Anyone ever try making a "creature" in a dream?

You would be lucid though so the creature would be nothing to fear.

You could always make a “creature” that could help you become lucid mor often or even fight away fears or such.

True Milod, but I still don’t trust any lucid creation of mine. Since I waver between the varying degrees of lucidity, I could easily lose my grip on the dream and be stuck with this awful thing that’s trying to eat me. I just have too many chase dreams (even when lucid) to want to go and manifest something worse.

I can see that it would in deed be horrible to summon a creature while lucid planning to easily defeat it then you lose lucidity and have the creature pound on you. I can see how the thought of that would frighten you. Though you would most likely regain lucidity as you remember that you created the creature and are still in the dream. Anyway don’t worry your ability to stay lucid will improve.

Happy Dreaming

I’ve been told that one task a Tibetan Buddhist monk might give to a advanced student is for the student to create a fierce dream demon.
This is done while LDing, slowly over time, piece by piece.
Then the student is given the much harder task of then destroying the demon.
While I was told that this leads to a great leap in the understanding of reality, I was also warned that failing to complete the second task can lead to crippling madness.:panic:

Not likely. Nothing in LD 's can harm you.

If I ld tonight, which I will (hehe, im just being confident to trick my subconsious, haha!!!), I will then first create an uzi, then summon DrDildo who is a golden retriever who has a strap on dildo on his head that shoots lazer beams. Then, if I can get one of the two things to work, I will go outside and reak havok on the city!

Good attitude. About being confident with your LD that is.

Happy Dreaming

I think I heard about the monks and demons thing before.

milod789 wrote;

Well, let’s look at it from the student’s point of view.
By this time he has the ability to enter a LD at will, so say he LDs once a night and takes three years to complete the demon, toe by toe, scale by scale.

I doubt a person could confine a beast like that to just LDs.

Maybe a master could, but if you are a student that thing would be growling in your face every time you fell asleep.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one.

In my opinion:

  1. If that were true you would have a big flashing dream sign every night and become lucid and simply dispatch the creature.

  2. Dreams just do not work like that.

I don’t think becoming lucid is the point, The point is that simply dispatching something painstakingly created over a long span of time may not be as simple as some would think.

Just the fact that reoccurring DCs are very common leads me to believe that dreams can and do work that way.

Agree to disagree? No fun in that! :tongue:

That was not what I was referring to. I don’t see how a dream could make you crazy. There may well be things beyond dreaming that could harm you, but that is a another topic all together.

Of corse you can have recurring DC that was my point in #1.

Sorry I am pretty open minded about things like OBE, shared dreaming and things astral, spiritual etc…

But I know nothing I do, create, destroy or, what ever in a LD has any power to harm me in any way shape or form.

Who knows maybe you will convince me. :smile:

I wonder if the creature would have any presence in the astral realm? I doubt there would be any cross-over, but who knows.
Or maybe the guy who told me the story was wrong and the student is actually required to astrally project, That would really be scary, but I’ve only been there once, so I’m no expert.

I kicked the ■■■■ out of a few demons once and im ok! hmmm, I hope demons like firecrackers up thier asses! Cause once i learn how to conjure up stuff… hehe… you know! BOOM… where did the demon go?


It is also possible that the masters really believed that it would drive them crazy. Maybe the masters just made the story up so there students would take the exercise seriously. Also keep in mind that this test probably dates back to a time when people believed things like if you have a seizure you are possessed by the devil.

Haha! I can see what’s on your mind, milod789! (If you’re all :eh: and :confused: read each word on its own)


??? Your post makes no sense to me so I can’t really reply.

I believe the line between sane and insane is rather thin even at the best of times. Have you ever heard of a person being plauged by a recurring nightmare? even to the point of seeing a psychiatrist? This would be similar, just 1000x worse.

Tibetian Buddhist monks do not have a reputation for lying.

Remember that these are accomplished monks we talking about, not superstitious peasants.

Anyway, you did not address my hypothesis that all this could be taking place on the astral plane, isn’t it supposed to be possible to build (from astral matter) stable energy sheaths that can then be animated by a summoned or passing spirit?

There are few if any people you suffer from chronic mental illness as a result of nightmares.

How many Tibetian Buddhist monks do you know? :smile:

There was a time when our most intelligent, disciplined scientist using the most modern methods of that time firmly believed that the earth was flat.

Ha but when this discussion started you were referring to lucid dreams and I continue to maintain that nothing in a lucid dream can harm you. Things astral and beyond is a different matter entirely and belongs in a compleatly different topic.

I hope you are not taking any of this seriously or with offence.

Just having some fun with this and hope you are as well. :smile: