Setting to wake up

Im going to try WILD tonight,
can you somehow like, set a timer in your brain (best way I can describe it) to automatically wake you up after 5 hours?
Ive always had to rely on alarm clocks

also, what happens if you try WILD when you first start to go to sleep?
I know your supposed to wake up and then do it after 5-6 hours, but what happens if you try straight away?

when i try straight away i fail, or think i’m having a heart attack (it isn’t chakra activity, my heart suddenly starts hurting… it’s discouraging… though I recently had an EKG done and they said it seemed fine)… when I get that feeling it’s somehow holding onto the feeling that I’m falling asleep, it makes me feel very weird in an unplesant way but no paralysis or anything.

But yeah usually if I try too long I can’t sleep for a long long long long time later… and well… it’s very hard.

as for a brain timer I suppose it’s possible, I never use my alarm clock… I always wake up when I need to… the bad thing is that I also wake up once per hour usually, often times as soon as REM ends, and it can be hard to get back to sleep.

But I mean you know, if I need to be up by a certain time, I will be.

I don’t know if this is a result of the bad sleep or not, but it used to be that I’d sleep fairly solidy through the nite and still wake up right before the alarm goes off.

I sometimes have a knack for getting perfect times too, like right on the dot at 6:00.

The best thing to do is desire to wake up a specific time and tell yourself you will, and if lucid you could tell your subconscious to wake you up at that time, but I haven’t been very good at getting my subconscious to reliably tell me what time it is in the real world.

It’s to do with sleep cycles. As you might be aware, most dreams occur during the REM sleep cycle. This particular cycle doesn’t begin until about 90 minutes into the night, meaning (in general) people don’t dream for the first hour and a half of sleep. It’s pretty self-explanatory that this makes it very difficult to succeed with WILD if you’re attempting it first thing at night, since you must first wait for the other dreamless cycles to end before REM begins. This pattern then repeats, and REM reoccurs every 90 minutes thereafter (though it lasts for a longer time each occurrence).

The trick is to wake yourself up during one of these REM cycles (6 hours is divisible by 90 minutes, so it’s a highly recommended amount of time), then get back to sleep quick enough to go directly back into it - hopefully while remaining conscious during the transition, rather than having to again wait for the first few cycles to pass by. According to “Lucid Dreaming” (Stephen LaBerge, 1990), if you wait longer than about 10 minutes before getting back to sleep, you’ll miss your chance.

Now, a lot of people don’t necessarily agree with the above, so feel free to make up your own mind. For what it’s worth, my experience has been very much in accordance with the rules above. Of course it varies depending on the circumstance, like in cases of sleep deprivation, substance influence, etc.

"It’s to do with sleep cycles. As you might be aware, most dreams occur during the REM sleep cycle. This particular cycle doesn’t begin until about 90 minutes into the night, meaning (in general) people don’t dream for the first hour and a half of sleep. It’s pretty self-explanatory that this makes it very difficult to succeed with WILD if you’re attempting it first thing at night, since you must first wait for the other dreamless cycles to end before REM begins. This pattern then repeats, and REM reoccurs every 90 minutes thereafter (though it lasts for a longer time each occurrence). "

I disagree… HH are precursors to NREM dreams, and if are consciously held on to can easily be used to spark normal LDs, whether they are REM or not I do not know.

Granted I’ve never had a successful WILD during the day … but I mean… when you start falling asleep you go right into HI and you know, HI is more or less… dreaming, is it not?

I can’t tell any difference from that HI and the HI I get from WILD during the morning (which is rare, I usually bypass it, but sometimes I spontaneously find myself aware during the middle of it and use it to enter dreams)

Aside from t hat, there are people (such as Robert Bruce ) that claim to be able to meditate into trance (paralysis) within 5 minutes or so… meaning he can induce OBEs from it.

OBEs = LDs as far as I’m concerned, but still, the implications for LDs from paralysis are the same as for OBEs… meaning it can certainly be done, though it’s probably quiet a feat.

HI/HH is not REM, and it occurs before the person actually falls asleep. It certainly is useful for leading up to REM sleep when attempting WILD, but in my experience the jump from HI to REM doesn’t occur unless I’ve already prepared myself with a few hours of sleep.

Anyway, as I said, that’s just my opinion. Feel free to form your own based on your experiences.

Also, I’m talking in the general case. I didn’t say it was impossible (I was actually very careful, hoping to avoid this exact situation), but it takes a lot of training and dicipline to enter REM directly from the waking state without first sleeping a few hours in preparation. That’s all.

When I try it, Im too tired to concentrate on anything, so it never works, but if I wake myself up a bit, then Im too awake to fall asleep, it seems impossible to do this…
Concentrating on stuff keeps me awake, so I dont actually fall asleep.

Don’t feel to distressed. It will happen in time and is not as hard as you think.

Now as for waking your self up I just tell my self to wake up after each dream and that works very well for me. Try it for a few nights and see if that works for you. If not then use a alarm clock.

WILD at bed time is possible but WBTB is much easier. What works for me with WBTB is to just wake up naturally or with an alarm. Don’t worry you will not be up for long. The most I stay up is 5 minutes (that’s usually because I have to use the bath room). In a perfect situation I would not even move after waking. After waking jot down a few notes about any dreams you had so you can remember them in the morning. Then go right back to sleep using what ever WILD technique you like. I find that I pass through the hypnogia much faster with WBTB then at bed time ( I do it both times).

I suggest you read the big WILD sticky topic (at least part 11)

Good luck. WILD is my fav :smile: Just keep practicing and don’t give up.

thank you milod, you give me hope. i need some more talk like that.

Good luck and don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques. It come to every one sooner or later so, what ever you do. Don’t give up !!!

Happy Dreaming