ANOTHER ONE! Sort of...

In my dream last night, I noticed that I was dreaming, though it was as if I was a character in my own dream, who knows he’s dreaming, but he didn’t know what to do. I kept thinking, “oh crap, crap, what do i do?!” i could feel the dream fading, so i started spinning around as fast as I could, but then i woke up. It was strange, i went lucid, but I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to move in case i was not lucid, or in case i would loose it. It was so strange.

Confused? :crazy:

When you gain more experience, lucidity will be more clear and confusion about your state will vanish. Just keep practicing :smile: Also, if you really don’t know what to do in case you knów you’re dreaming, write down a wishlist with experiments you want to do. Start on a small scale and as you get more LDs, gradually increase the level of difficulty of the experiments.

Good luck :smile: