I'm new to this - First experience

Hey there :happy:

So I stumbled around this topic because once, I’ve had a dream (about my ex-gf) and it seemed so real… I’ve asked myself several times during that dream if it was real… I came to the conclusion that it was totally real because it just felt that way… That dream was the best moment of my life… So I googled about controlling dreams just like I did and found the theory of “lucid dreaming”.

I was astonished by the fact that you could achieve control of your dreams by learning and practicing different techniques… So like every newcomer, I wanted it NOW and tried the WILD technique yesterday evening…

First, I blinked backwards, like some guides told, and said to myself: You’re going to have a lucid dream… Then, after doing that and just waiting, trying to completely loose all my muscles (it feels strange and swelling doing it) My eyes begun to close and open reeeeaaalllyyy fast! like 5-10 times per second… they did never fully open tough. So then i got a bit scared but i tought that it was okay.
So i tried to keep that feeling and some random kind of smokey thing appeared… It were just vertical smoke trails… pretty strange and then i started to randomly think about random topics… They changed every few seconds… I became a bit panic and my heart started to beat reeeeallly fast… Faster than after any run… So my panic and fear got to big…

First, I couldn’t open my eyes… after i did that, i was scared to be in a paralysis so i waited… but nothing happened so, thank god, I managed to stand up and run out of my bedroom because I was so scared…

I actually regret of fighting that… This was my first attempt.

Does this experience sound familiar to some of your’s?

Please tell me what to do… This night, I’ll try again.

Also excuse my grammar and so on… I’m 15 and from switzerland.


Good evening, Alex!

I’m fifteen, and I also dreamt about my ex-girlfriend a couple of days ago. Kind of creepy :wink:

I’ve never had a proper LD in my life, but a lot of what you described sounded familiar to me. I’ve tried WILD a few times before, both when napping, and when waking up in the middle of the night. I got a really rapid heart beat, and some of my muscles were numb and it felt like I had cramps some places on my legs. So I won’t say what you experienced was unnormal.
Just to what I’m doing; Practise, practise, practise and practise… It’s the only only thing to do to get better at something. The brain must be trained just like your muscles.
Just read tutorials and don’t give up! Other than that, I wish you good luck in your quest for meeting your lost love! (Tough I’d just recommend getting over her… I know, it’s hard… I’m actually in the process of getting over the first woman I can honestly say I loved…)

You know what? since we’re both new to lucid dreaming, why don’t you send me a PM or something, and we can stay in touch and keep each other updated on how it’s going? :smile:

Alright guys so I tried it again and this time, It was extremely hot and I had trouble on doing the WILD technique… But then, after sweating alot under the bedsheets, I actually felt nothing! from one moment to the other! And after that, I told myself: “this must be the sleep paralysis!” so after that, I tried to see some fog lining up into pictures like i did the first time… But I didn’t see anything…

I felt like hovering on my bed tough! Like a part of me was flying out of my body… or like being lifted… really strange!

After that, everything stopped tough…

I’ve read lots of tutorials and FAQ’s but does no1 have a single tip for me?


I tried WILD yesterday for the first time, i didnt feeled scared of the sleep paralysis (or something) it seemed easier to ignore the itching and moving into another position than normally, but i did ignored it all. but sometimes my eyes just opened a little bit without me doing it :\ i felt like my bed was spinning and i felt like i was sitting in the sun cause my body got really warm. Then i coudn’t feel my bed whit my fingers anymore but my heart started beating very fast to but i didn’t paniced (i think).

And how is that going to help me?^^

to let you knmow it’s normal? idk ^^