Really odd stuff happening in RL

OK, so I’ve been doing the journal and stuff with not many successful LDs as of yet.

But I’ve experienced some RL stuff that is pretty much freaking me out:

  1. While driving I noticed on the side of the road a brilliantly blue shiny length of something, more or less coiled up. The color was oddly spectacular, like the color you’d see in a LD. I had to do a reality check to make sure I was in RL. Later the same day, about 80 miles away, on a different road, I saw the same thing again on the side of the road. Again I did a reality check. And still later, again hours later and miles further on, in a different STATE, on yet another road, I saw a dude on the side of the road messing with some stuff in the back of his truck. Among the stuff I saw he was holding this same BLUE THING!
    I should mention I was en route to visit a shaman. I neglected to ask her about this because we got to talking about other things.

  2. We have this junky old riding mower that doesn’t work - tires flat, no battery, all rusty, etc. Anyways, I went to look by it the other day. I noticed something wasn’t quite right. It took a few minutes before I realized that it had been parked facing the house since forever and now it was facing the opposite direction! I was flipping out for several minutes then finally did a reality check to make sure of RL. Then I rang up my girlfirend and asked her (without saying what I thought), what direction the tractor was facing. She of course said towards the house! What the F*! WHY is it facing the opposite direction now?? It doesn’t start, there’s no battery and the tires are all flat - there’s no gas or oil in it either!! Who’s gonna move it like that?

  3. On the window of the back storm door of the house there is a sticker, that old “In case of fire, save the pets too” thing you see once in a while. Well, I was sitting at the table looking out the storm door the other day and I noticed something out of place on the door – The sticker had always been on the top half of the top window panel. Now it’s on the BOTTOM window panel!! I of course did a reality check after several minutes of wracking my brain trying to figure out if I was wrong, but I clearly recall seeing it in the TOP window panel every time I went out that door. I’ve been out that door a million times, maaaaan!

Can someone tell me what the Heck is going ON here? I feel like I’m in a Twilight Zone episode!

Man, that’s some weird stuff going on. I wish strange things like that would happen to me. It would make my life more like a game or something. Try looking for things wrong, and try to make an association with each thing.

Sizz, what have you been doing for your RC’s as they do not always work in dreams?

why didnt you stop to investigate what the blue thing was?
Im sure theres probably a reasonable explanation for all this stuff, although it does sound really weird…

and whats that picture??

ivi, what is that pic from?

and… i dont’ know, maybe you jumped realities.

It’s from one of my favourite movies - “Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amelie Poulain” .
Watch it and You’ll hopefully get what i meant :wink:

Hey Sizz! Beyond! :cool:

I apologize in advance if this question offends you.

Were you doing any drugs?
Have you ever done drugs?
Have you ever had problems with hallucinations prior to this?

[color=indigo]I just think they’re coming for you. The agents. It’s the matrix man, they’re changing stuff!

I’ve noticed strage little things like this for the past week. I’ve seen doors that usualy open inwards suddenly open outwards without them being changed. The posters in my room have switched places, and little things that I always see down my road, like bricks or road markings have changed colour. I just thought I was really tired. I’ve also had more dreams about real stuff that I’ve never seen or heard of before this week than I’ve ever had in my life. I’m sriously concerned that the agents ARE doin something! lol[/color]

It’s odd that lucid dreamers seem to be abnormally insane…

I can’t say that I’ve ever had this stuff happen to me… it kind of reminds me of the episode of Malcolm in the Middle where Dewey is following Hal around moving things he sets down and stealing stuff…

This reminds me of a story I wrote about a year ago. It was about a soldier who, on an otherwise ordinary day, began to notice a few strange occurrences in what was usually a very consistent environment. Objects were suddenly misplaced or rearranged, the same people kept appearing no matter where the character went, and the exact same events would occur multiple times, even days apart. Anyway, it turned out the character had been exposed to a war drug that affected her memory, making recent information interfere with previous memories, and ultimately induce insanity.

Atheist: Is there anywhere I can read your book, it sounds good? Anyway, that girls is really scary.

Ummm… The logical explanation could be paranoia… the unlogical explanation could be that ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE!!!111

It was just a short story, and unfortunately one that I lost a fair while ago. It was technically a fanfic, but I only stole the character names and moderately specific futuristic setting. I guess it wasn’t really written for other people anyway, for a number of reasons. I enjoy writing for myself, and not having to carefully avoid content that’s inappropriate for a general audience. Heh, although that disclaimer only seems to generate more interest.

Anyway, I was just reminded of it by this thread.

the one thing that particularly bothers me about reality is white trucks/suvs


this one time on the way to cali, i was just staring out the window, seeing white truck after white truck after white truck after white truck, like 6 in a row… and I was like “man there sure are a ton of white trucks” and as soon as I thought that, they stopped showing up.

and on the news today I was watching weather footage, a schoolbus drives on top of an overpass, then a white SUV… then another white SUV goes by shortly after it… then a school bus goes under the under pass… then a white SUV goes under the under pass.

I swear, something is seriously wrong with traffic… I mean, yes, there are only so many cars you can own, and white is a common color, and the damn SUVs are popular and fuel innefficent as ever… as are small trucks… I mean, my dad has a small white truck, but STILL…

it just doesn’t seem right, becuase, when I am driving, I just can’t say that I notice too many if at all white trucks around me.

Well, I count my fingers a few times, or read something over a few times.

Nahh, no offense taken!
I was not on drugs, I’ve never done any hard drugs, and never had a problem with hallucinations before this. But they aren’t hallucinations, they are actually consensus reality issues. And now I’m wondering how real Reality actually is.

That realy is some freaky shit!!!

Maybe we are in the matrix…or maybe…

Ok here are several theories which might explain whats happening to you:

  1. Your friends are playing tricks on you

  2. We are in the matrix

  3. Your going insane

  4. Our mind corrects things, for example when you read a sentence that that has 2 words in it, you don’t notice somethings wrong cus your mind corrects it…(PS: read this sentence again but more closely :wink: )
    So maybe these things have been like this for a long time but your mind has put them in places that you always thought they were in, and now your starting to notice the changes

  5. Maybe you acsendently steped through a portal and ended up in another dimention as someone already stated

  6. read number 4 again

  7. This could all be a dream


  9. I’m running out of ideas…

  10. This is number ten

  11. number 4 could be correct

  12. I think I’ll stop now

  13. the end

hope that helps


That gave me a nice little chill. It actually scared me a little too. Very nice opinion.

I like those things, here’s one, read the next sentence as quickly as you can:

You are auclatly rheatr good at tnigry to raed sbelcrmad wrdos in raguler seped! :cool: