Read this and you'll LD

Is it really this easy?

That sure simplifies things.

I think you missed the entire point about “placebos” there Mindexplorer. It has nothing at all to do with gods/god/godesses. He was using it as an example.

Another good example of a placebo is the title of this thread, another good example is this.

“Doing these reality checks and it will help you to have an LD”

^^^ This is now a placebo regardless of what the actual RC is.

You were told that doing RCs will help you to recognise you are dreaming and thus become lucid, so you did RCs and low and behold you had success. There’s no real way to know if it worked because of the RCs or because of the placebo effect.

Believing a god can give you LDs is just the same - although would only work for those who truely believe it.

Someone with a highly active Subconcious mind could actually have an LD simply because this thread told them they would. Me personally find it very hard to gain LDs as i have an overly analytical mind so the simple placebos don’t work.

To answer the question “Is it really this easy?” When it comes to placebo effect then yes it really is that easy.

heh, yes but RCs work for a reason, because they carry habits over from real life into your dreams, and the fact that they turn out how they do is just the way the mind works, unlike a medical placebo, which is actually just a random pill that shouldn’t do anything for you.

Note that anything I say in this thread may be completely false, I just have to say it to make myself believe it.

I think even RC’s might work as placebo.
well, a good one at least, because it’s based
on the theory of logic - today a lot of people
will believe ANYTHING as long as it fits to
their scientific logic.
When I began doing RC’s I noticed that
I never smoked a cigarette in dream,
and I do like 20 times a day, so I thought :
Won’t work, cause my habits don’t really
affect my dreams. :bounce:

On the other hand, some methods which are
very unlikely to affect dreaming do work
incredibly well for some people. Depends on
your own expectations:

  • Some people need to, like, work very hard,
    all day, for their LD’s, reading and forcing
    themselves to do RC’s or WBTB until they
    believe they’ll LD

  • Often beginners who just found out about
    the possibility of LD have first sucsesses
    very quickly - because they don’t even
    doubt that everybody can LD easily

  • And some people just need to think
    that praying to a godess will make you LD.
    (That will be much more likely when you
    are grown up with the religion and are used
    to believe in it)

And all that is the DEFINITE proof that this
topic will make you LD tonight!

So be prepared :thumbs:

Another thing that works sometimes is telling some one that you are giving them your LDs for the night, or telling them that they will have an LD… it is the power of suggestion, which more readily influences the subconcious than the concious mind.

This is what the God thing is. It is suggested to your subconcious that doing something has a result which can create a result. So like they said placebo I guess :smile:

This also related to believing that you are going to be lucid every night, not just trying to be. I goto bed every night ready to have lucid dreams and I have them about every other night. Many of the people that do have them regularly believe that they will have them every night. What I am trying to say is that this can be more than placebo effect, because that is basically not effective or coincidence. This is a part of your mind so you have more control over it then just the placebo effect.

placebo-effect might be a wrong description for
the power of your expectations which I was talking about.
I think all the methods described in this forum do work. Not
every for everybody, though, but every method for
someone because they believe in “their” method.

by the way, great post, said everything I intended to say in, like,
two sentences :gni:

This topic is the best method to get lucid invented yet,
and you will have a great LD tonight !!! !!! !!!


Isn’t it the analytical mind that found out about placebos and
proofed how they work?
and well, would placebos work if people wouldn’t know
anything about placebo-effect?
At least, it is sure noone is immune.
Maybe it depends on if you believe
placebos work for you at all.

But this topic isn’t a placebo. It is scientifically
and spiritually proofen to work! :wink:

Well, RC’s work for me in a dream… simply becuase whenver I feel something is strange or I’m worried etc, my natural reaciotn is to take a RC (so, yeah, it comes accross in my dreams too…)

But, RC’s also help you to question your reality during day time, so, even if they don’t come through into your dreams, they’ll still help you…

Sounds pretty plausibly to me. When strange situations make you do
RC’S in RL they’ll make you do RC’s in a dream. Everybody who
paid attention in school has to expect RC’s to work. Though some people
never get different results whether they do RC’s in RL or ND. Maybe they don’t expect them to work?

The good thing about this topic is,
you don’t need to expect it to work. It will anyway!
A lot of people already experienced that already! :grin:

I guess it works both ways. Last week I gave a night of LDs to JarOd and he had one, but I have had vivid nights of dreaming every night for a week and had none (I usually LD about every other night) hmn.

I have read this topic yesterday, an today I had a realy nice ld. So for me it worked yust to believe that I will have a ld.
But yesterday I did some rc too, and in the dream I first wondered if it is a dream, but I realy got lucid, after I did some RC.

So I Think you should make RC AND believe that you will have LDs.

Hope everybody is convinced now :
This topic will make everybody who reads it LD !
And if you also have other methods which give you LD’s,
go on with them - because after reading this they’ll work
twice as good!

Well it did :cool:

ALMOST did for me. Is it a lucid dream if you almost woke up, and then have the feeling your not really dreaming though you really are? :eh:

nope. ;\

I haven’t read this topic in a few days and I didn’t LD. OK, here we go, another reading for another LD :cool:

read it last night and didnt ld :sad:

Well, maybe you didn’t read this topic here carefully! :smile:

Because if you did, you would know it ALWAYS works.
I’m sure everybody forgets about LD’s sometimes,
and you can’t be sure that you haven’t had a LD that
night if you can’t remember, like, the whole series of your
dreams … :eh:

Anyway - you’ll LD, maybe it’s kinda hard to remember
sometimes. At least you don’t need to do anymore than
reading this topic to get LD’s - I swear :grin:

I memorized it before I went to bed that time but I’ll keep trying…

Well, that doesn’t make much sense to me. Why even have some spiritual name for it or anything like that. If you think something is going to help you with lucid dreaming and it doens’t do a damn thing for real. Why not just try to think reading nothing will help you with lucid dreaming?