Doesn't approve of ld

K thanks everyone. No we don’t live in the US, we live in Canada. It probably is because she doesn’t quite understand, it. And my dad is way more religious then her and he doesn’t seem to find it satanic. I’ll show her this site, and even this post to help her get a better understanding = )

heh I just remembered that my name id demon, hehe…


I don’t think you should worry if you just want to play around with breaking the laws of the physics and so on :smile:

I am (or was) a natural LDer, the reason why I practice LD again is because I remember how fun it was…there are more people who get LDs without trying…so why should it be dangerous?

watch the movie Waking life whit her ore show her a articel fom a science paper fom Canade…

u can show her this. … ch-08.html

Due to my talking about LDs, my mom got one. She stood in front of a mirror and peeled her skin off… No wonder she doesn’t like it :tongue: But she’s not against it. My dad however probably believes I’m making this all up because he says he never dreamed. That says it all…
Too bad many parents think LDing is something to be afraid of or to be avoided. Fear of the unknown I guess… :neutral:

LOL, Demon ! With your nickname, sure that Girliesteph will trust you :happy:

Lucid dreaming is not a cult, it’s an ability of human mind which has been studied scientifically for 30 years in Stanford University by Pr Laberge and others.
My mother is very religious ( and supersticious too ) and she doesn’t like me practising LD. But I’m a big boy now :smile: ( I’m 40 ) I don’t live anymore
at my parent’s home, so I do what I want. I just avoid to share with her my experiences, so that she’s not afraid.
People are generally afraid of what they don’t know. But I don’t think that you have very good conditions for practising LD. If your dad and mom are not convinced of the harmlessness of LDing, I would recommend you to give up for the moment.

People have natural fear of the unknown. If somebody came up to you and told you that they could do something that was totally out of the way of normal logic, they’re gonna think its strange and/or dangerous.

My Mum doesn’t mind me doing it, but she says, “I’m gonna do myself harm” with it. I say, “Well that might as well mean your dreams are harmful, it’s essentially the same thing”.

Just show her the evidence proving that its perfectly harmless.:smile:

Various things Jesus has said indicates he would be pro lucid dreaming, such as “heaven is inside you” (correct me if i’m wrong)… I interpret that as LOOK INWARD, not outward, for salvation. (ala lucid dreaming, meditation)

lucid dreaming is natural you will have lucid dreams whether you want to or not, once in a while… why would God force you to do something “Satanic” against your will?

Dreaming is natural, if we didn’t enter REM sleep we would eventually go insane and then die, therefore, “God” wants us to dream.

So since we see that God wants us to dream, there is nothing Satanic about pursuing an interest in dreaming.

Much like how someone who is fascinated by roller coasters will probably eventually try to ride them, someone fascinated by dreaming (normally a passive activity) will eventually try to climb aboard and interact with his dreams.

Both can be scary to the average person who doesn’t give a damn about them or doesn’t even know they exist… but that doesn’t make them “evil”

and if all else fails, start listening to Tool, then your mother will worry so much about your “Satanic” taste in music that she won’t care about you lucid dreaming anymore.

I’m Christian too (and similarly to Demon, born again). In my first long LD i even conciously prayed to God about real life matters and it felt great (i felt similar as in real life). LD is all about what you decide in your mind (or at least influenced with your mind). If you want to use your ld-s for worshipping satan and calling out demonic stuff within LD it’s possible. But if you want to use your ld-s for communicating with God - it is also possible (do you think that God doesn’t read your mind?). In other words: you can do both of those things in real life as you can do them in ld. It’s you who decides what to do in ld-s, not some demon, or whatever.

Since i started to be aware about ld-s and started to have longer ld-s, my real life actually improved. I actually have some mild social phobias, but LD-s are helping me to cure them. I have started to be more sociable, i think ;o)

Editional note: my wife was bit afraid of it too when i started to practice ld systematically. But now she has experiencing few ld-s herself and finds it exciting :cool_laugh:

I just browsed through this post and felt lucky I have an open minded mother. My mom was the one who told me about lucid dreams, and how meditation is good for clearing your mind. You have to have an open mind for some things, lucid dreams is one of them, and definetley a really neat thing. Neither my mother or I are christian… :confused:

oh yeah and if “God” talks to you in a dream please don’t take it seriously, this is how people who hear voices end up on killing sprees.

I mean, I don’t know why you’d dream up God telling you to kill someone but, you know, just be skeptical of any contacts you might have with “higher beings” “demons” “aliens” etc… it could happen, but… you know… .

Try and stay rational about it. I’ve never personally had a bad dream of a God or of Jesus, however someone on here had one where Jesus was quite mean to him.

It could’ve been real, but it’s best to stay skeptical.

my parents think that its awesome that I am interested in Lucid dreaming… I am not a christian

My parents are not so open-minded as I often want them to be…so I never told them very much about me lucid dreaming…

Even the most conservative person will think nothing of it if you just explain it as something that happens. I have 20 LDs a month, but I still don’t LD at will. If it is just something that happens they will be less likely to place judgement on your activities and be more open to learning about it.

I haven’t talked much to my mom about LDing. She said she used to naturally LD. I think she thinks I’m a little odd though for pursuing it :grin: There’s really nothing unnatural about lucid dreaming, but some people have a funny way of thinking that it either doesn’t exist or that it’s evil. shrug

If after trying to explain it, your mom is still freaked out by it, say “ok, mom, I won’t do it anymore if it really worries you that much”.

Then continue to do it :wink:

It’s not like she can read your mind to see if you’ve been doing it after all! Just don’t use a novadreamer when you go to bed, lol

Funny thing,My dad got me in to lucid dreams.
He has cfs (chronic fatigue syndrome) and he was telling me how his mind never shuts down even in his dreams,so I get on the net to see whats up with that and found this site.
Now me and my dad study lucid dreams :content:

No matter what religion you are, I dont get how you can be against lucid dreaming. Its something thats natural that your mind can do, no harm, no satan, and no god. Unless you are dreaming about one of them.