Competition Rankings for June

3 LD’s

Monitor199a seems to be of to a good start :grin: . If he keeps this up he will have around 30 LD’s at the end of the month :eek:

Not so many for the rest of us :cry:

1/2 LD here.

1 LD.

4 Ld’s

Jarod I think I permentaly gave you my lucid dreams… I haven’t had any since last thursday… I want them back :smile:

I havn’t had any this month either. So maybe they are lost somewhere.
But if I get any I will give a few back to you.

Wagh! I haven’t had a LD in like… a week!

Still, they’re coming back to me… I’ve been taking RC in dreams (just waking up the second they pass )… it’s only a matter of time… mwhahahahahaha… erm, I mean… yes…

had one a couple of days ago when I was in Norway :smile:

6 LD’s

3 so far. Could be better :tongue:

I had another one last night. That makes 1 and a half :cool:

Just a little curious about what you mean with ‘…and a half’ :smile: :smile:

The “half” one was like: “Wow! I am dreaming”, poof, and then I was in my bed.

Weee, I had 1 LD.

7 Ld’s

2 LDs

1 LD, fingers crossed that won’t be it for this month

I’ve only got two this month, so I am WAY behind… but don’t worry about me… I’m sure I’ll catch up to last month :smile:

I got a short (too short!) LD today.