Something which helps me, which may help others.

I seem to have found my own way of enhancing my chances of having a lucid dream. I was wondering if it might work for other people.

When you think of things throughout the day, then dismiss them and forget, usually those things somehow or other end up in your dreams at night, well what I do is:- I think about lucid dreaming, RC’s and ones Ive had, then I just forget about it, and while laying in bed, if I start thinking about lucid dreams I just dismiss them, and forget about them. This has ensured me every day this month of a lucid dream.

anyone else tried this?

  • Silva

Sounds like a great little technique! I’ll try it, starting now. :happy:

Congratulations :partying_face:

It’s great to hear from people who find their own way of reliably inducing lucid dreams.

Happy Dreaming :smile:

I have noticed the same thing, if I for example happen to see something on tv and then completely forget about it I dream about it. But I haven’t thought about doing it intentionally. I’m going to have to try this today :happy:

sounds interesting…ill try that today maybe

I just started thinking that if you think about lucid dreaming and then try to not think about it at all during the day, then you will notice that you are thinking about it and try to not think about it. Then you will think about it almost all day long, that’s how it would work for me anyway. I can’t seen to not thing about something that I try not to think about (hope that makes sense) it seems to always pop up in my mind if I try not to think about it :bored:

The things that end up in my dreams seem to be things that I experience and then completely forget. So I’m not so sure if this will work for me, but I will try it anyway.