a WILD and somebody would wake you from it, or worse, IN a succesfull WILD… :o

What happens after the vibrations… well, it’s different for everyone, but I generally get the feeling I’m being physically pulled into the dreamscape. Other people are fully conscious when their body enters sleep paralysis and step out of their body of their own accord. Of course they’re not really stepping out, their dream body is just moving around. ^^

Falling asleep and entering a dream lucid has to do with a number of different physical factors. First, your body needs to relax so much it will eventually go into sleep paralysis. Whilst this is happening you’re most likely to experience the vibrations, the noise, and sensations of your body being distorted (crushed, stretched, whichever), and hypnogogic imagery ( HI ). These are all signs you’re close to entering REM sleep. When everything falls together - SP, HI, and last but not least, your brains blocking sensory input from the outside, you’ll start dreaming. This happens every night when you sleep and dream. The trick with WILDing is to stay conscious during the entire process.

You can do this with visualisation techniques, counting from 100 to 1 and back, doing math, repeating a phrase like ‘I am dreaming’ or reciting mantras. There are various techniques to keep focused. Last week I managed to have a short WILD because a particular song was stuck in my head and I kept focusing on the music and the songlyrics until I found myself in my bedroom, and realised I was dreaming. ^^

In a WILD, you don’t really become lucid - you’re conscious throughout the whole process, and you enter the dream consciously. That’s the hard part, IMO - not falling asleep. This is why WBTB works for me. I go back into REM sleep faster and don’t have to keep my focus for really long. With WBTB I can go from awake to dreaming in 10 minutes. When I try to WILD at bedtime, it can take up to an hour.

It’s all about finding out what works for you, so I encourage you to keep practicing and trying out more techniques. Don’t give up! :smile:

This is so true…besides not being able to practice WILD during the week because I can’t linger …outside disturbances, people can make it hard to WILD.

Difficult for me…with WBTB still takes me a good 45 min before the beginnings of SP set in…

Earplugs can help with out side disturbances. Works for me anyway.

Strangest thing happened…

    well.., not '' strange'',  but it IS a good coincidence

you know the brainwave generator thing? that program for the computer that makes the noise that is supposed to make you very tired…

well, just a few days ago, i was unintentionally WILDing – something that i never really am able to do…, anyways… i heard this sound kind of like the sounds that waves from the ocean make when the come to the sea shore ( if thats how to spell it )

anyways,. so i kept listening to that noise,… and the more i listened to it, the louder it got,… then i felt the vibrations,… and then i heard a high pitched vibration in my hear,…

now…, the way i was sleeping,. i was kind if lying on the side of my arm…, and i felt my arm physically vibrating…

and i was able to controll how strong the vibrations were,. so i kept making them stronger,. untill they felt very very strong., and i stupidly purposly snapped myself out of it., because it was so intense at the time…,

and i regret it so much…,

anyways,… all the noise i was hearing from that WILD attempt., sounds EXACTLY how the noise from the brainwave generator sounds…, i only realized that after i had snapped out of that WILD attempt.,

– just thought i’d let you know,

Thanks ashvura! I think thatll be a huge help when I do WBTB tomorrow morning. Earplugs are a great suggestion, and I try to make my way to wal mart today and pick em up. Either that or a gun so I can shoot someone who makes a noise while im WILDING. :cool_laugh:

Well off to class, thanks for the suggestions guys.

Does anyone here ever induce WILD by doing the One Body Technique that is described in EWLD? It says that when you become paralyzed, you simply imagine yourself in any place and any position other than sleeping in your bed, and you will be there. I understand how this works, it’s just that I never hear about anyone here trying it. If somoene could tell me that it does work well, I’d appreciate it, because I don’t want to get far enough to try it and it ends up not working. I think this technique would be very cool.

I tried it several times from a real sp and that worked fine.


I have been trying to VILD (not WILD) for the past 4 days and I think it might help doing VILD when one is trying to WILD. My VILD attempts haven’t been successful but I have been getting HI or HH every night i have tried VILD. It seems like a good way to keep the mind active while falling asleep. The only problem seems to be that I fall asleep a few sec after getting HI. Btw I have been doing this when I go to sleep.

ahhhh! I think i’m getting closer! last night i felt my body vibrating and i felt like i was falling way behind from my body, like my mind was going backwards or something. Im gonna try again tonight!

mike 716 asked:

I don’t usually use the one body technique but I did it the other night.

I went to sleep at my bed time using my normal WILD technique but, unfortunately I fell into unconscious sleep. I woke up a few hours later and then used WILD again. Only this time I was not getting much in the way of HI so I just kept letting myself relax more and more eventually I started to feel like my body was being pulled down to the foot of my bed. The next thing I knew I was standing in my room next to my bed. At first I thought it did not work and was very disappointed. But then I realized that something was not right. Then I knew I was dreaming. I did a quick RC to confirm it. I had 3 LD’s in a row.

back before i even knew about lucid dreaming i had the ability to create a falling sensation whenever i wanted, even without a prior 5 hour sleep. with this falling sensation, i was able to make my body feel absolutely nothing and as i got further, i reached SP. i remember being completely numb and not even being able to open my eyes or moving my limbs. at first, i thought it was cool, but soon i was frightened that it’d never end (though i was aware it could do me no harm). later when i finally knew about lucid dreaming, i tried to use this technique to perform a WILD but by this time, i couldnt. i must’ve lost my ability to do it or if i did, i’d easily let its sensation slip.

Elektro, i can relate to the rushing sound you hear. i’ve had the same thing happen to me when i attempted a couple WILD’s. this rushing sound would get louder and louder and at some point it would literally hurt your ears. im sure this feeling’s just something that’s created by your mind but it cant be avoided, even if you try to forget it.

Congratulations Milod, that’s awesome! I’m still working on my 3rd WILD…not there yet…!


Good to hear from you. Thank you. Looks like my dry spell is turning around.

Good luck on your dreaming.

PS: I am not geting any more topic notification e-mails. Is anyone else having this problem?

yea, i’m having the same problem

I had a strange experience last night- I first achieved lucidity through DILD, the quickly awoke; however, i’m not sure whether I actually awoke or had an FA. In either case, without opening my eyes I quickly tried to WILD, and it worked in seconds! I felt the vibrations then loud noises and suddenly I felt very strange, so I got out of bed, did a reality check, and found I was dreaming… I think that the WILD was while I was dreaming, but I can never distinquish between dreams and that period immidiately after waking.

I had a WILD last night as well! It was my third WILD ever. :wink: From what Iv’e read, usually, WILD is combined with a short awakening after a few hours sleep making it easeir to get back to SP and REM. So perhaps that’s why you had such little problem achieving it. (I know Milod says he can WILD when first going to bed, but I have not been able to achieve this thus far.) I also wake up after about 5 hrs sleep, and then immediatly try to WILD. It worked last night :smile:

BTW - Since my last post I have had several short DILDs. However, for me, there is no comparision between the clarity of a WILD and a DILD. The quality of lucidity has been much greater for me with WILD.

Best to all…


From what you describe I would say you had a true WILD. I have had WILD S that worked that way. I wake up in the middle of the night and go immediately back to sleep using a WILD technique. Most likely your body was in a naturally deep state of relaxation that allowed you to quickly enter the dream state. A lot of people who use the WBTB method will stay up for ½ hour to an hour, but that never worked for me. I find that if I wake up in the middle of the night and want to try to WILD again I would go right back to sleep as quickly as possible. You can read my post above about my most recent experience with this.

Congratulations on your LD.

Happy dreaming.


Great to hear about your success. I am now starting to find that WBTB to be easer as well. Only like I said above, I do not stay up for any length of time. If I naturally wake in the middle of the night, I go immediately back to sleep. This has increased my LD ‘s. I still do WILD’s at bed time and it is harder and longer because you have to go from full waking state to very deep relaxation. I use a combination of self-hypnosis and WILD to help me achieve this. I am not always successful but my goal is to learn to LD completely at will.

What does WBTB mean? Also what does SP mean? Thanks :smile:

This may be, however I am not sure whether I woke up at all. As I said, I had had a DILD and then woke up, but I am not sure whether this was a FA or not. How can I be sure? Does it make a difference?

Part XI of the BIG WILD Topic is continued here