Create a New Color While LDing!!

Octarine does seem like a suitable quest for me. I’ll give that one a go tonight.

I can say that I have seen, what you say, ‘a new primary color’, in at least one of my dreams. And I agree with Twilight, that such a sight is indescribable. A pity, really.

(I’m more intrigued in how exactly my brain conceives of something that, by laws of physical science, is “not possible”. Interesting.)

I aslo agree on the fact that you can see a new primary color in a dream… I haven’t seen one in a dream, yet in a different form of an OOBE… yes your brain does usually only dream about what it has seen and is familiar with, yet that’s what some people consider to be a difference between lucid dreaming and astral projection. In an astral projection you are not creating your reality with the construction of your past-thought in your neuron web, you are observing realities.

I’d have to agree on the fact that it is aboslutely!!! unexplainable… think about it, explain the color blue

I think what will happen is that you will be able to see a new colour in your dream but in waking life you won’t really be able to remember what it looks like since you dreamt that you saw or invented a new colour but you just know it’s a new colour, you don’t really know what it looks like. I can’t really explain my self very well.

[com]Even though you don’t remember what you saw, I’m sure that it would still leave the impression on you as simply[/com][color=green],[/color] awsomeness

[color=darkblue]blue[/color], [color=blue]"of the color intermediate between green and violet; having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky".[/color]

The reason we would not be able to describe a made up color, is because we have nothing to compare it too. Although we could, also in theory, compare it to things that we don’t know the color of. Such as subatomic particles. It would still be something for ourselves to compare it too. Something without a color. Something not bound by the laws that govern waves.

It’s been reported that people see new colours in dreams quite a bit. That’s because there’s a range of colours on the spectrum that we can’t see. Some birds are able to see them, but not us.
Since it’s a dream and does not depend on our physical eyes we are able to see new colours.

I dunno, it seems more likely that you just “see” the new colour. Like your brain says to you, “This is a new colour” and you’re like “Sure! It’s amazing.”

It’s the Emperor’s New Clothes or something.

A new color? I just got a headache from trying to imagine a new color, that has never before been seen.
I just can’t imagine a new color, but I am open to the possibility that you could see one in a dream :content: .

A good technique (I would think) To making this new color is to mix all of your known colors, and see what you get. If your really imagineative, I bet you could get something other than black! :content:

I don’t know if this would work, because you would probably just get brown. :tongue:

I suppose if you believed hard enough though, that it may work.

Black tis’ not a color. Nor is white. :tongue: . But good idea nonetheless. I suppose if you it is a method to attempt to create it.

Amazing project Tyrael :content:

A couple of things to keep in mind.

First of all, physical meaning of light and color. Light are now considered to be electro magnetic waves which our received by our eyes and perceived by our brain as light.
Colors are the result of the waves frequency or amplitude. We see light waves that move in the frequency between 400 Nano meters (violet) and 800 Nano meters (red).

As far as I know, we cannot see in dreams things we don’t recognize from real life.
In response to Q’s comment.
You may not remember the things you see in dreams but it’s possible you have seen them in movies or elsewhere, even when you was 2 days old. Our subconscious mind remembers everything.

Our brain will not show us things that he finds irrational. This has been demonstrated many times.

So, on one hand, in a dream, we don’t use our physical eyes so it very well may be possible to “see” colors that we can’t see with our physical eyes. But on the other hand, we can’t see things our brain isn’t viewing as possible. Quantum physics suggests that we are not really objects in the reality but that our entire reality is inside our brain.
And all of this raises another question. Assuming that after our physical body ceases to function, we continue to leave as energy units in non physical planes of existence. Will we be able to “see” other colors?
The answers to these questions are indeed not simple.

If I had to guess, Ill say it’s impossible to see a new color in a dream as your subconscious is the creator of the surroundings and therefore of the colors. In an AP, it surely must be somehow possible. and assuming dreams are APs with your subconscious as the ultimate creator, the boarder is of course very thing and objects from the astral can be pulled into the dream, thus making it possible to see a new color. Another thing to keep in mind is that the astral is made of the collective subconscious residing that astral (according to the energy frequency level) and therefore it is assumable that the colors in that frequency are the same as here. Depends on the intelligence units in that astral, of course.

Most importantly,
everything is possible.
Ill definitely give this more thought, with hope for experiencing a new color.
Again, great project Tyrael.

Thanks for the compliment! :content: Nice to talk about this to somebody that actually has a very detailed idea of what I am trying to say. :tongue:

I do agree with you with that we do not see in our dreams what we havn’t in real life. But what I was really thinking in an in-depth session with myself is this. We havn’t seenthese new colors, but our brains have indeed percepted the waves that would produce those colors. Other known animals are said to be able to percieve these other waves as different colors than our own spectrum, but their eyes are different. Anyways, what I mean by this is that we have experienced these other waves as forms of other body responses. Our bodys do pick up these waves, and I think that our brain has the capacity to turn these into their correct colors, but our physical eyes do not. So I believe myself that this is possible. I have yet to remember to do it in a LD so far though. :sad: . When I do though, I am fairly certain that when I try enough methods, that it may work. :smile:

Once again, I believe that our brain has the ability to perceive these frequencies as their corresponding colors, and with our eyes out of the way, it is indeed possible.

And once again, I do agree with you with that we do not see in our dreams what we havn’t in real life. But our brains can morph an infinite amount of combination of what we have seen. Everything is made out of the same basic thing, and with that, we can see anything. Most of you may disagree with me on this but I believe it to be fact. :smile:

EDIT: If I remember to do an AP in my next LD, I will attempt it then. :smile:

I am not disagreeing. I wish you success and as I said, Ill try it myself. That doesn’t remove my strong doubts though.
Everything is possible.
You are raising a much wider discussion now… About what is seeing, what is experiencing, what is perception . etc… What is reality.
Now, first of all, what we see is our own translation of a quantum reality. There is no reality, each person has it’s own reality and lives his own world.
We are obviously exposed to waves outside of our visible spectrum, this raises another discussion… Not long ago, scientists were didn’t know that there are sounds that exist which we simply cannot hear. And this is the basis for the theory of the parallel universe and the answer to the questions such as where are the astral, and other, higher mental universes. The answer of course is here. We simply have to raise our own vibration to be aware of those spheres. The universe is an energy continuum. Lots of people try to find a physical location to non physical planes, and that leads to the problems. Beyond this place, there are of course, no physical, no 3d and no time boundaries at all.
We can assume, that at this moment, when I am (I think) awake, I am exposed to an infinite number of sources of energy of infinite kinds. We are only able to perceive 5 types of these energy radiation and probably all of those 5 are limited to a certain degree of frequency.
We are beings in an infinite universe. The fact is we are constantly exposed to energy we are not aware of and is impossible for us to perceive (at this state).
As I already said, there is no reality.
Quantum Physics suggests (and to me it is quite obvious) that every person has his own reality.
One of my dreams can demonstrate this.
This is from December 2007.
Im sitting in my father’s car and he’s driving on Iven Gvirol Street. When he passes the King Shaul conjunction I notice something is not right. I can’t point my finger to what, but that’s the way I felt. I look around and things look different. The air looks different, the composition looks different.
The rest is irrelevant. I woke up wondering about the dream . The conjunction I was mentioning is a place I used to work and live nearby. A few hours after I woke up I realized what seemed odd in the dream. I had witnessed that conjunction as it was 6-7 years ago when I witnessed it as a child. In spite of the fact it haven’t changed one bit. It looked completely different. I remembered how I used to vision that crossroads when I was little and how I see it now. This made me realize how our brain (according to many many things) translates the physical energy he is fed to whatever we choose to. That is the reason, there is no reality. Every one has is own. That is the reason that when I’m sitting here now, writing this on my laptop, listening to music while a friend of mine sits across the room, he listens to different music. He sees the room a bit different, and the color red is probably isn’t exactly my color red either…
Now, the thing to remember is that in a dream, there are no physical characteristics.
There are no light or sound waves. or anything physical at all. The entire universe beyond the physical place is completely beyond the physical. Mental. With increasing energy ( and decreasing density) as we further increase our vibrations, ascending into inner and inner spheres. The entire universe is a mental universe. The physical plane is described by physics man David Bohm to be: “Frozen Light”, energy moving so slow that it appears to be “frozen”. nonetheless, the characteristics of a mental universe still apply and thoughts may take more time to manifest than inside a dream (lower density, higher energy…) but they still do. So, again coming back to the dream. You are perceiving energy the way you are used to while using your physical senses. When a DC has a red shirt, she doesn’t have a shirt that projects 800nm light waves towards you. Your own SC gives her the color he find appropriate.
So, it is logical and assumable to believe that it doesn’t matter what your brain “experienced” but what you have “seen”. because only the things that are possible in your mind can be experienced by your astral self.
Having said all of that, I repeat the bottom line in which everything is possible and being open minded is always a necessity.
Something to try will be to take a paper which has the spectrum of light on it. Starting from below our visible spectrum and ending much higher above it. To look at the paper and try to summon it inside the dream and see what happens.
Again, this is a very very much complicated and interesting topic.

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one”


Black and white are too colors!
Everything has to be a color! :tongue:

Black and white are both just either high or low energy levels of the REAL colors. :tongue:

But that is scientifically speaking of course. :content:

Well, I’ve been reading this forum off and on now, but I like this topic so I think I’ll post in it.

I’ve thought about this a bit myself, and the idea of the human brain precieving different colours is entirely possible, but due to the limitations of the human eye which can only detect photons/EM waves of a small range of energy levels/frequencies, the brain only percives within that small range. In reply to this:

Light is now considered to be both a particle and a wave, and the energy levels of the photons tell the brain what colour to show. The subtle point is this - colour doesn’t exist. Out there is a bunch of energy bundles floating around, banging into electrons which absorb and then emit the energy bundles at the energy level that depends on the object, which then hit our eyes. Colour isn’t ingrained into the real world, and is just made up by our brains. Just like sound - it’s just a bunch of vibrating particles, not really the low sound of a gong or the vibrato of a soprano singer - our brain makes the actual sound and colour up based on the information it recieves.

The point of this is to illustrate that because our brain is making the colour up, it is would be perfectly plausible for our brain to make up a different colour too if we had eyes, for example, that could also percieve the near-infrared spectrum. Because we are not restricted by sensory input in a dream, you should be able to make colours up there.


The matter of experience is a large one, and not just because one lacks the imagination to percieve a new colour. Firstly, the leap required for the to imagine a new colour is enormous. It isn’t like a new smell at all. A new smell can easily be identified using our real life nose - it can really exist in our real-life perceptions. However, a new colour certainly could never be identified by our eyes. It is a much larger leap. There is a stronger point however…

As a baby, if you had infrared detecting eyes, you would be able to see in infrared with the human brain. In fact, our brains could almost shift the entire spectrum anywhere it wanted, because it’s just assigning colours to energy values. However, as you grow older, your brain starts losing its ability to link up active neurons. Someone blind from birth, who doesn’t even know what the concept of light is - in effect, he sees neither white nor black but what you see behind you - may be able to gain the ability to see at one year old due to the ability of the brain to make connections fast, but past a certain age the brain simply cannot comprehend an unknown sense. The person who is blind from birth would simply mess up his brain if he tried to acquire a new sense at an older age (and older means teens at the oldest).

So do I think it’s possible? Yes, but I think it’s very unlikely. Our brain cannot adapt to entirely new sensory perceptions when one gets older.

Now just to clear up a few things…

Hardly. Quantum physics deals with the quantisation of light (energy is discrete and cannot be divided in half forever), which leads to a partice-wave dualty of light. This particle-wave dualty then found itself to apply to all partciles, which led to the uncertainty principles that underlies quantum mechanics. The part where QM gets into issues with our consciousness is why a wavefunction collapses when we observe it. Got nothing to do with alternate realities in our brain however - even the quantum chromodynamics idea of all matter around us arising through vacuum fluctuations is a far cry from that.

I guess quantum physics gets a lot of attention in the mystical world is because of this ‘two places at once’ weird quantum jumpiness stuff, even though it’s exaggurated way too far.

This doesn’t actually work, because infinite energy sources requires infinite energy, and infinite energy is an open system which breaks the law of conservation in thermodynamics - energy/mass cannot be created nor destroyed, yet if there’s infinite energy and x energy is created from nowhere, infinite plus x is still infinite and total energy remains the same, so conservation laws are broken because energy is created from nowhere.

Anyway, this is an interesting topic. And just quickly about remembering the colour - if you dreamt a new colour, you would almost certainly remember it on waking, because whether in dream or not it’s still your brain making the colour up. Only way is if new colours are restricted to subconscious thought, which is silly.

I hate to be the critical one… but if your argument is that our eyes limit us from seeing other colors, then shouldn’t one be able to imagine a new color rather than dreaming of it? And even if one were to accomplish this task, he/she would not be able to explain the new color, since it would only exist to that person.

What i’m trying to get at is that you shouldn’t have to dream of a new color. you should just be able to think it up. Of course this is based on your theory that our eyes limit what we can see…

I did touch on this - I said that in our dream it would require a vast imagination leap to conjure up a new colour, and that even in our dream, we still have to actually consciously visualise the new colour the same as you would in waking life. You can’t well just say ‘new colour!’, you actually have to think what the new colour would be like before it appears in your dreams.

The main difference is that our waking visualisation skills tend to be quite inferior to those in our dreams, but I hardly think this makes any difference. So I don’t think it would be possible to dream up a new colour.

And it isn’t ‘my thoery’ that our eyes limit this. It’s physical fact. Just like older people have their smallest hairs crippled in their corona so they can’t hear the high notes, people detect slightly different ranges of energy compared to others. No two eyes are the same.

Actually, I think the idea of dreaming up a new colour would be similiar to the idea of dreaming up a 100 kHz sound. Start from a low pitch sound in your dream, then imagine higher and higher pitched sounds, and see if you can break your hearing limit. Your brain has never before comprehended a 100 kHz sound, so if you can do that, you could see a new colour - maybe by doing the same thing, starting at one end of the spectrum and go to the other, and see if you can make it go further than you can see.

trophycase summarized it well enough…
You can dream about anything you can imagine.
The thing is obviously not what your eyes can see but what you have experienced.
Like they say that the native americans didn´t see Columbus ships when they came as they simply were´nt aware of such thing existing.
We can see what we believe we can see.
Yes, light is particle and wave, actually, everything is just pure energy, but that all doesn´t matter, it´s more of a philosophical question than a scientific one.