Shared Dreaming

Lol I posted mine about the same tmie as Jeff’s, but before reading his… heh…

Something else I thought is what organ would be responsible for sending and sensing these waves? It is posible that the chemical state of the brain as a whole is responsible, but that is unlikely because that is too much informaiton.

I would look for the hypocamus(or hypothalymus, which is the third eye?) as being the center of “telepathic” communication or extra-perceptual-sensing. Clearly the entire brani wasn’t thinking of the letter, and when you are visualizing it is usually done with the third-eye.

I have also read of a study being done at mit involving a monkey, a banana and the same equipment. When the monkey would see the picture of the banna on the screen he would squeeze this handle and he would get it. WHen he would squeeze the handle his brainwaves where read and an electic arm produced the same motions.

This is not the most specific aspect of this experiement. What they found is after the experiment was removed but the monkey was still connected to the equipment, when ever the monkey would the monkey would think of the bananna the arm woudl move.

just interesting.

Interesting theories Jeff and toadstool :smile:

Made me thinking… Suppose you’re right: a shared dream is some kind of shared wave connection between two brains, higher telepathy as you named it Jeff. Now, waves behave always as sine functions.
If two such waves gets entangled with each other, you get certain interference patterns which lie between two extreme situations:

  1. Constructive interference
    Both waves are in phase towards each other. This means that the superposition of both waves creates a wave which has an amplitude which is the sum of both wave amplitudes (see 1st picture).
  2. Destructive interference
    Both waves are 100% out of phase towards each other. The combined amplitude is zero everywhere and the wave dies out (see 2nd picture).

If your theory is correct, then shared dreaming is only possible if all those waves are in phase towards each other to a certain extent. When they’re completely out of phase, no interconnection or telepathy is possible. So the question is… what determines whether or not brainwaves are in phase towards each other? Can you control this? Lol would be awesome if you could :smile:

I completely agree with Jeff. If there actually was a dream plane existing, then why don’t we have a common place to meet? Why can’t all of us be able to have a shared dream? I actually experimented with a certain place and try to have everyone coming at that place, but it really didn’t work. I usually focus on this person and have a shared dream by oneness and that method succeeds the most.

Mystic, as I recall correctly, we do have nerve cell or… no no, better example… we have heart cells. They response by being oneness with each other. The electritic impulses are being send rythmically to our heart cells, they all constrict and relax at the same time. Suppose they’re not all together, then I don’t think it would pump as effeniceny as it should or maybe it won’t work at all. So, I’m thinking with electromagnetic waves, we learn how to realize that waves and then become one with other wave (other person) in order to have a shared dream. It’s not that easy though. It’s like becoming one with the music except that it has smaller waves and smaller chance to become one. It’s more difficult. Electromagnetic waves to me is like hearing extra low frequency sound that humans cannot hear. It’s kinda like the network… you just need to find two cables and connect it to one hub. Lol, except that it’s not technicial at all and it requires the ability to ‘hear’ on electromagnetic waves’ frequency in order to be successful in becoming oneness with this person while we dream.

Making sense? I might write more about that later… I’m at the library and I have limited time on the computer. Lol. Not fun, but it looks like I’ll be interested in discussioning. :smile:

Au ravoir!

I spend more time thinking about the possibility of shared dreaming theory. I’m trying to develop some kind of theory that is simple and logical. I find that my theory is very similar with Jeff’s. What exactly are electromagnetic waves? It is a frequency that with our consciousness we simply cannot sense or see very easily or as clearly as it does when we are sleeping. In a way, you can say that our consciousness is stopping electromagnetic waves to go through successfully or rather said; our consciousness is our filter to electromagnetic waves.

As we go further in our sleep, our consciousness dies out temporarily; thus, it allows electromagnetic waves to go through. That explains why our telepathic ability and empathic ability are further enhanced in our dreams than when we are awake. We perceive those electromagnetic waves without our accustomed filter. I see electromagnetic waves as a form of telepathy and unseen energies so therefore, when we are having a shared dream like Jeff said… it’s a higher form of telepathy.

In Constructive Interference Theory, in order for a higher form of telepathy (shared dream) to work a dreamer and you must somehow integrate into those waves and become one; thus, the lesser the waves get cancelled out. It also explains why some sharing dreams are somehow successful and some are 100% accurate. In “somehow successful” range, the dreamer and you have succeeded in integrating some of the waves, but not all; hence, some of the waves are cancelled out and your subconscious makes up the missing data like filling in blanks (distorting our shared dream). It also partially explains why only talented people are able to have an accurate shared dreaming. Becoming one with the waves is a form of art… something that you have to practice to master… just like how yogi mastering the art of consciousness. You also have to be able to perceive some electromagnetic waves even though if you are awake so you can accept it and integrate with it while you fall asleep. Otherwise, you will have to learn how to become lucid and become integrated with those waves in order to have a shared dream, which can be difficult.

We automatically operate and emit on our own individual electromagnetic waves (our imprint) so that explains why we don’t have a shared dream automatically (waves completely cancel each other out) without making some efforts. It also explains why some twins from all over the world have reported that they have had telekinetic experiences and/or shared dreams. Their imprint is very similar since they are twins; hence, they have a greater chance to experience some paranormal occurrences. It is because that it is easier to merge their similar waves into one.

It is like faking yourself into one wave, but really you and this dreamer operate on their own waves, but it is so integrated that you cannot see two waves, but only one; hence, it creates an illusion of one dream, but really they are two separated dreams operating on same phase. When you use a graphic calculator and assign two same simple sine equations y=sin(x) in the same chart. You won’t be able to tell that there are two waves because it is on each other, but if you put an equation in another chart and do the same for second same equation then you are able to see that there are two waves in exact same phase. Suppose you assign y=sin(x) and y=sin(2x) in the same chart, you’re able to tell that there are two different waves only because they are not integrated or merged as one like my previous equations; hence, the shared dreams aren’t possible. It is also possible that some people operate on cosine functions though it is very similar to sine functions; therefore, in order for shared dreams to be possible, a dreamer on cosine function will have to add like for example: y=cos(x+2) in order to be in phase with another dreamer with this equation y=sin(x). Forgive me if I am wrong because I am recalling it completely from my memory and I haven’t done any single sine or cosine function equations for almost two years. I do recall that cosine and sine can be integrated with a certain equation.

However, you get my idea. The job of a shared dreamer is to get integrated with other person’s waves by adjusting and change the equation until he gets it right in order to have an accurate shared dream.

What do you think of this?

ok jeff, it’s coming back to me now, i read that theory of yours (higher telepathy, although i think you called it something else) before and it translated into my brain as the video game theory, but it was definitely your idea i was ripping off (guess i shoulda left out the “dream server” i think i just threw that in there for kicks), but you still say it more eloquently :tongue:

anyway, mystic (and anybody else going with his constructive/destructive interference theory) you’ll correct me if i’m wrong (i think i got a C in physics) but when sending electromagnetic waves, you need a sender and a receiver. why would you have to sync up two signals ??? like if i was trying to shine a light on you and you were trying to shine a light on me, our eyes are going to perceive each other’s lights the beams aren’t going to interfere

which brings me to my revision of your theory (supposing it needs a revision) but remember the double slit interference pattern experiment, where a laser light is shone on a double slit or a gradient and on the other side the single beam is diminished into like 6 dimmer points.

perhaps shared dreamer A is trying to shine a light on shared dreamer B (and vice versa) but shared dreamer B has a double slit filter which creates an interference pattern before it reaches B’s brain hence the imperfect interpretation

did that make any sense ??? i’m trying to say that maybe it’s not about getting your signals in sync it’s about opening up your double slits to let the light shine directly in

umn the size of that double slit would either have to be very large or very small depending on the frequency (because we know it isn’t in the currently understood spectrum)

Like I said though… sound waves and em waves are different kinds of waves. Unless these “dream waves” are some ultra high wave then it is unlikely that you wouldn’t have interference of all kinds, but at the same time, when you increase the frequency of a wave you have to increase the amount of power to push that wave or it will diminish in amplitude until it disapears (this happens quickly).

I think it would have to be a non-tradional wave form. One that is most likely undetected by science and is not bound by the same laws as emf or sound (they both have different laws, because one is physical compression and one is energy).

If you read my post I talk about my “shared dreaming” experience. Clearly that is “on the same wavelength,” but like I said, the only reason I am even willing to remotely consider this is because the only thing science has ever proven is that we don’t know anything yet.

I see the electromagnetic wave-shared dreaming-telepathy theory from a slightly different perspective. I’m a ham radio operator and can see an analogy in radio transmission/reception.

Our thoughts/dreams might be modulated electromagnetic waves at various frequencies. These “signals” might be very weak or might not be transmitted all the time. If our “receiver” (brain) is deaf, not trained or has bad signal to noise ratio (thinking clutter) it might not pick up the signals either.

Training-practice may make for better discrimination and be able to “hear” through the noise clutter better.

I wonder if there’s any way to increase the ERP (effective radiated power)? Maybe training-practice again, or a big dish sitting on ya head. Come to think of it if you put your head at the dish’s focal point and pointed the thing at someone it might have possibilities. :rofl:

Why is this a necessary feature for a dream plane to exist? Dreams are highly subjective to thought patterns, thus it’s reasonable that dream planes are equally subjective to thoughts. When we dream, everyone gets a place somewhere on the vast dream plane. The dreamscape we’re in only uses a very small fraction of the entire plane. Our private place on the plane is familiarized according to our personal thoughts, emotions and general mental blueprint. Thus, everyone creates a different dreamscape on the dream plane.
You could visualize it like this: we’re in the center of small soap bubbles, floating on the water surface. The area taken by the bubble is our dreamscape, and the size of it depends on the flexibility of your mind. The more you are skilled in dreaming, the further your bubble will reach. Shared dreaming may occur when two or more bubbles collide and form one big bubble. This means that two or more different dreamscapes are getting mixed up, and so it becomes possible for dreamers to cross beyond the borders of their dreamscapes, into the dreamworlds of other people.

Yes very much. Great analogy with the heart cells :smile:

In your example interference doesn’t show up indeed. That’s because both light sources are highly incoherent.
Firstly, light isn’t one single wave but exists of billions of small wave trains, all with a different length. Incoherence means that the combined amplitude of all those wave trains changes all the time, because there’s no straight phase relation between all those wave trains. They’re not related to each other. In general one can say that the shorter the wave trains, the less coherence you get.
Interference and diffraction only shows up when the light waves dó have a phase relation towards each other, so that the combined wave amplitude (which is mostly a sine function) doesn’t change in time. You only get 100% coherence when the light source contains one single atom.
Laser light also shows a certain amount of coherence, that’s because the wave trains can be several metres long. Thus, if you want interference patterns between two brains, you have to develop a certain degree of coherence between them. The phases of both brain wavefunctions must be related. Otherwise no interference… and you need interference to get entanglement between two waves. Otherwise they just exist through each other, with no interaction.
I hope this made some sense? :smile:

Actually the double slit experiment is about diffraction, and not about interference. Interference is restricted to 4 or 5 waves at most , while diffraction involves thousands, millions or more waves. So I think you need a massive shared dreaming experience, where the brain wavefunctions of thousands of people are coherent to each other, in order to get the diffraction pattern you described.

But as toadstool also mentioned, I’m treating these “dream waves” as EM waves. Perhaps they are in some way EM waves, but on a higher or lower level of existence. We can only use the scientifically known phenomena and terminology to describe them. In the end it may all be completely false, but for now it’s the only thing we got.

So… I finally registered.

I try to be open minded to this shared dreaming idea although I have no experienses about it. I like the video game theory :smile: where you would be playing against bots (dream chacaters) unless someone connects to your computer (brain) with these “waves”. Still I don’t believe it fully, but it would be interesting to have one if it’s possible.

Sounds kinda messy eh… :eh:

mystic, perhaps i was unclear, so let me say it louder:


yeah, your response went completely over my head, but it sounded like you knew what you were talking about so… carry on

salutes :yinyang:

and welcome to the forum likvidy, open minds are always welcome here :smile:

Now wouldn’t that be cool…a massive lucid dreaming multiplayer game.

Lol sorry about that oneiromancer… I would be a bad teacher I know :smile:

I’ll do my best :wink:
First you need to know a few key elements which help to describe the EM wave. When talking about waves, I only mean the sine waves:

Amplitude: the heigth of the wave at a specific place.

Wavelength: the distance between two adjacent wave tops.

Phase: To understand what this is, you have to depict a sine wave as a circle (see pict). The phase of the sine wave at a certain point then describes the position of this point on the corresponding circle (measured in degrees). When the sine wave has gone through 360° (this is one cycle), it comes back to its starting point.

Frequency: The number of cycles in one second, thus it depicts how often the wave goes round the 360° circle in one second.

Interference happens when two or more waves with the same frequency overlap at some point. Then you get constructive or destructive interference patterns (as explained in a previous post).
Now, what exactly is coherence? To answer this, you have to know the origin of light waves. In short, light waves (which consist of photons) are emitted by electrons inside atoms, when these electrons fall back from a higher energy level to the ground level. The electrons in the ground level have a lower energy, thus in order to jump from a higher level to this ground level, they have to release the surplus of energy. And it’s exactly this surplus which can be found back in the photon. The energy of the photon thus corresponds to the difference in energy between the higher energy level of the electron and the atom’s energy ground level. This also means that photons have a well-determined energy, so they must have a well-determined length. That’s why light doesn’t exist of one gigantic wave beam, but in fact consists of trillions of small wave trains. Each wave train then corresponds to one single transition of an electron to the ground level of an atom. The why and how of these energy levels doesn’t matter here, but this is the basic explanation of why light exists.
So hopefully you now see that a flashlight sends out trillions of wave trains, each with a different length, because a flashlight consists of trillions of atoms with lots of different energy levels. Thus, the resulting wave trains also have a different length.
Back to coherence now… There are two options:

1. Suppose you have two waves, both with the same frequency, but with a different phase towards each other. At a certain point you decide to measure the phase relation between the two waves. You get a certain result. A few seconds later, you measure it again. If you get the same result, it would mean that the difference between the phases of both waves remained constant during that time period. Both waves now show a clear temporal coherence. Their phases are related towards each other, in this sense that they remain constant during a certain period of time. The longer this time period is, the more coherence. If the phase relation between the waves has changed during this time period, then there’s no clear relationship between both phases. This is incoherence. If however there’s only a small difference between both phases, then they show a partial coherence.
As previously explained, in reality lightbeams consist of many short wave trains. Normal lightsources don’t show a clear relation between the points in time when those different atoms emit their photons ( = wave trains). This means there’s also no clear phase relation between the wave trains. Temporal coherence only occurs when there’s a clear phase relation between waves during a time period, thus when there exists a certain relationship between the moments when the electrons of the different atoms fall back to the energy ground level.

2. Suppose you have a light source which consists of more than one atom. This means that the wave trains, emitted by the different atoms, reach a certain point in space, not necessarily with a similar difference in phase. If an atom lies a bit further away from that specific point in space, than wave trains have to travel a bit longer before they get there. And so they have a different phase than wave trains coming from atoms which lie a bit closer to that point. Only wave trains which are coming from atoms which lie at a same distance from the spatial point show a clear phase relation (they’re always in phase towards each other). This is simply because these wave train have to travel the same length to get to the spatial point. In this case, there’s spatial coherence: you look at wave trains from a specific spatial point at one single moment. So you see that the bigger your light source, the less coherence. 100% pure coherence is only possible when your light source consists of one atom: all the wave trains coming from this atom are ofcourse in phase towards each other, and they have to travel a same distance to the spatial point.

So if we relate all this to the shared dream discussion, you see that coherence between two or more brain wavefunctions creates the best conditions for interference to occur. To get constructive interference between them, they have to be in phase, thus radiating a certain amount of coherence. Otherwise you get an irregular pattern of phase shifting between the waves, thus making if very difficult to establish a stable interference connection between the brains, which lasts for a certain time period.

Lol am I still speaking Chinese? :smile:

kinda… but enough english to give me scary flashbacks from physics class :bored:

anyway, i wasn’t questioning the contructive/destructive interference of waves. i WAS questioning if that had anything to do with shared dreaming (like i know this is all theoretical, but the logic doesn’t quite work out for me) lemme try to state my objection again… hopefully more clearly this time.

what i don’t understand is that if shared dreamer A is sending a signal to shared dreamer B (and vice versa) why do A and B’s signals have to be in phase or constructively interfering

analogy, if i’m driving around in a car (assuming i have a car, which i don’t, but this is my fantasy so i’m going w/ it) and i have the radio on. i’m receiving a signal from the radio station, not because i’m sending a signal to the radio station that’s in phase with its signal, but because of the magic of physics (please don’t explain it to me, my brain has had enough :neutral: ) the tuner that i fiddle with picks up the signal.

so… my conclusion in analogy form was, if we’re going with this EM wave theory, wouldn’t instead of trying to get our signals to contructively interfere, we instead would be fiddling with our tuners so we could pick up on the signal being transmitted to us ???

did that make sense ??? lemme do a play anyway just for kicks.

shared dreamer A: shared dreamer B !!! shared dreamer B !!! i’m trying to establish contact, respond on dream band 97.5, over !!!
shared dreamer B: hears some fuzzy communication and notices his tuner is tuned to 97.3, he changes it to 97.5 and hears shared dreamer A making his broadcast picks up his radio and communicates on 97.5 coming in loud and clear shared dreamer A, over !!!
SDA: excellent… now let’s do something contructive like fly around and find hot DCs to have sex with, over !!!
SDB: roger that !!!

That’s because constructive interference (when both waves are in phase) permits optimal transfer of information. Perhaps another analogy: the two waves are like two cars. Both waves have a different phase relation, thus both cars move with different speeds towards each other. This means that at one point, car 2 will pass car 1 with a certain speed (depends on the phase difference between both waves). If you want information exchange between both waves/cars, it’s going to be extremely difficult, because in no time car 2 is past car 1. Reasonable information exchange is only possible when both cars have the same speed, and thus remain driving next to each other. When this happens, both waves are in phase, and they’re coherent (remember the temporal coherence). They interfere with each other and information can be transferred to each other. In shared dream terms this means that as long as brain wavefunctions are in phase, they can transfer information (i.e. dreamscapes) with each other. If not, they just exist next to each other, with little or no transfer possibilities.
Thus, interference is necessary to provide the conditions under which both dreamscapes can melt together and shared dreaming becomes possible.

About your example: I see your point very clearly now (I hope :wink: ). And to me it seems like you’ve explained exactly the same theory as I did, only from a slightly different point of view. The fine-tuning of both brains (putting them on 97.5 for instance) can be compared with fine-tuning both brainwaves until they’re in phase. As long as one of the two is not at 97.5, they have an irregular phase relation and a more or less destructive interference. What you described is in fact the creation of a series of conditions which make it possible for constructive interference to occur.
On the other hand… if you mean that both dreamers need to adjust their brain to the frequency of a third source, the Dream Band (analogous to the people in their cars, listening to the radio, an external source with a specific frequency), how then would you depict this third player in reality? The general dream plane perhaps? But then again, even if everyone needs to adjust their brainwaves to the right frequency of the dream plane, it still requires interference. This adjusting is required because otherwise you can’t interfere with the dream plane and transfer information. So basically it all comes down to the same thing: brain wavefunctions have to be in phase (with each other or with an external source such as a dream plane) to have optimal interference, thus making it possible for dreamers to transfer their dreamscape and other information to other dreamers and their dreamworlds.

Like what Mystic has said, it is necessary to produce a constructive inference for shared dreams to be successful. Hence, that brings back my analogy up from graphic calculator (y=sin(x)). When two waves are in coherent toward each other, the data becomes merged or rather integrated; thus it becomes impossible to tell that an illusion of one wave is actually the origin of two waves.

However, I shall bring up another simple analogy (not physics-related at all though) to help you understand the meaning of integration or oneness better. Suppose Dreamer A is red and Dreamer B is blue. Meaning, there are two different ways you can have a shared dream.

Assume that only Dreamer A is talented. Both Dreamer A (red) and Dreamer B (blue) goes to bed at the same time. Dreamer A tunes in his color blue in order to have a shared dream with Dreamer B; hence, Dreamer B doesn’t have to do anything special. However, it requires further more tuning than the next method.

Assume that both Dreamer A (red) and Dreamer B (blue) are talented. They go to bed at the same time. Both of them tune in at the same time, producing a brand-new color purple. Therefore, their shared dream begins. This method requires less tuning, but requires two people to cooperate.

When a temporal coherence is created, it doesn’t mean we’re capable of receiving EM waves automatically; however, that is another factor that might interrupt the success of shared dream. Many people come with different size of “antenna” capable to receive and emit EM waves; therefore, not all can accomplish that goal of mutual dreaming. Anyhow, it is not the issue that we’re concerned about; it is about how Dreamer A become integrated (constructive inference) with the waves and tries to remain coherent with Dreamer B’s waves.

Remember EM waves itself isn’t guaranteed to have a sharing dream, but good reception antenna is needed as well to be successful. Which points us to this question, “Have you gotten a good reception?”

On other hand, assuming that EM waves actually are made out of light’s frequency unseen to our eyes. It becomes much more difficult since Dreamer A has to tune in trillions of different waves emitted by several atoms from Dreamer B. It might cause what I call it, “Diffuse Confliction.” It is like a huge area of white light, it bounces everywhere in no sense of a certain direction; hence, sharing dreams might be malfunctioning or “diffused” to be precise. It is completely a theory on that scale, but it is possible.

Hopefully, I’m making some sense to you? Or am I talking in Dutch? :wink: Just kidding about Dutch. Why not add some humor? :happy:

now this is my type of topic :happy: if only i couldnt see teh damn refreash rate on this stupid moniter then i may be able to read it, i think i need a new screen lol.

No lets use Frued he was so much more messed up, but then again he did belive deeply in the dream state.

AGH cant take this screen must go



Lol Dm7. Yes I understand what you’re saying. Even if you would be talking Dutch :tongue:

So I guess you can develop your antenna? Hm… that will probably be by dream practice, developping a flexible mind and a general deepening/broadening of the range of your consciousness. Right?

True… but the fine-tuning of all those waves might probably be consciously regulated. If you could fine-tune one wave, using your awareness and conscious focussing, you’re probably able to fine-tune all the rest with little or no effort, because consciousness has its effect on the waves as a whole. This way you don’t have to tune every single wave. Otherwise that would take quite some time :wink:
But yeah this is clearly an obstacle which needs to be overcome.

How would you use Freud to explain the possible existence of a dream plane?

Mmm that’s a possibility. :wink:

That is also possible, but I think EM waves are actually radio type waves. I was just assuming a situation where EM waves actually are of light’s principle. It’s also a possibility that our brain can go into an overload mode from trying to encode all data from trillions of EM waves. I just recently learn that with our short-term memory, we only can memorize seven things plus or minus two. If we try to memorize more than nine things into our short-term memory, the older buffer gets deleted. Also, we have variables with our attention span talent so in order to attempt encoding all trillions of EM waves given off by light-type atoms unseen to our eyes, it means we might need a tremendous (perhaps unreal) amount of concentration. It just makes everything much more complex. We only need EM radio waves and our consciousness does the rest: encoding the data.

Am I making sense?

well that would b hard 2 do mystic let me think… Freud believed that everything that he needed to know about people was from the sub c. he was very interested in the sub conscious, and i am sure that if we tryed we could twist it so that : everyone that has the same dream problems are intertwined possibly in thier childhood or in the dream state, if it was their child hood then the dreams have no logical purpose, but if thier dreams are the same there is some evidence that there is a dream plane that these people are connected on:

On regards to the rest of freuds theory that is not so far fetched, but then i never liked his theory, i havent read a great deal of Jung yet is he good, i know what did to his rep but that is about all i know,…

Richard $D

Yes Dm7, you’re making sense :smile: So there are actually a few possibilities on how to apply the theory of EM waves on the shared dreaming issue. Do you think there’s a way to determine the theory which fits best?

@TS: Hm I didn’t know Freud was onto the shared dreaming thing… But he doesn’t seem to explain it all that much. He only explains the possibility of shared dreaming, because people with dream problems might have the same kind of dreams. Seems pretty vague to me…