Creating music while dreaming

Aphex Twin gets a lot of his music from LDs

You can imagine anything, even music. I suppose some are more inclined to imagine music than others. But just think about the incredible visual detail in dreams, and remember that it is created all at once from a basis in your memory of what the world looks like. It is not imprinted images recalled as raw data, but a unique created picture, every little fraction of every second of your dream. So your brain can do the same for the auditory experience of your dream. It also makes sense that the level of attention you put on each form of sensory stimulation is recreated with the same level of care. So the experience will then be as complete as you usually pay attention to it. That is to say, if you do not usually pay close attention to what music actually sounds like, your brain might get away with an incomplete reproduction and you would not even notice, unless you pay extra attention. It would seem as complete as always to you.

i compose music and ive been inspired from music my mind has created in my dreams before :smile:

The clarity of music was one of the most amazing things in one of my first long lucid dreams. It was some bad ass techno song that my brain made up all on it’s own. What I found interesting was that I know virtually nothing about music, but my brain was able to make an entire song in real time. If we could tap into what we are able to do in dreams in real life then our species would be able to solve so many problems.

^Challenge accepted :happy: I think that’s entirely possible. Not totally sure why I have that belief, it just seems to me that everyone’s brains can’t be so different that there are such big gaps in intelligence between people. But that’s pseudo-science.

I understand -.-… I loathe forgetting a song from a dream.

@PrecisionConage I think that the pseudoscience path is definitely possible, but I believe if we have thinks like the God Helmet then we aren’t to far away from being able to have helmets that we just turn on and start dreaming while were awake. So anyone can have completely lucid dreams without even having to sleep. Think of how easy it would be for us to progress in science and technology if every engineer, scientist, ect. could just go into a dream to try out some ideas! The only problem is that the general public doesn’t know about or appreciate how great lucid dreaming could be. Until funding becomes available and we get people from different fields working on dreaming and dreaming technologies we aren’t going anywhere close to that anytime soon.

Cool topic guys, I thought I’d chime in too. I’ve not had an LD yet (soon I trust), and had been wondering about designing in LD, I have been spending a LOT of time on a 3D modelling program called autodesk inventor and had thought how cool it would be to just visualise and alsmost ‘become’ the software just thinking the shapes into being, thinking edits and seeing the design just flow together, this I will definately try.

In keeping with the original post, I played the bass (about 5yrs or so) and the cello (10yrs), still do technically but they are gathering dust for the time being, reading this post made me think how nice it would be to play in dreamland as it has really been down to lack of time and having to prioritize that I stopped playing, and see if playing songs in LD that you think are playable to you IWL can can in fact be played perfectly without prior WL practice :content: . I actually can’t wait to try this :happy: .

Yeah, I hear wonderful music in the background when I’m in a LD

The only thing about playing an instrument in a dream that I’m worried about is that I don’t have perfect or relative pitch. I think that before I try to play guitar in LDs I need to get to know the instrument better.

Does anyone know if playing a instrument in a dream has the notes in the same places as IWL or is it more like it doesn’t matter what note you hit. Is it just the note you’re thinking?

In my experience, in non-lucid dreams I play one thing and hear what I want to hear. Most of the times I’ll play some chords and think it sounds pretty good, or like a specific song, but when I wake up and play it it sounds nothing like that :tongue:

In LD’s, though, I think it’s closer, maybe even how it is IWL. But I haven’t played that many times while lucid and haven’treally experimented that much to be honest. I think it’s not something that you should worry that much about, I’m sure your SC can take care of it without a problem and make it sound ok (although your SC may also want to make it sound weird and distorted)…

Not that I no yet :content: , but I suspect if one plays and knows what the instrument should sound like IWL, to a point at which you know where the notes are without having to think about it too much, it has been taken in by the SC, and so in LD your SC should have no problem in recreating the proper playing characteristics of the real thing that, afterall it should know through your IWL playing. Possibly boost the realism by maybe a councious ‘OK, make this sound like it should’ thought would help. Just a theory :cool: .

Thanks, for the replies. Both of those seem to make sense. My SC will probably just make it sound like I want until I tell it otherwise. The whole reasoning behind wanting it to sound correct is just so I can use my dream time to practice songs, chords, scales, ect. but i guess If I know how the song sounds I can just imagine it while I play the rights spots. I may not be able to create new songs and bring them into WL but I’m sure I could once I reach a certain point of ear training. I would just have to find the WL places on my guitar for those notes.

I’m a huge music lover and I hear music in my dreams all the time. It makes me angry I don’t know how to write it down or even remember it. Cause it’s beaaautiful.

Maybe next time you hear music in a dream you should control how it sounds with things that you can use to recreate the sounds IWL so it’s more of a concrete memory. Maybe using household items or something will help you start transferring the sound of your dream music into something tangable.

Sounds… impossible but I’ll try… Mostly it’s while I’m flying or running. :happy:

There should be a LD quest to produce a song :music: :om: Gettin back on my soundwave technique wouldn’t hurt any :om:

@autumnsphere If you hear music when you FLY anythings possible haha. Ya the best song I remember I was driving on a loop made of road floating in the sky. The song fit what I was doing so good.

I’ve heard music in dreams many times, but whenever I wake up I can never remember what it was actually like, even if it was in a very vivid LD. I remember the feeling of the music, but never the actual melody. It’s rather frustrating!

Yep, there’s always music in the air…

This weird topic induced an even weirder dream. I fell asleep to a craaazy jazz piano concert, and I dreamt the music from it, it was pretty loud and repetitive. Then I experienced a false awakening, and I was BAFFLED that the music was still playing in the room while the TV was off. It was SO LOUD and psychedelic! Scary stuff. It took a lot of time for it to subside, and I thought I was going nuts. :smile: