Remembering dream trouble

I seem to have a hard time remembering my dreams because when my alarm clock goes off, i think of turning it off. At that point i am out of the position i was in while i had the dream and i cant remember anything. Any suggestions

It takes me as long as 15 mins to remember some of my dreams just try and lay there for a few mins and try to remember.

On a day when you do not have to be up at a certain time try not using an alarm clock and see if there is any difference. You also might want to try to alter your sleep cycle just a little bit so you wake 15 or 30 minutes longer than normal.(I am assuming you normally sleep 7-8 hours) believe it or not it can make a difference. Hopefully you will wake out of a dream and not quiet sleep.

In the evening, when you’re lying in bed, repeat to yourself that you WILL remember your dreams, like a mantra. Put real strength and intention in it. It only has to take 5 minutes. If you want, you can also do it for a few minutes during the day, whenever you have some spare time.
Now, if you set your alarm clock to wake you up at the same time everyday , several things may happen in time (if you keep doing the mantra exercise in the evening):

  • You wake up a few minutes before the alarm clock goes off (because your biological clock is adjusted to your alarm clock). Then there’s a good chance that you remember some dream fragments.

  • You wake up during a previous dream cycle, a few hours before the alarm clock goes off. Same here: good chance of remembering a dream.

  • You wake up by the alarm clock. Now there’s a bigger chance of remembering something because you intended to remember your dreams. It may take a while however before dream fragments may show up in your memory. But once you have one fragment, you can use it to rebuild the whole dream.

This may take some time before you notice substantial change, so keep practicing, no matter how little you can remember in the beginning.

Good luck! :happy:

THanks for the tips everyone, i will work on that.

Also try and keep a dream journal. Keep it next to your bed and every night write tonight I will remember my dreams. When you wake in the morning write down anything you can remember. Even if it is just dream fragments that don’t make any sense right now. If you can’t even remember fragments just write down any thoughts or feelings you are having. You will be surprised how quickly you will start to remember many of your dreams

I don’t see why people say they have best recall when in the position they were in when they originally had a dream. It’s just a myth in my opinion. Just because you lost that position doesn’t mean your dream recall is hopeless. Hope that helps :content: .

No it has nothing to do with the position you wake in. It has more to do with:

  1. what stage of sleep you wake out of. When you wake naturally most people have the tendency to wake out of REM. But a alarm may wake you out of deep sleep thus making dream recall harder for new people.

  2. When you wake with an alarm your first thought is to turn off the alarm. If you are new that can be enough to cause you to forget your dream.

If you have to use your alarm try and play with your sleep/wake time so you are more likely to wake out of REM. You can do that by letting yourself sleep 15-30 minutes longer than normal.
Also when the alarm wakes you pay no attention to it just try to think about what you dreamed.

Don’t worry you won’t have to do that forever. Just until you start to improve your dream recall, which should not take that long.

It might do, though. There may also be a connection between lucid dreaming and tomatoes eaten two days ago. Who knows? :tongue: :content:

There could be a connection to you general memory. If you can’t remember things well in your waking life it might help to work on that as well.