Audio HI...

Well, this is always really interesting to me, when it happens.

Not sure if it happens to anyone of you.
Well the thing is, when you are falling asleep, you hear sounds. But not like when you think about it, but very vivid, loud sounds, most the times only for a fraction of second, before I realise what’s going on.

Sometimes when I am falling asleep, or even when awake and just zoned out or daydreaming, I can hear tiny whispers of voices calling my name. Usually I think it’s my wife calling me, but she’s not.

The times I’ve noticed it, it has been music. Once, I heard Sally’s Song from Nightmare Before Christmas. There was a discrepancy in the lyrics. Another time I heard something that sounded like some kind of Chinese music. Also, I’ve heard something that sounded rather classical. They were enjoyable experiences, and I was amazed at my brains musical talent. You think there’s a composer in all of us?

That’s HS. As we all know, dreams often have sounds. Therefore, when WILD’ing you will hear them when the dream is starting to form. Those sounds, which are part of the HI may range anywhere from people talking to music. You will start hearing them as soon as sleep paralysis hits (at least for me). At first it is simle humming, buzzing in your ears, just like a not working radio/tv. Later, as the dream starts to appear, the sounds become more recognizeable.