The Lucid Wishing Well

I wish to have an LD :smile:
And awesome Dream recall
and… be able to have many more LD’s :smile::slight_smile:

yea! i had an LD last night! my third total.

I wish:
to get better at having lucid dreams
to meet some interesting dream characters in my next LD
to experience a very satisfying WILD

I wish for a LD tonight, both for me and for all those who think they can’t LD.

This smiley will scare a LD out of the well!

i wish for my dry spell to end
i wish to get more sleep and have more time to dedicate to lucid dreaming
i wish to have a lucid dream by the end of this week…

throws 2 or 3 million pennies in the well PUH-LEASE !!! :cry:

I wish to induce WILD successfully in my dreams tonight.

I wish to remember every dream I have tonight.

I wish for these wishes to keep recurring for every proceding night to this one.

donates all :smile: s I have to the well

I wish that my dreams are vivid and long.
I wish that I go lucid in said dreams.
I wish my wishes happen to everyone in the world too.

I wish for the best MILD ability known to the LD world
I wish for long and vivid LDs for the rest of my life
and I wish to live in a lucid dream and never wake up

:smile: holla

  1. I wish for better recall
  2. I wish for longer LDs
  3. I wish for more LDs to everyone on ld4all

/me drops a smiley into the well :smile:

dear little LD wishing smiley,

I wish for:

  • a 5 minute high LD every day, that I remember
  • meeting my “guide” regularly in those LD’s
  • own proof that the Lucid Crossroads really work.

… There you go… :happy:

yes! i had my fourth last night, thank u LD wishing well!!! :content:

I rewish my last three wishes…

:smile: :content: :happy: :cool_laugh: :wink: :tongue: :cool: :grin:


I wish to have really realistic, stable LDs whenever I want.
I wish that in my lucid dreams I will always remember what I wanted to do in them.
I wish to be able to fly really well in my LDs whenever I want to.

As strange as it is my dreams have been much more vivid since making that wish and last night i was able to hold onto dreams and reenter them several times. Maybe it did work after all.

And this one didn’t work cause it was not directly related with LD, hehehe ! :puh:

I’ll give it this one, as my BDay is almost just 2 weeks away. :partying_face:

I wish for more vivid dreams, More dream recall, and a smarter sub-concious for more LDs

i had my fifth one this morning :grin: . its funny, its not like i ever believed it would work, maybe its like weird placebo that works even when u noe it won’t, or mayb it’s just coincidence. in any case its pretty cool. (also i think i’ve been getting to sleep easier :cool_laugh: )

  1. I wish to remember about 3 vivid dreams per night.
  2. I wish that in my dream I heal my cat and it actually does have an effect on real life.
  3. I wish more an more of these dreams to be lucid.

Phew, nearly forgot the smiley. :content:

OMG wish 1 and 2 worked :happy: 4 good LD:s in a night!