Tips for "Staying Awake"?

I haven’t had any LDs yet… I’ve tried WILDs every now and then but everytime I fall asleep and wake up in the morning without remembering a thing… I’d like to ask you if you got any tips… techniques that help you “stay awake/concious” while doing WILD.
Also any tips for improving dream recalling? I rarely remember my dreams, exception being 2 dreams I had 2 weeks ago… before that i don’t even remember when I had a ND

You should focus more on how you would fall asleep, as it seems your WILD consciousness isn’t allowing any. A good intermediate step to learn WILD is just watching yourself for once how you fall asleep, and how do you feel when you wake up, your thoughts, your state of mind etc. and take note of both, so you know what you are going for, and what you’re actually going to induce here if you want to sleep while aware.

For your DR, look for the DR guide we have in the Knowledge Base, plus I’d suggest the exercise described as “Retracing your thoughts, retracing your day” I’ve described in the Dream Control Training course, over in my sig, just CTRL+f for the name.
Sweet dreaming! :dream: