Male circumcision.

Something that has come up already on others opinions that i agree with is that i wouldnt like it if id been cut as a child without them questioning me first. I dont see what good does that cutting do? I like to be sensitive, i wouldnt want to have to fuck hard just to feel something. Though i dont know how it really is as im not circumsized. And the worst reason for it so far that has been brought up, is that it looks ugly if it isnt cirmusized. I wanna be all natural. And this is in no way meant to be as offence to circumsized people, just how i feel about it with my little first hand experience about the subject (or circumsized penis).

Her? if your child is female I hope she never has to decide to have a male circumcision! :lmao:

I only mentioned the witches to give an example of the extreme measures taken here to preserve a person’s right to practice their religion. I’m not critizing Sweden at all. I’m just explaining how the opinion “well, that’s too bad” would not be welcome here.
Although, the practice of circumcision in American hospitals seems to not be related to religion at all. The only reasons seem to be cultural, cosmetic, and a preventitive measure against certain diseases and infections medically.

yes linnnunhammas, as it is impossible for the circumcised to imagine being un-cut. It’s also not really possible for the un-cut to imagine being cut. Although like someone has previously mentioned, premature ejaculation is a problem for both cut and uncut men. Sensation during sex is not a problem for cut men. heck, maybe circumcision is the religious God’s way of equalling out the playing field so the woman can get some pleasure before the men are finished! :lol:
If I were to grow up in your culture and be “all natural” I couldn’t imagine choosing to be circumcised. And, if I lived in your culture I would probably prefer to look like the majority and be uncut.
However, the American culture has conditioned circumcision to be the norm.

And if a person is to grow up not happy with their circumcision. Then they should talk with their parents. Not blame the government, the culture, the religion, the practice, or blame the doctor.
Your parents are the ones to choose your name, your living conditions, the food and diet you have, the clothes you wear, the friends you play with, and the church you go (or don’t go) to.
Kids don’t raise themselves, and choices must be made for them. Only in a perfect world can babies make their own decisions, and some of the benefits of circumcision is so the infant doesn’t have urinary tract or penis infections.

lol :lol:
indeed DA…
but my post is only funny if
Y = Male circumcision :wink:

I dont find that strange at all… what i find strange, is that people are allowed to “hurt” a innocent child, because of their religioun… It is a huge difference between doing something to yourself/your body, than to force their beliefs onto someone else. This is not just happening in america, but in all of the world, and i find it sickening! You might be perfectly happy with being circumsized, but other circumsized individuals might have a totally different view than you.

Also there are people who actually get a circumsizion as an adult…

An American doctor’s advice towards circumcision wouldn’t be for religious reasons. They are suppose to educate the parents of the unbiased pros and cons of each side of the decision.

Some children scream while getting their hair cut. Pulling teeth is done without the consent of most children. Some children have eye corrective surgery so they can see straight and not be teased. Is it really always necessary? Is it always with the consent of the children.
As long as a child is a child, the parents will force their beliefs to some extent. The child will do what the parents think is best.

It’s considered a very short term necessary discomfort for most American males. It’s done with the most possible pain and risk reduction measures modern times provide.

I think the change and difference between a cut and uncut penis may be exaggerated for some people. A properly circumcised penis will get no complaints from very many men, or else the adults wouldn’t decide to get them theirselves.

There is also circumcised men that use devices to help grow back the foreskin. It uses a stretching mechaninsm … but I won’t go into details. :lol:

People will change their minds about themselves no matter what the decision, but “forcing decisions” for your child that you think is best isn’t inhumane. . . that’s the essence of who a parent is.

Now let me lay this on you.

I kidnap you, remove one of your kidneys. Sodomize you. Carve drawings in your skin, just, lots of fun torture.

THEN… when it’s over… I take a hammer, and I bash your head in.

Turn you over to a hospital. You spend the rest of your life as a mentally challenged vegetable with no memory of the torture.

That’s okay?

This is genital mutilation. There is no way around this issue. Genital mutliation it’s fine if you’re okay with being cut, but it is a criminal activity.

If I took you and castrated you, you’d be pissed off. I’d go to jail.

If I kidnapped a baby and circumcised it, I’d go to jail.

If I kdinapped a middle eastern man and circumcised him, I’d go to jail.

If a doctor does it against my will, he gets paid nicely for it?

You cannot consent to crimes. I can’t take my friend, say, “is it okay if we kidnap torture and rape Nic?” and if he says it’s okay, I can’t do that.

Or if Nics parents say “sure, kill my boy” I can’t do that.

It’s a f u c k i n g human rights violation for Christ’s sake.

why is it unattractive/ It’s the same principle as GAY PEOPLE ARE HORRIBLE, THEY ARE A TH REAT TO AMERICAN SAFETY, KILL THEM ALL!!!

There is nothing unattractive about an uncircumcised penis, you are conditioned to think that way like, chances are, you are conditioned to be homophobic and consumeristic.

Premature ejaculation is something that can be easily remedied with dedication, erectile dysfunction and lack of sensitivity can NEVER BE FIXED.
(well okay ED can sometimes, but the pills are a bit dangerous)

That is highly flawed reasoning.

Men can learn to multiple orgasm, in fact, I can almost pull it off, it takes work, but if you were having premature ejaculation problems (i’d love to have them right now) then all you’d need do is practice strengthening the PC muscle… I can keep it clenched pretty well but towrad the end I just have to let it convulse… I’m sure if

  1. i could attain orgasm faster
  2. this made me more likely to want to masturbate more
  3. i really desired for multiples.

I could learn to be very enduring in sex… providing I had sex at all…

you cannot however learn to be re-sensitized.

umm no, it’s something akin to FIFTY PERCENT OF THE PENIS LOST.

how? and it takes me 15-30 minutes to get off going as fast as I can…

are you cut?

anyway, the only reason most males are happy that they are circumcised is because HOW THE HELL WOULD THEY KNOW BETTER? If all people got to choose, no one would sanely opt to have part of their penis whacked off (haha, good pun) unless they were either:
pressured to by society
pressured to by religion
too young to understand the future rammifications.

it is correct, it would be cruel for a child who is genitally aware to be circumcised, it is also cruel for a childs first experience with his penis to be of severe pain. It is also cruel to deny the child an ability to masturbate (this is why circumcision was begun in America) by removing his foreskin.

I could have discovered masturbation at a gloriously young age, I mean, I tried all sorts of things to get myself off, but I just didn’t get it… (because you need lube to masturbate as a cut male) but if I had had natural intact genitals it would have been a naturally discovered process… hell maybe it would have made me sexually aware during my middle school years and I wouldn’t have gone through horrible “teasing” (to put it lightly) of being considered gay.

DA there is nothign medical about circumcision either, the articles I read say there is no therapuetic need to circumcise.


but we do tell people what they can’t see on tv and what they can’t put in their bodies, and we do let their parents consent to having parts of their wang chopped off.

Imagine if we allowed female circumcision.

PLUS… many religions use hallucinagens, BUT THOSE ARE GOD DAMNED ILLEGAL!!!

america is not a land of freedom, it’s better than communist china, it’s not better than Canada, it’s not better than a lot of places really.

sorry this is so incoherent, I should have kept track of this thread so I could address the issues one by one.

Yes I am anti-American. Yes I am AN America. I have the right to say “no, don’t chop off part of my dick” and I have the right to smoke bud and drink beer.

All are denied to me.

and I guess I should be pro-life, the abortion comparison is accurate… I’m a bit of a mixture of both, if it has consciousness, I don’t think you should terminate it, if it is not emitting brainwaves or even has a brain yet… I would say okay, it’s not alive… no harm done.

But I much favor adoptions.

Seriousely? Cut men needs lube?

Im also reacting somewhat to the thought of circumcision. You can’t get around the fact that the baby do not have any choice in the matter. In USA it might be an advantage to be cut, since most other guys there are cut. But you could say the same about certain tribes in Africa when it comes to female circumcision. If they are not cut, they will get stigmatized.

Has there been any reports from males getting circumcised after they have become adults? Would like to know their opinion on what the difference is. Reason is that people circumcised as babies, can’t really know how it feels to be cut, ofcourse can say the same about non cut men. But, if cut men have to use lube, well…

Sorry for being stupid, but what is a lube?

Lube=lubricant, makes your wee wee slippery :grin:

If you are referring to the Native American spiritual rituals, then their hallucinagens are “restricted” not “Illegal.”
“Peyote Charge Against Provo Man is Dismissed”

50%!!! please stop with the exaggeration. You are scaring people.
Are you saying if your penis is 6 inches now, that it should be 12 inches? :eh:
Circumcised men do NOT lose penis size.

Nice job around the word censor.

So, let me get this right. Are you saying this practice should be banned? because it is a human rights violation?
Holy Reality is for banning something? to remove the choice from the families hands? to possibly increase the policing of our country against a families free will?

Live and let Live.
If you are really concerned pass pamphlets out to pregnant ladies. And, question your parents decision not the governments.

Not true. Although it makes it feel better, its not needed.

this thread is a big joke… and holy reality your reply to my post was completely irrelevant. wtf? kidnapping me and bashing my head in? that is nothing compared to cutting extra skin off of a little boys pecker. shit dude… infants minds are so… unformed then that you virtually have no memory. and as a cut male, why can’t you people understand that I had it done and it did not bother me a bit? and I am completely appauled that you think I am homophobic holy reality. you are a very stereotypical person. you know nothing about me except for my views on circumssicion. it isn’t even that big of a deal. Jesus christ on a stick…

Holy Reality I understand you have some strong views. Some I agree with and some I don’t. I respect your right to speak your mind. I do wish you would ease up on the anti - American rhetoric but, I won’t try to stop you either. Free speech is a wonderful thing. However, comparing that scenario with a medical procedure is just absurd. Granted that this procedure is done without the newborns consent and perhaps we should reconsider that practice.

I have read all the agreements for and against and I can not say who is right. But, if there is a legitimate health benefit for the procedure I am glad it was done at birth. I would never have it done now.

As for sensation all I can say is I have no complaints.

Now you do bring up a good point about medical errors during the procedure. How prevalent are they? I wonder how many people actually have to undergo a “sex change” because of medical errors? That is a concern and I appreciate you educating us about it.

wow this is ridiculous!

I like my cut peepee just the way it is, besides uncut looks like an alien…

lol perfectly put buddy.

hmmm. this thread made me think… i’m going to move to america in two years from now, but i think i’ve just made up my mind that i won’t.

if america think it’s unattractive then america is unattractive to me :razz:

i thought only arabs and israelis cut the foreskin, so that a western country has this as a standard seems kinda weird to me.
hell i remember when we used to make fun of a friend of ours that was circumcised, he started crying like a baby :happy:

but seriously, i want to know why it’s so common in the us!

In theory it is a health issue. It is supposed to prevent infections and such. Until now I thought this was standard everywhere.

Lol… you are very stupid indeed. I thought it was common everywhere to be circumcised. i don’t really care if anyone makes fun of me for being cut. as long as i can piss I am good to go.

If the fact that us americans have the tradition of being circumcised “disgusts” you, don’t move here. its that simple. It is funny how petty one could be. especially something as small as having extra skin being cut off an infants pecker… big f*cking deal. if you gotta problem with it, don’t look.

yeah there are, i think in one of the links one of the guy says it’s like driving a luxury car verses a beat up POS truck…

are you saying we should have the freedom to mutilate who we choose?

There are some things that should always be illegal.
Murder, rape, theft, kidnapping, torture.

Circumcision falls under that.

VOLUNTARY circumcision is a completely different issue, much like suicide, piercing, whatever, it’s your choice.

The kidnapping analogy is too apt, he says because he does not remember it, it is fine that it happened to him.

Say I could wipe your memory, rape you every day, but you’d never know.

Or put some ansethesia on you while you are sleeping and get my jollies off (though that doesn’t appeal to me!) is that okay?


The foreskin tissue itself comprises over 50% of the penis dammit, I know it’s a lot of reading I referrenced but it’s in there.

You people that think it looks like an “alien” and other weird metaphors are just silly, it’s like thinking a woman is ugly because she has short hair. The ONLY reaosn you think that is because you were never exposed to it and society wants you to think it’s ugly.

Society also hates gays, according to a 71% Missouri voter turnout, do you hate gays?

I know it’s just a preference of looks, it’s nothing that severe, but I mean, I thought it was ugly too, I don’t anymore, try to be a bit more open minded about those kinds of things.

looking for 50% tissue lost link

okay it’s 36% that’s still a hell of a lot.

“This ring represents an average adult male foreskin. Like this ring, the circumference of the average man’s erect penis is 5 inches around and the average foreskin length is 1 1/2 inches on the outer foreskin and another 1 1/2 inches on the inner foreskin. The total area of foreskin then on an adult male is equal to this 3x5 card. This is how much skin an adult male loses from being circumcised as an infant. That’s almost 36% of his penile shaft skin!”

need I again mind you.

the most erogenous zones of the penis are GONE

no one in their sane un-brainwashed minds should be okay with that, I dont’ care how good or horrible your penis feels now, it could be SO MUCH BETTER, you never got that opportunity… THE MOST EROGENOUS ZONES ARE GONE!!!

Does that not register with any of you? We are so hypocritcal as a country (part of the reason why we are hated so much) EQUAL RIGHTS, but wait, not for gays… PROHIBITION IS BAD… unless it’s of drugs… FEMALE CIRCUMCISION IS EVIL! now come here son, time to cut you up.

NO HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS… oh wait, we circumcise people… and let’s not forget Rumsfield’s torture memos…

“i’m not some loser pothead, don’t stereotype me”
(latest drug commercial)
umm… stereotyping people as loser potheads is bad, stereotyping POTHEADS AS LOSERS is good?

Land of the free.

can’t say
etc on tv.

Firing news personalities for criticzing the war.

People are down on America because it’s the biggest and most dangerous country in the world, it holds the world to high standards that it, itself, does not even meet.

Other countries are just as bad, but America is a T-Rex, they’re just little… cave men (not that cave men and dinosaurs necessarily lived at the time time era)

and I NEED lube… I cannot not masturbate without it.

I can but it can take upwards of an hour and is the harshest thing on the world to me…

as for drugs peyote is only one of the few ones that has a loophole, many people use marijuana religiously, If I were able to get my hands on LSD I’d use it religiously

NOOO we can’t even research LSDs huge potential of discovering uknown areas of the pscyhe (correct me if I’m wrong? I don’t think schedule Is can be used for reaseach, hence why people in this country still think marijuana cannot have medicinal benefits (congress admitted it can))

*** oh and babies do too form memories, my brother as a baby was terribly phobic of doctors… I wonder why? Maybe not circumcision, maybe so, they certainly are highly associated with PAIN, that’s all a doctor really does to a baby, give them shots, carve up their penis, etc… spank them…

he would cry the second he saw someone in a white coat… okay, don’t think babies can’t develop memories, they most certainly can.

and i’m sorry if i’ve upset or offended anyone with my angsty ranting…