The BIG sleep paralysis and old hag topic

I remember my encounter. It happened directly after a dream. In the dream, me and my friends were just causing noise and this guy got out of his house and chased me. He pinned me down and started to headbutt me in the back. At that point I woke up and I could still feel him on my back headbutting me. Then this wierd energy started spreading through my body from where he was butting me. It wasn’t painful just uncomfortable.


are having good dreams worth the risk of being scared shitless?

Many people report seeing the “shadow people” in SP aswell, same thing as the old hag except it’s a black shadow thing. But people also say they see them while fully awake doing something. … 22502a.htm

I had SP once when I woke up, I quickly got out of it because I was afraid I was going to see the shadow people.

I think 2 people have already asked this, why is the old hag so damn common?

After reading through this I’m slightly less gung-ho about continuing my lucid dreaming stuff. But I guess it’s better to be aware of this because now I know that it’s just in my head if/when it happens so I’ll just give that old hag a drop-kick-choke-slam if she tries to fuck with me.

Many people report seeing the “shadow people” in SP aswell, same thing as the old hag except it’s a black shadow thing. But people also say they see them while fully awake doing something. … 22502a.htm

I had SP once when I woke up, I quickly got out of it because I was afraid I was going to see the shadow people.

I think 2 people have already asked this, why is the old hag so damn common?

After reading through this I’m slightly less gung-ho about continuing my lucid dreaming stuff. But I guess it’s better to be aware of this because now I know that it’s just in my head if/when it happens so I’ll just give that old hag a drop-kick-choke-slam if she tries to fuck with me.

According to Florence Ghibellini, these experiences ( old hag, demons, shadows, etc… near bed ) disappears in the end. But it doesn’t really answer to this damn good question…

:happy: why do u think that the mirror is a so good way to teleport people in the dreams?.. Because ther is a lot of movies and books the mirrors are portals to other worlds ore jus teleports… So why do I then it often would is witch? cause there are really many book there a witch is some thing scary…

I’m not sure to agree with you, Zardos. Now, why are mirrors a portal in so much books and movie ? It’s a vicious circle, because books and movie are sort of dreams…
But the question is : why are there so much monsters when you dream you are in your chamber, and fewer in others dreams ?

Hey this is interesting. I’ve been reading a bit about incubi/succubi earlier. There’s a lot to say about it. Incubi visit women, succubi visit men. So the old hag is actually a succubus, not an incubus. (A technicality, I guess.)

They are pretty scary, but mostly quite harmless. As some have noted they tend to occur during SP, but not exclusively. There are also techniques that can be practised in order to get in touch with your incubus/succubus.

Men are actually quite lucky if they get to meet one, because succubi tend to be more wary and careful than incubi. Which is why basically the technique is about chaining yourself up so that you are totally vulnerable. Then a succubus might find it safe to contact you. I guess this is why they occur during SP: they know it’s safe. So think about this the next time: she is as scared as you are. And anyway she will never really hurt you, because you are “her human”. She is a part of you, pretty much like any DC. She might scare you, though. She might also be a bit brutal, but never seriously so.

If you start having contact, you will notice that her favourite activity is sex. But not any ordinary kind of sex, incubi/succubi like the “S/M / bondage” type, and require total submission from “their human”. This is why she/he might scare you: to show you who’s the boss. However, sometimes they might come in the form of a former girlfriend or foxy lady in order to gain your trust.

If you want to have contact, you should treat her as your goddess. Such a relationship can become a quite demanding one, though, so I guess this is not for anyone. And anyway she might ask you to do silly or dangerous stuff (like dump your girlfriend, they tend to be really jealous), so humour her, but keep your common sense. She is, after all, a part of your (ordinarily) subconscious psyche.

She can be a guide for you in the underworld (which is the dreamworld, I guess), and teach you stuff about yourself/the world, so she can be quite useful if you are into stuff like this.

As Pedro, and the others who have understood what he calls the mind model, will know, she is in a sense quite real. But incubi/succubi strive towards being even more real, as real as you are. They really want to be close to you, and as close as possible. Therefore they can suck blood or semen. They crave flesh. This can be rather unpleasant and scary. Apparently the vampire myth originates from experiences with these entities. As some have mentioned, they are also associated with aliens and UFOs.

These kinds of phenomena recur because they originate in the human brain, which of course is pretty much similar for all of us. Which part of the brain the incubi/succubi originate in, I’m not sure if anyone knows, but I imagine they are the manifestations of certain drives/urges/inclinations to do with human sexuality in its raw and unpolished version.

I wouldn’t worry about meeting her again. The worst that can happen is that she’ll ride you and give you an orgasm. If you tell her to leave you alone she’ll probably do so. I would try to talk with her, but that’s me. I’m not sure I would start a relationship with her, because I already have a girlfriend :smile:

How old are you guys?!

geez your afraid of old women, I wish this would happen to me horror movies rock and i’ve so wanted to have a nightmare for the past like 5 years so that i could actually get scared (because i like to be scared) but it hasn’t happened, but this would be awesome !!!

I agree with Demon. Now I want to meet a succubus and see what happens. This could turn into an interesting discussion very quickly. I’m off to research the idea…

Well, perhaps I should put in a disclaimer here :smile:

It’s your own mind you mess with, and you’re on your own (pretty much by definition) if you really **** yourself up. You should approach these things with caution. It’s not a computer game.

BTW, it might be that the hag is not entirely the same as the succubus. I pretty much regard them as the same kind of being, but some say that the hag feed on fear and succubi feed on (sexual) energy. There’s also the Mare (as in nightMARE), which I think is just another name for the hag.

I agree with Dysamalex concerning the definitions. But it remains to be proved if these perceptions are or not “beings”…

Well, that again depends on what you mean by “beings.”

IMO they are, but can of course never be “proven” to be the kind of beings the scientists deal with. That is, you could never reach that kind of consensus that you can regarding any other rabbit or albatross, catching them, measuring them… all that.

In a way all the independent reports and experiences can count as proof (kind of), though. And anyway these creatures have a certain kind of behaviour, you can interact with them, touch them etc. Subjectively this makes them into a kind of being, which should be good enough. :smile:

Heh, I used to be the same way when I was younger, it actually stopped me from sleeping. The thought that aliens were going to break in and abduct me :cool_laugh:

But you know what? I saw this documentary on one of those documentary channels a while ago about sight and there were saying that sight is actually a lot like dreams.

Firstly, they were saying that you actually make up a lot of what you see.

Then later on they said that it seems you actually INVENT YOUR ENTIRE SIGHT inside your head… kind of thing. It’s hard to explain, and that seeing was a lot like a dream. It’s all in your head.

Kind of thing :neutral: . It’s confusing I guess…

But ****ing hell! I hope to God I never get this “old hag” ****, it’d scare the **** out of me! :neutral: :cool_laugh:

That, however, would be a different story :cool:

Me, I’m kind of undecided… but I know one thing, the American government IS hiding SOMETHING. Whatever it is I don’t know, but they’re hiding something judging from all the blackened out censoring of certain documents.

Then there’s Shag Harbour (lol… what a name) and the ufo that’s alledged to have crashed there.

But you know, I’ve dreamt about aliens before…

one was freaky… **** it, all my dreams are freaky as hell :eh: :content:

I can’t remember much, but considering how many years ago it was, I can remember a hell of a lot.

I was in a hotel or something… and I think my parents were there. My dad I think was Eamon Holmes :eh:.

Then… something happened perhaps or something and there were these aliens continually saying “We were there masters!” in a weird kind of high pitched hypnotic way.

****ing weird as hell, that’s why I don’t write down some of my most non-sensical ****ing weird dreams.

There was another I remember where there was an alien spacecraft in the back garden, I think my mother was abducted and taken away.

Then I think I just carried on almost as normal :tongue: .

Wait… are you dreaming that you’re moving around the room or are you really walking around the room, beating up an imaginary spectre? :tongue: :content:

sounds funny to watch. However I’m making fun of a ****ing terrible situation… UGH… don’t want that to ever happen to me.

Now I’m being ****ing freaked out… a lot :eh: :confused: :neutral: :cool_laugh:

I never knew that… interesting :content:

Yeah but you could say that of any dream object.

Like I said about scientists thinking we create… “our visual world” entirely in our heads, just because you see something, and you can feel it, or smell it or taste it doesn’t even necessarily mean it’s there.

Finishing note: Old hags sound scary as hell. But these things Dysamalex is talking about sound quite… intriguing

:cool_laugh: [/i]

Strange, isn’t Mare a name for a female horse or something? I remember one time I had a bad dream, it was storming pretty hard and it was night. I looked out this little window in my front door. I could see…farther then usual, and there was like a terrace thing behind the houses across the street. All the sudden this black horse with a rider all dressed and black ran through the front lawn of the house across the street. It jumped into the air for a second, shrieked and ran off. I took a few steps back, I just KNEW this was a very bad sign and that some scray ■■■■ was about to happen. I woke myself up. The day that followed that dream ended up being one of the worse I’ve ever had.

Yes, as you can see in the Fussli painting “The Nightmare”.

“Indeed, the word nightmare comes from the Anglo-Saxon mare, for goblin or incubus.” (Laberge, EWLD)

Hmmm… that’s right. It will need a shared dream laboratory, with shared dream instruments, like EEG, etc. and would be rather difficult :wink:

All my SP:s had been about me walking into a black hole and time freezes…but it was a long time ago and I solved my fear of SP by walking halfways into the black hole and going back to where I started the dream.

This topic has been designated at the “BIG sleep paralysis and old hag topic”
Many topics have been created about this subject, and we have merged them all into one BIG topic. Merged topics include several threads, and since threads are arranged by date it may read confusing. This thread has merged quite well though. :smile:

Um… I’m not sure if this is the old hag thing so I want to make sure.

I was moving in my bed late at night, because I couldn’t sleep, but all of a sudden, I felt something really really heavy on me, kinda like pushing on top of me (I was lying on my back at the time). I’ve heard of something happening like this from some superstitious Vietnamese kids, where like a ghost lies on you or something. So I didn’t open my eyes, because I was a bit scared. And I couldn’t move at all, finally. I was soon able to move my fingers, slowly, but with effort. After a while, I soon regain control of my body.

Is this what the old hag thing is?

This is called sleep paralysis or in mythology, the old hag (as you already know). Legend says it’s the ghost of some old woman who’s trying to crush you to death. What it actually is is your body shutting down for sleep. You see, your body actually paralises itself when you go to sleep so you don’t start acting your dreams out in the real world. However the mind can still be conscious or become conscious while in this state and because of the adrenaline you’re body starts pumping in a frightning situation coupled with the hypnogogic imagery your mind is producing at this time it can seem like you’re being crushed by something evil and melevolant. It’s perfectly natural and happens every night, you’re just usually not aware of it. Hope that helps to reassure you.