How Real Do Dreams Get?

Ive never had a dream that’s ‘vivid’ or realistic, I was wondering can you get dreams, that are so realistic that it feels exactly like real life in every way? (Lucid or non-lucid)

As in, when you wake up, it feels like you’ve just done the dream in real life because it was so real.

Also, I’ve noticed that dumb stuff happens in dreams, like I’ll be with someone in the dream, but without me noticing, even if I’m looking at them the whole time, they will change into a different person, and I dont even notice it, its weird… this doesnt just happen with people, but with objects/places too, and because its a dream, it all seems normal.
Does this happen in LD’s too? Or do things become more stable?

I’ve had NDs and LDs in which I’ve marveled at how realistic things look. In one ND I was in my basement, and it looked so vivid and realistic I had a hard time convincing myself I was dreaming even after I did an RC. That dream felt exactly like real life.

As for the stability… in my LDs, objects and people usually don’t change around. I know what you’re talking about in NDs though… DCs change into different people and I just keep going like nothing happened :tongue: Generally everything is a lot more stable in my LDs. I would guess that goes for everyone, but I’m not sure…

Dreams can be just as real as real life, some dreams can even somehow feel more real than real life. But these super dreams don’t happen very often though. Things can change in dreams even of you are lucid, but when you are lucid you notice that things change. When things change in normal dreams you are usually so into the dream that you just come up with some rational explanation for the strange things that happens. Or as you say you sometimes don’t even notice those things. And things changes in dreams even if you practice, that’s why reading and re-reading reality checks work.

My first LD were so vivid it looked like reality. It was astonishing.
Now I have not so vivid dreams and a low lucidity level. Things can change and I don’t realize they have, like in a ND.
For instance, a gigantic 1 km UFO on the horizon became a mini flying machine, flying around me, and I didn’t even notice the difference.

the most realism i had ever had was when i first (almost accidentally) WILDed, I was so happy, I felt my feet walking around, it was so real… everything was just ultra clear… I went outside and I threw a ball up in the air, and I tried to fly… I couldn’t get higher than my roof, but I saw this feather suspended in air and the crisp clarity of it was breathtaking, the light sparkled through it…


i very rarely get episodes like that though… just tonight I had a woman turn into a dog on me, and I was HIGHLY lucid, the kind of high lucidity you only get from a full waking to sleep sort of WILD/MILD.

The scenery often changes for me in ND’s and LD’s.
Sometimes I have a memory of a certain event which I believe happened in RL when it actually comes from a dream.

I dreamed that I witnessed a murder last night and I was scared cuz For some reason I thought that I had done it, and the police were chasing me.

I woke up and was happy when I realized it was just a dream…

iv had dreams that have made me prepare for ppl coming in my door IRL with my throwing knife.

/me is VERY paranoid

I have dreamt that i killed someone (different persons) 2 times, and even though the dreams werent really realistic i believed them 100%.
In one of them i even had a FA, so i thought ‘phew it was only a dream’, then the guy i killeds corpse is in my room. That scared the hell out of me. As you can imagine i was VERY relieved when i finally woke up.

The last couple times I have LDed I have focused on focusing on how real the dream is by looking at the details and textures, etc. Because it seems so fake once I wake up, I fugred if I prove to myself how realistic it is at the time it will make LDing that much better. It works. Lds are as real as real life when your in them, everything is just as detailed,etc.
I suggest everyone do this at least once, it will amaze you even more.

ND’s can be very realitic, but you won’t remember just how realistic cos you don’t stop and consider it.]

LD’s are usually very realistic. I find it’s a good idea to consider just how realistic it is during the dream - that way it will be easier to remember once awake.
People who have LD a lot generally stop consider this (unlike if you’re new, when you consider it alot during the dream) so they seem to be less realistic then your old ones.

So, in an LD, always consider how realistic it is. How does it look? How it feels? I find touching or leaning against a wall and comparing it to real life useful. It feels exactly right every time I’ve do it so far.

As Pedro has told us before, the world around us is a model based on reality. It’s lessened by the fact that we cant see/hear/feel perfect.

In a dream, there are no boundaries, so it can be more real then real life.

Yes Monk I have been off the lucid dream path for a few months, but I read this post last night and had my first lucid dream in awhile. Usually I try to fly or have sex or something but this time I decided to just pay attention to detail. First I just checked out the carpet, yes it looked and felt real. Then I took a globe that I own in RL off its axis and tossed it up and down. Then I walked outside and just admired the grass. It was all very real and very cool.

Most confusing realisitic dreams are ones where you question the reality once you are high inside the dream, then you start wondering if it is just the drugs that are doing it to you.
dream drugs can be so confusing

I had an ND that was so real. I was riding my bike without my hands on the bike, and when I tried it in RL 9thinking I could actually do it) I fell off. LOl.

question: how real do dreams get, answer question w/a question: how real does RL get! :cool:

I was wondering how it worked.

The superconscious LD’s that make RL seem dull are awesome. Wish I had more.

Those ppl changes are in my dreams too. Once i was walking with one girl, then she converted into a guy and i even didn’t notice…

I had vivd dream this night btw ;D

In my LD last night when I tried to put my hand through something it didn’t work because everything looked and felt so real. Usually, I see the dreamscene as blurry and fragile, the opposite to solid (sure there’s a better word).

One of my most realistic dreams happened when I was a child. I dreamt there were some rollerboots downstairs - a present from someone and when I woke up I ran downstairs, really expecting them to be there.