This Feeling

@Cabinfever: If it was improvement-kinda euphotia then people who had many LD’s wouldn’t have this. And Rhewin and Ghostie reported here.

why not? is there a point in lucid dreaming you cannot go beyond? i think not.

they reported here. thanks for your intel.

So your theory is that every new LD is better then the last?

I feel great after a great LD! I especially feel more awake, but then again, I feel more awake and alive during a LD than I feel in RL!
This morning when I woke up from a LD, I could almost still feel the wind wrapped around my body as if I was still flying; it was so cool that I just wanted to lay there (I wanted to chain, but I had to get up for school)!

yes, however “better” is an iffy word here. maybe improvement. you have to see the highs and lows all in the same story, the story in our case is about a person who investigates dreams, learns about them, and becomes lucid. if you have one great vivid and long lucid dream one night…what was learned my friend? not much. the next night is dim, and is only semi lucid at times- something to wonder about, and build from, and in the higher view of the story, there was a time where you’ve seen such lows and all the more knowledge gained…

sorry i know this is ill conceived, you wouldnt believe how much im boiling in the sun right now…
anyway the point is you need to think how deep dreams can go, and realise that if your not a natural, so-called experienced dreamers maybe sitting on the top of the iceberg. if you were to be lding your whole life than think how deep into it you can get… now you yourself, your only 15, i mean cmon…give it time, open your mind a little more and love the fact that you are lucid at all, and you will find it as improvement.

I haven’t gotten lucid in a dream in months. I’ve done much wrong which I think have caused it, but after finally getting my hands on Stephen LaBerge’s “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming”, I got more motivation than ever! My dream recall haven’t gone really well, and I don’t remember much from those I actually remember. But just this morning I remembered more than I usually do, and ended up writing down around 2000 words in my DJ. Even though I wasn’t lucid, I think of it as a huge improvement for me, and I got this enjoyable feeling that’ve leaved me happy all day :content:

Ye, you’ve got a point. But still, I don’t see how improvement in something would cause this feeling… It’s not just happyness you know.

And yes, I think you should never give time for LD’ing. You must have a mindset like: “I will have a lucid dream no matter what”. In first I thought like: “I have time, whenever I improve a little bit its good”. That I saw its not working. Now I have LD’s by will, no matter how non-vivid they are (although I didn’t will it much this month, school and stuff :sad: ).

Lucid dreams are nothing but a mindhack, its not a normal state. For a mindhack to work you need pressure on your SC, or it just won’t work. That’s how techniques work actually, you stress out your SC, and it gives you an LD to stop the stress. Once you stopped it, it stops giving out LD’s, because it has no reason to do it.

Deciding that I’m going to become lucid/remember my dreams doesn’t work for me…

I have no scientifical data to back this up,

But I believe while your experiencing a vivd LD, your brain activity spikes higher than if you were having a fuzzy ND that you can’t recall. This is why you feel energized and “alert” when its over.

I’m basing this off of personal experience, so it makes perfect sense to me… :grin:

Im usually really rubbish in the morning but I deff feel very different if Ive been LD. Its just a readiness to deal with the day, to get up, more energy to tackle the problems of that day. If I just wake up from a normal nights sleep without remembering any dreams I feel muzzy and tired, usually want to stay in bed and go back to sleep. Ive never been a morning person and I always work better at night but the times I have LD I could bounce straight out of bed and get going with little problems. They should bottle and sell LD it’d make a fortune, a new miracle cure :razz:

I would definitely but LDs in a bottle

Lucid Liquid!
-packed with your daily value of vitamin b6
-instant Sleep Paralysis

  • full and vivd recall

I can only drean about that wonderful beverage. :nuu:

I can’t stop laughting!

It would probably be the most awful experience ever. For sleep paralysis to work for LD’s, you need to adjust to it slowly (or should I just say that you must relax), so it makes no sense to go into it instantly.

:roll: True but we’re just having a bit of fun. Imagine the positive side to being able to LD at will, whenever and where-ever you want. Its the way you feel afterwards. No more Monday morning blues, problems can be sorted out during LD, no more over sleeping and grogginess in the morning. People strive for years trying to find a way to make them feel like that but if they learnt to LD they would have it. May be there should be LD workshops or study courses teaching people how to achieve LD. We all have the ability although some are more receptive than others. Its the feeling when you wake up we’re on about, thats priceless! :hyper:

Hahaha :woo: I think when I get good at LD’s, im going to brew this drink and give it to my subconcious / dream characters so it will activate everytime I dream.

This would be an awesome course in college, I know my Advanced Psychology class covers LDing breifly where you record a DJ and minor things… But IMAGINE a full course just on Lucid Dreaming. One day we can almost gaurentee Lucid Dreams to the students, and spread this great phenomenon to the entire world. I guess its our job (the youth) to shape the future of the world. :cool:

They actually have lucid dreaming camps. Many times, they are put on by neuropsychologists to raise money for further research.

:content: please let me know when you come up with a plan for making that a reality. :tongue:

EDIT ooop, sorry Faith, that was a reply to the person above you I think, we must have posted at exactly the same moment.

Are they expensive?
And is there some sort of age requirement?

I wonder what the camps are like, you’d never know if you were walking around in the dream or if your surroundings were real :content: it must be very surreal to stay in a place where people are LD all the time and everything is focussed on that one thing. I dont know if I would like it, LD has a place in my life but to be totally consumed by that would make it lose its appeal, well to me anyway.