Your favourite dream character!

The girl that lives in the giant tree i dont remember what she looks like but shes a fox :razz:

Graygoe, one of the voices I hear. He’s a navy blue dragon with golden eyes, small ears, bird like claws, and feathered wings in my dreams. I used to have so much respect for him until I found out I was schizophrenic and I stopped believing the things he’d tell me.

I like Knuckles from Sonic adventure , I have met him in a pre LD I think it’s pre becuase I think I intended to ask a differant question then the question I asked him, and he gives very good advice. I just ask questions about him or maybe real life situations like if you had a problem in life, how to deal with it. It’s pretty cool how he responds to you. Sorry I don’t have a favorite real life dream character yet.

Hah, my favorite so far appeared in my 2nd (and most recent) LD, or rather my 2nd short-lived lucid moment. He’s Dark from D.N.Angel, and so far he’s just appeared once. For those of you not familiar with the anime/manga D.N.Angel, the main character Daisuke can transform into Dark, a phantom thief with black wings and purple(!) hair. I liked him here because he was a nice guy even though he got annoyed at me a lot, and also because he went along with things when I realized I was dreaming.

Anyway, during the ND part of the dream, I wanted to transform into him and fly around, but he was tired of my nagging so he ditched me and went off somewhere. I could have still transformed against his will, but that wouldn’t have been very nice of me. :razz: For an hour I tried to find ways to fly without transforming into him, but nothing worked (not even the ld4all forum…). So he came back, saw me still trying, and figured what the heck. He had no trouble flying at all, but he didn’t go very far because he was just doing it to shut me up ^^; but at least he didn’t complain when I said “Wheeeeee!”

Then when he/I landed and separated out, I realized I was dreaming and said so, and Dark just smiled and said “Heh.” A liquid mirror thing came up in front of me, and when I looked back at him, he just stood there and waited for me to walk through it, so I did.

…Also, my real life friend Sam[antha], aka )(star)( on this forum, showed up a couple times as either herself or a Phantasy Star Online character, but she never does anything…

Oooo I love that anime! Hmm Dark seems to be a fun DC. Or maybe just get With and have Dark wings :happy:

I never get any good DC’s I’m always in a dream (even LD) with people I know and I usually end up beating the crap out of everyone else. :sad: I don’t know why I’m so hostile in my dreams.

I would say it is Larten Crepsley… the only one i remember…

My favorite character is Gunslingin’ BB now! :good:

WAIT! NO! My fave… it just HAS to be my fake SG… he was cool… but my real SG is cool aswell…

Haha, I read that dream. She did seem very cool! :tongue:

Yeah, and so was that psychokinetic psychopath butcher-chick…I still wonder what she “…didn’t do…” :hmmm: with all that blood over her French-maid’s outfit…:uh:

Mine have too be my gym techer from one of my lucids.
He told me too turn from dragon back too human soo I did not make the other kid gellus.
That was kind of wered…

I have a new favorite dream character. His name is Lucas. He’s been appearing in my LD’s lately. We like going on killing sprees together. He usually has a lot of great ideas.

:lol: Wyvern…

I have no idea what his name is, but it was this cool looking teenager around 15 or 16, but then we got to a harbor and he turned into a giant whale that eats everything in its path (i can’t remember the words, but only the sound of the stupidly annoying theme song that was playing in the background when he was in whale form). He ate me then I got to see through his eyes, and when we got where we needed to go, he spit me up, what a nice whale.

Mine is now the girl from last nights dream…

Mine would have to be my “archtype” as he was identified in a dream. I first learned about him from seeing an “archtype mural” in one of my dreams. Later I sought him out and met him, and returned his lost top hat (he’s apparently the “magician” archtype). His name is Peridon, and has two apprentices that sometimes show up. He has the black suit, top hat, beard and wand like the stereotypical magician. Probably the DC with the most sense of humor short of Dark Self :wink:

Apparently he’s my Dream Power guide as well…it’s fun learning new tricks from him! And he has good taste in company…my SG, DG and other favorite DCs. Not to mention he’s a killer chess player.

I miss seeing him, it’s been far too long :cry:

My favorite dream-character has to be this red-eyed girl who looks like me…She has the same exact voice as the mania of the bipolar I was born with and she’s been so many fascinating characters, devising up so many different, extremely intense (and often disturbing or frusterating) recurring nightmares/dreams.
Every few months I seem to be able to recall more dreams co-starring her. She’s got her own sociopathically funky morals on everything, and she doesn’t mind telling me them.

  1. Age…about eight: she was just talked about. She had terrorized some place I was visiting and trying to repair. I know it’s her; I dunno how, but I just know it was.
  2. Age nine: Very bipolar-y; I kept impulsively returning to this park which kept returning me to the gates of this dark, firey place. Which she ran. Enslaving all the kids I’ve ever known or glanced at, having them harvest coal or something from the caves. At first, I was one of them…but I always felt I was being treated different/lighter then the others. Eventually, she made me, quote/unquote, “co-boss” of this place. They hated me and I felt sick and weird and guilty secretly doing less work then the others with this job. But she’d keep taking me for walks and telling me how I was “better then them”…Again, I was nine. Messed up, huh?
  3. Age early twelve…The dreams started out as me being on top of the world, protecting my village from villians by non-violent means. Slowly but surely, my small group of friends started avoiding me and the same guards that used to praise me and shake my hand started hurting me and calling me things like ‘insane’ and ‘murderer.’ I continued to try and protect these people, despite their intentions and thoughts about me. When they beat on me, I refused to fight back. They’d tell me I did the most gruesome of things to them, and that I was a lier when I said I didn’t remember doing any of them. I was exiled to the village’s tall stone wall, which was heavily guarded, only until needed. On the other side was nothing but near-endless descilant DESERT. On the first night, SHE appeared. She came out of a shadow of a bush, features identical to mine, only less mutilated and messy, with reddish, synical eyes. “So we meet, at last, (my name)…” she said between laughter. She told me about everything she had done and how I was powerless to stop her. She had already killed my friends. For nights, she’d come and visit me, taunting me, telling me of her deeds, and daring me to JUMP to the other side. “Why do you insist on protecting people who won’t let you even touch the ground…?” she asked once or twice. Slowly but surely, she just stopped visiting me all-together, and gradually I learned to anticipate her visits. I was left alone, on that wall, to decay and go insane in my solitude. - Did I jump…? I don’t remember, but I don’t think I ever did. I cried multiple times and sometimes woke up to chest-pains. Few, way too close to home. …I wrote a short story regarding these, recently: featured deviation on my DeviantART account But I took out a lot of the more disturbing stuff to make it less personal and more generic.
  4. And then, more recently, about a year or two ago, ages 14/15…she kept threatening to–and–shaking me awake. Unless I made degrading deals with her about getting my dreams on weekends and letting her take up space in another part of my, as I like to call them, “blankness-dreams,” and the like (don’t think I’m kidding.) I was so tired back then. Then laughing. And it was quite inconvienient how I was attempting public-highschool at the time. I must’ve looked like a nut, always sleeping through my classes. I’m like a toy to her, it seems.
    And that laugh…but I haven’t had the mental stuff of Bipolar since I was like thirteen, so what the hell???
  5. The very last one; age 15, I believe. I dreampt I woke up in bed. I’ll admit I don’t like the dark very much, and it was dark in my room. So I got up and flipped the switch–no light. So I went into the hall. No luck. I kept going through my whole (old, as it turned out,) house, a little fearful, until . I gave up and returned to my room. There was a weird feeling and flourescant light surrounding my bed. Upon coming closer, I saw a foot half-covered in the covers–which had drops of blood on it. Then I took a step back, and guess who. I wasn’t scared as much as frusterated, as her (she’s extremely pale in this one, unlike all the other dreams) shrill manic laughter filled the room. And that was the end of that.
    I gotta wonder if, three years later, she’s gonna come back. I really have to get to know her better, ask her why she haunts my dreams like this, and why she keeps returning. Maybe if I can find a way to unlike my old bipolar/mania, years from now perhaps, and see if that has anything to tell me about her. It could be my bipolar, which I was born with, trying to contact me. Through my subconscious, where I’m assuming she’s been locked up since I was thirteen.
    Yeeep, I’m crazy. Only a little bit. But aren’t we all? Anyways, she shares my name, so I don’t know what she calls herself. And, just to top off this freakiness, whenever I’m thinking of her and talking to someone, I almost-always say “we” and “us” instead of “I” and “me.”
    Yeah, a red-eyed lady that’s consistantly my age and looks like me is my most favorite DC.
    I’m sixteen, by the way.

My dream girlfriend :love:

I’ve never really seen her well, but she is about 5’6", with brown hair and… well, I can’t remember anything else.

1st appearance: I had goten back from a huge war. This war included me fighting of about 100 zombies with a sword (very fun indeed). When I got home to her, I hugged her and woke up.

2nd: She had goten kidnapped by Warren Jeffs. His assistant gave me the keys to the upstairs room where she was being held. I ran up to her and gave her a hug. I became lucid after that. (I probably though “Hey, I don’t have a girlfriend!”)

Extremely neat :content: