Early Stages of WILD

To me, there is no particular order of happenings. But some of the things that I experienced so far are:

  • Hypnogogic Images - Usually random images of things you saw during the day.
  • Hypnagogic sounds and music - really realistic, ranging from scary to beautiful.
  • Sealed Eyes - Your eyelids will feel like they are glued on each other.
  • Numbed body and floating - Your body feels like its floating, and it feels like body parts are out of place.
  • Short hypnagogia scenes. Basically, short dreams that end in a few seconds or so.
  • Objects flying towards you - a hypnagogia scene in which some objects are flying towards you, they are most of the times abstract. You will get the feeling that you are flying in big speeds.
  • Concious sleep paralysis - your body is completely numbed and you can’t move it, only open your eyes. It is when your body is asleep and your mind is still awake. It will probably start from your feet, going up. It will feel like gravity is increasing. This state is like a defense mechanism against walking in sleep. You have it every night, but don’t feel it. It is a scary, but harmless state.
  • Hypnagogic Hallucinations - If you open your eyes during sleep paralysis, there is a great chance that you will see hallucinations.
  • Chills - Parts of your body will maybe twitch.
  • Vibrations - To me, they feel like I’m going into another energy field. Or something like that.

I’ve been having trouble with WILD recently as well, i used to be able to get to the vibrations and HI and nearly into a LD but recently I’ve found myself falling asleep too quick to get to that point I’ve tried counting, that sent me to sleep faster and pretty much kept telling myself to stay awake but that also doesn’t work anymore

what do you guys do to stay awake when trying to WILD?

Go read my post in this thread: ld4all.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t … highlight=

You can also try drinking some coffee or tea. Or eating a chocolate bar. Or drinking some coke.

A very important side note on this topic. If you’re doing a WILD attempt and you’re thinking: "I’ll first have to wait for the images, then wait for the vibrations, then wait for the sounds, etc, etc. Trust me, you won’t even be asleep after 5 hours of waiting. As long as you’re actively waiting, then your SC sees this as a sign that you don’t want to fall asleep, because you seem to be on high alert for something important to happen.

Thanks for pointing that out. This really might address my problem with WILD. I cannot fall asleep while WILDing or I suddenly sleep in and immediately wake up alerted somehow.

Yesterday i tried a WBTB and then a WILD, after waking up , i have done a RT and then i went for a read , 5 mins later ,i went back to bed and start the WILD.

And, well, i got some sounds, but i went “Where that sound come from?”, and i woke up.

So i tried again, i felt the PS, remaining calm i have been able to pass it, and then…well… i got stuck in my head… that’s a strange feeling ,you are like, alone ,in your head, with void, you feel your body ,it’s like you are sleeping ,but you are awake in your head saying things like "Hey i could play cards if only i had cards!’’
From here ,i tried to get in a dream, but ,how can you get in a dream when you can’t makes things appear ? or when there is no HI?

I don’t remember what happened next. Woke up on morning.

I’ve been trying to wild for a while now but I can never even get to HI. This is getting really annoying and I am wondering if I am doing it right. Can someone try to explain to me exactly what to do?

Should I not move at all no matter what?
Should I try to make images in my head or should they appear by them selves?
Are there any things that people know of that can help you with this?

God dammit. I was in bed one night, And all of a sudden, it felt like I was in minecraft, and I was falling. Blocks were whizzing passed me at enourmous speeds- it felt like I was flying. After about a minute of this, my eyes opened for some reason, and then I went to sleep normally. I was so close.

Thanks for that, now I know what to look for.

I got Hypnagogic sounds, really realistic ,when i am on WILD, the problem is that each time i hear a HS, i… listen to it ,and he disappear ,and then i have to try again ,any idea about ignoring those? staying calm?

I mean ,anyone would listen to a Wolf howl in your head ,no?

This sorta used to be my problem. I would be hearing sound hallucinations and they stop so I think that I’ve failed again. Just recently, I heard them, they left, I waited for another 15 minutes. I got up and did a reality check. I was dreaming. :cool:

yeh ive been working on the WILD technique for a few days and i think im getting better… basically i count or something in my head to get in nice and deep, but i think my problem is i wait for the images rather then lettinng them happen…

Nice!! I will try tonight after a WBTB, you really wake up from your bed? did you saw images or something like a final part? what were you doing while hearing sounds? :happy:

As mentioned previously it works differently for every other dreamer…

In my case I get strong vibrations and when I feel that the vibrations have risen to the extent that they’ve started giving light strokes to my body in the upward direction, I would push myself out of the bed…this usually works…you can do an RC after this to ensure further…

The idea is that when you think that the vibration have become unreal…like your arm gets raised a little above your body, you know that you’re not IRL…or that’s how my mind works for me…

oh yeah…i get no picture…no HI for me…i know its weird…but that’s how it is…

goodluck :smile:

Same, i only have HS :smile:, well i guess i will just stay still, counting, until something happens.

Every time I try to do a WILD I always get:

  1. Nothing (black)
  2. Moving, colored dots
  3. Dots form moving clouds
  4. I got a strange feeling in my head
  5. I got a strange, heavy feeling in my arms and legs
  6. The feeling stops
  7. I feel I am awake (done a RC, I was awake)
  8. Can start again

This repeats until I lose interest or fall asleep normally

How can I com further in the whole falling-in-sleep thing?

One thing that helped me with WILD is music. Once I got a WILD in 2 min.

Yeah. I woke up in my room and all was normal except for a poster I had in my room of Jimi Hendrix. Jimi was moving and playing. Fricken amazing :tongue: Like going into a WILD without having to do a reality check, I see a small flash and I’m in. But doing WILD, getting up, and reality checks after, its just like waking up in the morning. Except your in a dream. About the HS, I don’t wait for it to come on. When it does, I just listen. nothing else.

I use music to get tired and it really helps but i think i can’t focus on those images enough when i have my music on…

Ah, the topic I was searching for. :tongue: Ehm, what to do if you get no HI or HS? Because I just go to the weird vibration (seriously, I could get addicted to that feeling o_o ) and then after 10 seconds I go out, I noticed that if I try to “stand up” after the vibes, I end up waking up. And something else, does something like a false WILD exist? That you are dreaming that you are getting into a dream or something like that?

So ,results of the night:

10 pm: Went to bed
10:30pm: Fell asleep
Unknow: ND
4 am: Clock alarm, waked up, went to bathroom ,and then started the WILD after some minuts.
4:unknow am: Each time i get a vibration ,i swallow >< and even if i keep doing it without moving, i swallow again , so i feel it’s like restart…

Anyway now i don’t have anymore problem with HS…

Unknow am: ND

7:30 am: Clock alarm ,woke up.

Well i got two ND, i remember perfectly.

I may try a FILD tonight.