Is your dream journal private?

like Atheist i have no intention of sharing with my family. it just feels weird to me when sombody has no idea of what you talking about and why your doing it and then try to tell them your dreams and they think your weird. besides they think i’m crazy when they found out about lucid dreaming :happy: but as for a place like this it feels normal for to post my DJ up for everybody to see.

I occasinally might share a ND or LD with freind or familly. Hey, they do to me (ND’s though - none of them can be bothered to try LD’ing for more than one night…).

I usually only share my DJ with close friends that already now about LD and have LDs themselves. But I don’t share all my dreams, some are too private.

I share some of my dreams with my family, and all my dreams with my friends, often if it’s a sex dream involving a girl I know, I tell her right away :smile: and they just think it’s funny! :grin:

BAH… sorry for doublepost… :grrr: well I can try to make something here… I only share my dreams with my family if they are involved in some way… otherwise i don’t :cry:

I usually don’t share my dreams with my family. But I ocasionally tell my friends who have LDs or are trying to have them. It just seems like they would listen & understand more than my family. But overall I like to keep some dreams to myself.

I only tell other lucid dreamers usually. My friend said yesterday as this annoying kid was telling us about his dream, “In a survey they said the topic people find for uninteresting is dreams”.

I dont know if theres any truth to that.

I, of course, am not one of those people :smile:

I stopped using a dream journal after I realized it was pointless for me. I’ve had great dream recall all my life, and dream signs/RC is the least effective method for having a LD for me, so I focus on other techniques that actually work.

If I dream of another person I tell them. (Usually… :tongue: ) The thought of strangers reading my dreams are not as bad as the thought of someone I know reading it. Acually, my mother and brother are into lucid dreams too, so I tell them when I’m visiting my family and have a LD.

I choose to keep my dream journal completely private. With the exception of a few dreams I have shared on this site, or if I have a particularly funny dream I might share it with friends. However, I would never allow someone to read my DJ.

Same here. I don’t really share my dreams unless they are totally harmless. But even then, I am pretty nondescript.

I only share some dreams with family and wouldn’t like to share them with RL friends. But sharing them on-line is completely different, as you will probably never meet the people who read them.

I usually share them online…never in RL though…I keep my dreamjournal right beside my bed a ll day and nigh so I dont really care who reads through it

yea Im with moogle and atheist… it all depends on a couple of things, content and content lol… if its a sexual dream, chances are I wont tell my gf lol and if the dream is extremely spiritual, I may want only my mind to have the memory and for other avid dreamers to share the experience with me…


so in a way, It is private to non-thusiasts but under certain circumstances, I will share…

  • Silva

Same here,I don’t like any reading my dreams,especially cuz they just keep getting weirder and weirder.
Although I’m tinking of starting up my DD on this site again.

I sometimes talk to my mother about them, but I’d never ever give someone access to my recorded dreams.

It is interesting how we all seem to want to keep our dreams private (Me included). After all there is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. They are just dreams. I know I would not judge someone based on what they did in a dream.

I think dreams are real reflections of ourselves. Dreams know us better that we know ourselves. Sometimes the truth can be disturbing to our waking self. And we supress the messages even ourselves.

but yeah milod we have nothing to be worried about. Sometimes dreams are not always what they seam to be.

I confess, I probably would if it were disturbing enough. Especially if they were lucid at the time.

I agree. I wouldn’t be really taken aback or anything, but if it were strange, I would have a new view of that person. Mainly because I believe dreams express a deeper part of a person and aren’t merely “dreams”–dismissed after you have them. Most of my own dreams express what I am dealing with in my waking life. Therefore (based on my own experience), it is possible to learn a lot about a person from their dreams. ESPECIALLY their lucid ones. :wink: