Wierd occurence during dreams

Hey there everyone, I am new to the whole Lucid Dreaming thing, I just learned about it perhaps, 3 or 4 weeks about it, and have only recently began to attempt to reach lucidity. I can tell I am beginning to figure my own self out, and am getting much closer to reaching lucidity. However, it seems that everytime I become aware of a dream I do awake, I know this is covered, and I can tell it is from shock, but that isn’t my wierd occurence, what is strange is that the past 4 or 5 nights in a row, when I wake up after a dream, whether I remember the dream or not, i am sweating profusely. When I say profusely I mean PROFUSELY, it really looks like I just hopped out of the shower and hopped into bed, my sheets are soaked from head to toe, right into the mattress, my blanket is soaked and i am dripping sweat, all over. I have never sweated that much when I work out, or during any other waking activity for that matter, and 1 or 2 times I have felt quite unrested and rather exhausted. If anyone has any sort of explanation, or slight idea of what may be going on here, the info would be greatly appreciated.

Maybe you had a REALLY REALLY scary dream but just don’t remember it. And that caused you to sweat. If the problem persists it might be a good idea to see your doctor.

well, as LD’ing only occurs in your head, then I doubt that is the cause.

I’ve never actually heard of anything like this happening, but someone else on this site may have.

But, I’ll try and come up with an explantion (each more unlikely the last :wink:).

  1. You sleep walk and took a shower (sleep shower, doncha know :wink:)
  2. You had an extrememly bad dream (as Guy suggessted). Nightmares can help to trigger lucidity (after all, you’re more likely to think its a dream when scared half to death).
  3. It was a hot night.

Non of them are that likely… but I couldn’t think of anything else… :sad:

Weird experience.

To be honest I don’t have the vaguest idea what could have caused such a thing. Did it happen only one or every time you reached lucidity. If it only happened once than it is probably nothing to worry about. I doubt it has anything to do with lucid dreaming or, any kind of dreaming for that matter.

Not sure what else to tell you on this one. Just wait and see if it happens again.

It has happened a few times on and off, but only ever since I have been attempting to reach lucidity. I am not sick or anything either, so I’m not getting fevers in my sleep or anything like that, and it is a bit chilly here right now too, so I highly doubt it is from the heat. I don’t really know what could be causing it, I think it may actually be some sort of disturbance in my dreams or something like that, but seeing how I haven’t managed to remember anything that happens in my dreams on the nights that i break out in the sweats, I really can’t say. I am going to try going for a week or so without thinking about lucidity at all before I go to sleep and see if it continues to occur, if it doesn’t, I’ll start up again, and see what happens then. Wish me luck!