Male circumcision.

I agree with that. Though that is a topic in its self.

Happy Dreaming

It is Milod789 :wink: i told it so ppl see the logic behind this all…the why such things happen.
I wanted to add a bit philosophical flavor to it :wink:

NO it doesn’t cause infections… let me explain…

In the Bible God told Abraham that he was to circumsise every male in the jewish faith. From then on it was just passed down as a tradition. Then later on when modern day science came around, they discovered that around the 8th day, the day that the male was to be circumcised in the old jewish faith, a bloodclot has a high risk of forming in the foreskin of a males penis. From then on it was just done as standard procedure, and rumors were spread that infections and other weird things would start to happen if they didn’t cut it off so people were basically scared that if they didn’t cut it bad things would happen. Well nowadays people are starting to forget all of that stuff and just leave the penis the way it is from birth.

…Thank you…

"I can but it can take upwards of an hour and is the harshest thing on the world to me… "

what the fuck

i pity you

When i was 3 weeks old i have been operated upon. A belly operation. The sedation didnt work properly. I have found that out only lately.

During my life i always have had a recurring nightmare where bowling balls from the ceiling fall on my tummy and i cannot move or yell it hurts. And man it hurts so bad.

That is my memory from that operation. So I know from experience that as a baby you do have memories and you do feel pain. I’m very very very pain sensitive as of this, because i had to go through this as a young age.

I have been informed that in the sedation are different components. Pain killers and muscle relievers. In my case the pain killers werent enough, but the muscle relievers where. I couldnt move or cry. Man even writing this brings tears to my eyes again.
My mum told me that they only gave me a light sedation because i was a baby, so that explains it too.

so that is why i find you never never want to induce pain on a baby unless it is absolutely necessary.
In my case it was necessary otherwise i would have died. The doctors thought they gave me proper sedation and that i wouldnt feel it.
I know the docters in the USA dont do this with some kind of evil intent, they think they are doing the right thing and the baby isn’t hurt.

exactly my point before.

The more I hear about this the more I think it should not be done. At least not to babies. If I ever have kids I don’t think I will allow it to be done.

I agree Milod789!
Why do something so drastic to your kid when it isnt necessary at all.
Its more a cultural choice and habbit.



THat’s a huge fear of mine, I think if I ever have surgery I’m going to try for hypnosis instead of actual anesthetic, that way if it hurts I can yell at them and go on some sort of rampage and whatnot… and they’ll know to stop.

but then again I’m not sure how hypnosis works, maybe part of me feels the pain and goes through hell but part of me doesn’t I wouldn’t want ANY part of me feeling it, even if it’s not “me” per se.

It’s kind of weird because when I come off of the surgeries I have I get the most horrible pain in the world but it only lasts 3-4 seconds, like, the pain was blocked all that time so as soon as it’s unblocked it overloads on me.

It sucks…

another thing I hate ( i bet some other countries are this way ) are our bullshit euthanasia laws, in some states you have to DEHYRDATE comatose people to death (one of the worst deaths imaginable) because it’s illegal to flat out pump them full of deadly drugs to make them die “painlessly”

god stupid ignorant self righteous conservative bastards… (if someone states that they would want to be euthanized painlessly in given medical situations, what business do you have saying “NO!” it’s like this whole gay marriage nonsense)

euthansia needs to be 100% legal, if I’m comatose and I’ve no chance of coming back I want to be killed, but not by damn dehydration…

I swear if someone I care about was like that, and I knew they wanted to die, just like I would… I’d just smother them and hope to get away with it rather than have them go through dehydration… I mean the doctors are like “I’m of the opinion that she is not ‘there’ and does not feel pain”

well you’re of the opinion it’s GOOD to chop 35% of the penis off you cracy quacks…

how competent are our doctors in the first place if they never even sto to question “hey why do we mutilate babies, this can’t be good for them” ?

If they think putting me on 300mg of effexor will solve my problems? If they think you cannot use marijuana resopnsibly…

the list goes on.

Wait so are you saying that you are for or against gay marriages?

I’m for equality.

So yes I’m for gay marriage.

(hey you know what i’d might as well make a gay marriage thread.)

are you for euthansia??
You do realize that euthansia, if legal, would be used towards people that usually can’t answer for themselves?

that’s what we having a living will for.

you know like, plus, you could go and read my forum writings and see that as of XX/XX/XX I wanted to be euthanized if comatose for a long period of time… and so you’d be okay with doing it to me…

or vice versa…

I mean no you shouldn’t just go kill the comatose, you need to see how they feel about those things… etc… for me, I’d want it done.

I should have that right, shouldn’t I?

Granted you can change your mind though, it’s scary business… so is being comatose for 60-70 years.

the problem with the living will is still, often times, you cannot become euthanized via you know, drugs… it’s either dehydrate or suffocate (if you’re on airtifical lungs)

That is true however, there are not that many people who have one. I am (to an extent) pro- physician assisted euthanasia. However, I have some concerns with it as well. People may decide on this option for the wrong reasons. Then again, who am I to decide what a right reason for someone else is. But, consider that most people who make this decision do so with the advice of their doctor. Doctors however are not always right as we have seen in this thread. When a doctor tells a family member that there is no hope for recovery is he/she right? How do you know? On the other hand I have seen people suffer in hospitals. Now I could say I don’t want to suffer like that but, do I really mean it? Or would I want to fight to hang on to my life with every fiber of my being? I don’t know how I would feel until that time came. This is something that I think needs to be debated more.

yeah, but i think the option should be there for it to be done upon your request, and done HUMANELY…

i have a living will form (given to me in a psych class) but i’m too afraid to fill it out… you know… I mean… I’d prefer to let nature take it’s course… I’d like to be saved if possible but I’d prefer death (coming from me as an in tact person) as opposed to you know, an incapcitated painful life.

You know I mean it’s easy if you can still have enough life force in you to commit suicide if it gets out of hand… there’s so much guess work… but as it stands… I’d like to have the option there to be euthanized…

Have you seen Metallica’s One video? Something like that would be… literal… hell… I can’t imagine more than 1 day like that…

and I mean… what is being in a coma like? If you’re completely unconscious are you already dead and “gone” or in the “afterlife” or whatever… or are you bound to your body? Are you dreaming?

There’s this documentary we watched of this girl Nancy Kruzan (who paved the way for the living will to be instated) and I mean… it’s horrible, she looks around the room but she’s paralyzed, you’ve no idea whether she’s alive or not, or if just… some sort of animalistic reaction is occurring as if shocking a dead frog… and they do in fact eventually dehydrate her to death.

I guess it’s safe to say if you aren’t in beta/alpha/theta/delta you probably aren’t conscious and therefore prone to pain but I don’t know if they ever determined that or not.

I mean… really though… ODing on moprhine compared to 30 years as vegetable… why not? Those 30 years aren’t very valuable to you, nature wouldn’t want you to be alive in the first place, right?

That’s why I just think the OPTION should be there, and should be humane, at that.

I do agree that the option should be there but, only if the person can do it themselves. In other words the person should have the ability to push the button that starts the morphine drip or what ever. I just don’t think people should have the power to make that decision for someone else.

I couldnt have said it better myself Milod789 :wink:
It should be a persons own individual decision and not taken for that person by others. Because its not a necessary thing.

Jeff, hehehe, the comment was towards euthanasia.

However, to respond back on topic of circumcision.
Circumcision is not crippling, and I refuse to play the role of a victim.
I refuse to read here and believe that my parents mutilated me.
I do realize other cultures will not understand this.
I do realize and acknowledge the risk involved, and hope parents consider these risk for their future sons. and I hope people hurt by mistakes can find peace and justice.

Circumcized Fathers are happy with being circumsized, and they should have the right to pass this trait onto their son.
It is the parents right to choose. Just like some parents choose the sex of their children, and eventually eye, hair, and skin color.

I don’t think you should feel mutilated or feel like a victim. I don’t. It is just if there is no legitimate medical reason for something then why have it done?

I take it that means you huge trees too?

??? sorry I don’t understand your question or comment.