My subconscious hates me

Became lucid in the bathroom so I decided to have a bath. Ran the water and got in, ahh that’s nice. Mmmm, lacks something. Oh yes lacks a pretty girl to join me. :wink: Tried to materialise a nice girl but nothing. Mmmm lucid powers not so good tonight so I thought I’d try something easier. A spoon, that should be easy. No spoon either.

Fine! I thought, I’ll try manipulating an object already present. Tried to remove the cap of a toothpaste tube just with my mind. Took all my effort just to unscrew it a little. Then as soon as my concentration let go a little the cap screwed itself back on just to spite me! How nasty!

The next part I’m not sure I should say. It’s a bit sick. Ah why not. :tongue: I kept trying to materialise a girl but all I got was a blow up sex doll! Lol well beggars can’t be choosers so I thought I’d have my wicked way with the doll. No luck there either cos for some strange reason an African voodoo witch doctor materialised next to the tub and kept shaking his rattle in front of my face! How rude! Now I knew this DC was just part of my subconscious and I reckon that he knew that I knew that and just wanted to harass me! I got really annoyed and told him to F off!

He backed away a bit but was still there. Tried to get back to the doll but it just sort of melted away. I gave up and woke up.

I think my subconscious wanted me to know it was running the show and doesn’t want me to have any fun! :cry: What a silly lucid experience.

Hey. Don’t complain. I ask for a beautiful woman and got a squirel. You can’t have sex with a squirel. As far as I know.

Don’t expect to be able to manipulate everything. Sometimes you’re subconcious does its best to stop you from soign somethign it doesn’t want you too.

So in this case it may have know that you having sex would have woken you up. Not something it wanted - its goal is is to keep you asleep (which is why FA exist - so you think you’ve woken up when you haven’t really).

A handful of days ago i tried to have sex. After much searching I finally found a girl. But my subconcious still did its best to stop me (‘why the hell won’t it go hard?’).
When it turned out I wasn’t going to give up, my subconcious gave me a FA. I got lucid again from it and searched for a girl, but once again, failed.

The next night, not only did it let me, but it directed me strait to the girl (a DC came up to me and said, ‘don’t go that way, go upstairs.’).

So, just remember, your subconcous knows what’s bestf or you :wink:.

that’s weird then… when i want a guy, i ve him… but it’s a problem when i ve a guy and i dont like him :wink:) hehe… is that a subconciuos trick too?

It seems people’s subconcious likes to trick you without knowing if it is.

For example, if it doesn’t want you to go somewhere in a dream for whatever reason, it just make it looks bad (eg. spikes right below where you’re going to jump from) instead of doing something more obvious (eg. invisble wall).

So yeah… I’d say so.

yeah… that pisses me off

a few days ago i was lucid and playing out some sort of really odd story, i don’t knwo what i was doing, i was in this office and I chained this girl up and was dragging her around, and my mom was like “what are you doing?” and I had to think for a moment and I’m like “the chains represent the oppression of working a meaningless job over and over again” and she was like “oh, okay” and then I had a tiny toy car that I was somehow “driving” and I took it and ended up in a classroom, where, I FINALLY found my teacher, (after not being able to for weeks) except she didn’t look quite right… and I was like “hey! I can’t really stay, I’m having a good time with this story I’m making… you know you’re dreaming right?” and she’s like “I’ll tell the students…”

so then… I was going to my “apartment” but then … SLOT MACHIENS… slot machines in the apartment building…

I went and gambled and won everytime I spun and lost lucidity.


then I summoned this girl I liked and she didn’t look right and I was like “you don’t quite look like Danielle” and she was like “Oh I don’t do I? That shows how much you know me” and then she had a boyfriend, and man, I could never see her with this guy… and well… so I was kind of mad about that… she kissed me and whispered stuff about how she couldn’t go out with me, it wouldn’t be right…

and well…

sex dream ruined.

and then today I tried to summon a hott girl, from the bathroom too, and nothing appeared, so then I was wandering around this party and there was this really hot girl in a bikini but some guy was with her, and I couldn’t find any other girls that didn’t have boyfriends.

and man, I was so bored, I was in th is crappy church like camp, and … it was just… boring … it was not vivid at all, i was on the verge of waking up… I just… man… there was nothing to do… I managed to walk through a wall, let me tell you, that wall felt so real, it hurt to touch it, it was like “whoa” … but anyway… the wall was stuck to me and I had to peel it off, that’s how i got to the party.

my dreams sucked today… except the flying car one, but I couldn’t prolong it long enough to finish it :sad:

wow learjet, that is hilarious about the African voodoo doctor. :lol:
Maybe you have the idea that lucidity or sex is maybe “wicked” or forbidden, and this is being displayed through your subconscious.

I think you are right DreamAddict. African voodoo witch doctor… where does my mind come up with this stuff! lol

It seems like one of the biggest things we might be up against is a belief system that resists LDs. Maybe in some cases the subconcious isn’t “right”, it is just faithfully working according to a system (beliefs, values, attitudes, decisions, etc.) that doesn’t allow the activities we want to do in LDs, or having LDs at all. (I guess this point is pretty obvious.) I’m doing the reality checks, the MILDs, the visualization, remembering dreams, recalling dreamsigns after waking, but I am working against an unconcious system that doesn’t allow the “me” (the ego) to take part in the dream process.

I’m working on reconditioning my unconcious/subconcious to allow or permit LDs by listening to a continous loop tape that I made that basically says two things: 1. You are allowed to have lucid dreams, lucid dreams are natural and OK. 2. When you are dreaming, you will recognize that you are dreaming. No actual LDs from all this, yet, but Ive noticed dream signs after waking. Any ideas or comments about all this??? :help:

Long Beach its a goo diea but try after some time some new verbal commands for your tape!
Dont stick with one set only :wink: And find the one that works best 4 you!

So Experiment!

Learjet i dont think lol anybody is hated by its subconsciousness lol

You are like a man that sits in a car…dont know excactly how it works.
Then says…c…the car hates me!
Its more a lack of selfknowledges and experience with lucid dreaming and yourself. :smile:

Make a plan how you gone take a different approach next time…exploring and experience is only gone work if u gone try different approaches when u fail at one of them. :smile:

LongBeach… I think you are absolutely right. As far as my reading has led me so far, it seems to be this area in the frontal lobes of the brain, the prefrontal cortex (PFC), that is responsible for this mess. One of the functions of this area is to keep us oriented as to what is “fantasy” and what is “reality”. When we sleep, this part of the brain is also in slumber, but it will do its best to wake you up when you go lucid, it will try to convince you while awake that LDing is harmful, prevent you from seeing dreamsigns etc. etc. People with serious psychosis have a malfunction in this area. So it’s of course really useful, and just doing its job.

But still, what we need to do is to convince it that LDing is NOT harmful. We know that, but not it. The PFC will need some convincing. Partly this is because it has been conditioned by our belief system, as you say. If we had a different type of upbringing LDing would be much easier. I think the right way to do this is reconditioning techniques. Especially when the brain is in alpha or theta wavelengths (deep relaxation or REM-sleep). So you’re on the right track. I also think alternative societies, like this one, perhaps, is a good thing.

This is as far as getting LDs at all go. When you’re having them I’m not sure if the PFC is being troublesome anymore. Probably there are other defense mechanisms in the brain that will prevent people from doing exactly as they want. Perhaps it is these which manifest as barriers or monsters of any kind.

Well, all this technical stuff might not be essential for achieving LDs, but it won’t hurt either :smile:

Edit: Learjet: so no, your subconscious does not hate you, it loves you. It’s just concerned about your well-being. :content:

Lol, I know, I’m just being a clown. Barriers and defense mechanisms are what is really going on, like you say Dysamalex.

My subconscious doesn’t really hate me. I must have a talk with it next time to see what it’s reasoning is.

Mmmm, talking to myself. Isn’t that a sign of insanity? lol