How did YOU learn to LD? - Part II

I don’t know, actually… I just started to see them now and then as a child, and during the years I’ve had more and more of them :eek:
But I guess one really important thing is, that I have written down my dreams since… like always. Not every single dream, but every even a little bit interesting dream. There has been times when I’ve been too lazy to write my dreams down, and then I’ve seen much less LD:s, so I guess, having LD:s is strongly related to keeping a dream journal, at least for me!
And like some others here, I’ve learned a lot about LD:s in my nightmares, where I really need to do some extraordinary tricks to avoid creepy dangers…

One night I had a natural LD without knowing anything about them, when i woke up I had absolutly no idea what had happened. I eventually had more and more so I told my friends and one of them had heard about LDs and explained what was happening and how to prolong them, he was a little angry as he had been trying to have them for a while unsuccesfully and I had had them accidentily. I started googling it myself and found this forum wich has been amazingly helpfully.

As I child, I would occasionally become conscious that I was dreaming, but I didn’t know what to do with that knowledge except wake myself up from nightmares. A year ago, I heard someone mention “lucid dreaming” in my physics class and looked it up online. It opened up new horizons as I learned it was possible to control my dreams and interact with my subconscious.

The day before my birthday, i read about it, and got very facinated.
Joined here 2 days after, read alot about it, i loved it, and i made a DJ.
Then i got my first LD, was blurry.
Now 2 days ago i got my first real, clear LD, was awesome.

That means… we have the same birthday. :woo:
LOL, abit off topic,

One of my [best] teachers , told me about LDs,
Forgot about that because I thought it was too much trouble,
Found out about it again after some time, again, forgot, too much trouble,
Than that summer I started working for a show, which I suggested that will be on dreams,
I got deep into the topic, the LD thing got back, again,
I started my DJ, and started researching and reading like crazy.
After around 24 days of journaling, finally, I had my first LD, at the 28th of September.

Now, here I am, after about five months and 26 LDs, and much much more to come. :smile:

I first saw the phrase “Lucid dreaming” on an article that came up on StumbleUpon a few days after I got my own internet access, in the summer of 2006. It talked mainly about how to have a “thousand-year dream” and had to do with some kind of zen, and I didn’t think it was for me. I was still curious about dream control though, so a day or so later I googled the phrase and found this forum. :smile:
I followed the guides, and after 20 days of dream recall, I got my first lucid dream! I kept going for a few months, but wasn’t getting LD’s or successes as much as I wanted, so I dropped it for two years. Then in 2009 I committed to try for LD’s the whole year, and got tons of practice.

It was back when I was editor-in-chief of my high school newspaper. One of the staffers had an idea of running an article on LD’s. I had no idea what it was and they explained it to me. Several months and many long nights later I had my first lucid fragment. Then I discovered this place and it’s all been downhill since.

I haven’t really learned to LD. I just randomly have an LD sometimes.
I used to dream alot when I was younger, mostly nightmares or random dreams.
Eventually when I got a little older, I realized that I was dreaming, but the dream would end when I did that.
Later on I started to be more aware that I was dreaming and that’s when I also realized that I could control myself for the first time! When I was younger I could never control myself in a dream, I would just walk around, do random things, but now I can even fly if I’m lucky!

I havent LDd yet but I learned about it on a Swedish forum.

Been searching for lucid dreaming in google and I found it… a lot of informations right here! Great!

I used to LD as a child, but did not know that it was not normal; as I got older I lost the ability. Then while traveling through India in my wandering days I stumbled upon Castaneda’s book and tried seeing my hands in my dream. It worked on first try, but I was not really into it at that time, so I forgot about it again, until a good friend of mine approached me one evening and asked me if I knew what lucid dreaming was. I guess it was the right time for me now to really get back into it. I had my first LD since India about a couple of weeks after our conversation. My friend was in my dream and his presence triggered it, and the second LD as well.

Actually, I didn’t try to learn how to do it!
I remember when I was 10, I had this crazy dream, and at the end I said “Done, now I need to wake up!”
And lately I’ve been reading a lot about LD, and guess what?
I’m a natural lucid dreamer :happy:

I learned to do it on my own.
I still haven’ t read anything on how to do it as i guess I am a bit superstitious and don’t want anything to block or change the way I have been progressing with it. I know it probably sounds crazy or dumb. I want to have a better hold of it though before I read on to take it even farther.

I guess it started with being really interested in my dreams. They were usually great but sometimes they were too ‘dark’ and i couldn’t get out of them so i would tell myself before bed that I needed to realize that in my dreams that it’s just a dream. That didn’t pay off until like a year later.

for fun one day, i was researching sleep patterns and the dream process (yes i’m a nerd :razz:) and i stumbled upon lucid dreaming. I was curious to see how it all worked, and managed to come to this fantastic site.

Hi everyone, I’m new to the forums. Anyway, I learned to lucid dream (first one last night!) from listening to binaural beats for about a week, every night as I went to sleep. I read the blog at Rhythmheal (link removed) and decided to try it out as well. Binaural beats worked really well!

Link removed due to spam guidelines. :dragon:

I learned from this site and Carlos Castaneda

My first lucid dream I guess wasnt technically lucid. I woke up in my dream to some startling things and as i closed my eyes to go back to sleep (still in my dream) my sister was sitting on my bed next to me. I immediately began lucid dreaming because i skipped all the stages before REM since i was actually still asleep. I remember telling my sister exactly what i was seeing as i was seeing it and then jumped off a balcony into a huge chasm with absolutely no fear of death. After this i forgot that i was dreaming and just became part of the dream again.

How I learned… I didn’t learn. I had it since I was 3, and had it ever since. (im 16) I don’t know how I got it, but everynight I have lucid dreams so it comes naturally to me. Everynight im either have two modes: A adventure dream ( I do have control, but sometimes I dont. It depends what adventure im doing.) or a dream- life dream, ( It would be my life inside that world,and I can control that) I just realized what I have cause I found it on google. Now I want to learn more about my other world. :smile:

My first LD was probably caused by me reading so much about lucid dreams on this site that it made it’s way into my SC. So yeah, I learned to LD from this site. :content:

I read about it in the lifestyle and hobbies section of facepunch :happy: there was a thread about it, with a link to this site.