How do I get from SP to an OBE or a less complex LD?

Today in the middle of the night I realized I had sleep paralysis.

I regained awareness to ‘seeing’ (I assume this was either a dream or a hallucination) a scary female ghost figure laying on my chest. I was in my bed and at first my reaction was to try and get up because I was pretty spooked, since I couldn’t I realized I was having sleep paralysis and that the figure wasn’t real.
At this point I remembered that trying to ‘roll over’ would get me into an OBE, however I still couldn’t lift the figure or move and ended up remaining still. Immediately after this I felt incredible pain on the right side of my back. This was not real pain (which I also realized) and I tried just laying still waiting for it to go away or for something to happen. The ghost figure didn’t really do anything so I ignored it. A little bit of time passed and I couldn’t bear the feeling anymore so I just forced myself to wake up (I can somehow naturally break out of these SP incidents). So I did and rolled over to my side in real life :razz:.

I need to know, what can I, or should I do during these sleep paralysis hallucinations to have an OBE or another LD? Should I just bear with the uncomfortable pain feeling that makes me want to move or wake up? How do I move the annoying figure that bothers me? I know its not real but I cant move her, lol (I always get these figures on top of me that dont let me move). How do I get out of my dream bed?

If someone could help I’d greatly appreciate it! :happy:

First, look up some more RC’s you can do without moving. There are plenty of them, so I wont go over the list, but the “rolling over” RC has to be the worst possible one you could use. If it fails, it ruins everything.

As for the pain in your side, it could be from the position you’re laying in. I’m not entirely sure what could cause this except for vivid HI causing some kind of effect, but it should be normal. As for the person, the only thing it could be is HI. I would suggest simply forgetting about the people, once you’re in a state in which you can vividly SEE things like that, you can control them. Simply use the next things I’m about to tell you.

The most direct method of switching from the SP state into the “higher state of consciousness” would be the split-mind technique, or the usual WILD technique.
The usual WILD technique is to relax to the point to where your barely conscious of your surroundings, you’ve regressed into your mind, and your seeing all the HI passing by. After this stage, you simply relax and regress further into your mind until quite literally, all the HI take physical shape, and your seeing things passing by. This goes on until you regress, and regress, until you begin to notice some vibrations or humming noises. These are normal, but note that you may or may not experience them. If you do, simply ignore them, no matter their intensity: because believe me, if you do feel them, they may grow pretty strong, but unless it feels that your spine’s about to snap, simply continue to relax and regress until the sensations have stopped, or until you feel as if you’ve split from your physical body. After this, do a non-moving reality check, and if it works, you’ll know you just successfully achieved an OBE. (*Note: Regression means “drawing back into~”, regressing into the mind quite literally means “withdrawing your consciousness into your own mind”. This state is what you should focus on inducing right when you feel the SP come on. To induce this regression, simply let go of your body, and regroup all of your consciousness within your own head. After a bit of focus, and maybe a bit of practice, it should feel as if you have no body, or rather, your head is the only place your entire body is. After you begin the split-mind phase, your body should feel astral, like it’s in the place your imagining, but your head is still in your bed. I’ll get more into that when I describe the split-mind technique.)

Now for the split-mind technique. After your mental regression, and the SP takes over, your going to be in the phase your in now: sort of…stuck. The split-mind technique is one of the most relaxing, and allows you to visualize the place you want to start dreaming in.
Now, to start the split-mind effect, what you need to do is relax your entire body completely, if you’ve already regressed your mind, simply relax all your muscles even further. Begin relaxing your mind as well, if you’ve been straining your third eye, release it, and allow your mind to float freely. Start to imagine a single place. Imagine this place, and imagine being there. Imagine all the things in being, the wind, the sounds, the feeling of the world around you, it especially helps to imagine yourself without shoes: the feeling of the ground on your bare feet is especially helpful to “instantiate your being” into that “world”, so to speak. Imagine all of these things, and focus on your being specifically THERE. Your no longer in your bed, thinking of these dreams, your in that place you’re imagining. Simply relax, and take in all there is to see. Relax more, and more, to the point to where you quite literally feel as if your falling, or if you feel any other sensations. Now that you feel these strange things, revel in them: their one of the final steps to this technique. Simply relax further, and allow yourself to feel these things, but this is KEY: do NOT focus on them. At this point, you should be relaxed near the point of sleep, if your mind focuses on these feelings, it will shake off its’ slumber. Simply focus on where you are, and allow your mind to relax. Soon, you should feel some vibrations, or maybe hear some humming. Do the same with these as the falling sensations: do not focus on them, but allow yourself to feel them. Relax further, and further. If you ever experience the humming/vibrations, the more you relax, they should get stronger. If they get stronger, relax further, and allow your mind to continue to wander in this place you’ve created. Soon, they should stop, and the place your in should seem completely real. If you are now in fact within the dream, do an RC, and if it works, your really within the dream. If the vibrations stopped, but you still feel as if your in your waking body, do a non-moving RC, and if it works, then your within a dream.
The mind-split technique really has two methods of completion, as you may have noticed from the passage above, sometimes you may regress so far into your mind you literally begin the dream from the place you were imagining, and sometimes you simply have a normal WILD when the visualizations actually helped you to relax to the point of sleeping.
Either way, these are just two methods of entering the phase from an SP state. I’m sure you’ll find more on the internet, check out this guys videos:
He has some interesting stuff surrounding astral projection/dream-related topics.

When you say regress your mind. Can you go into more detail on how you would go about regressing? Do u mean to lose consciousness and let yourself get more lost in your thoughts? Or? I find your article very interesting and informative. But an explanation on that would be a big help

Varien; you said that there are several reality checks one can perform without having to move. I am unable to find any by searching the forums. Can you tell me where I can find a list of RCs I can perform without moving? Thanks.

“Regressing” is the term I heard when I first learned about WILD’s, and a lot of tutorials will tell you to experience the same feeling the term “regressing” actually means. To “regress” is to sort of draw-up, like say how when a spider dies, they draw their limbs inward, “regressing” into a fetal position. In this case, “regressing” into your mind would be withdrawing your physical consciousness into your head, the sensation of having no physical body. The action feels as if your body is nothing anymore, your body is not conscious past the point of your neck, therefor your body is in a sort of trance state. You can “regress” into your mind by relaxing your body to the point of feeling as if your body isn’t there anymore, all you can really feel is your consciousness past your mind.

It’s very hard to explain without a teacher explaining it to you first-hand, this is why we have astral projection teachers spreading these things out in tutoring sessions. If you could find a video over the general WILD process, they would probably try and explain a sensation of “mental regression”, accompanied by other sensations like swinging or spinning, or falling even. If you can find the series of videos by “Nick Newport”, he explains all of this pretty well, as well as quite a few other points about OBE’s.